Nearby Exoplanets
Posted: 24.07.2022, 02:43
This thread ( mirror) is a reboot of my Nearby Exoplanets project, collecting custom textures for planetary systems within 10 parsecs of the Solar System. Previously (2020-2021) these were all combined in a single addon, which is still available here. If you still want to download all of these addons at once, they're available in a Google Drive folder.
Many of these addons require an up-to-date, which you can get from GitHub. However, no specific exoplanet catalog is required. While links to are provided, keep in mind that the addons available there aren't always identical to the "Download" links. This is always a work in progress, and some systems may be listed but not have download links yet.
Some systems aren't (yet) listed here since reshuffling images between posts is annoying: Sirius, SCR J1845-6357, Gliese 440, Gliese 300, and GJ 1289.
See also: pedro_jg's brown dwarf catalog, which includes 39 brown dwarfs within 10 parsecs. Currently, addons for two of these objects are also available here: 2MASS J0348-6022 and WISE J1828+2650, which are compatible with the catalog since they use Replace statements.
Proxima & Alpha Centauri
4.3 ly | 3 stars | 2 planets
Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to the Solar System. It consists of three stars - Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus), Alpha Centauri B (Toliman), and Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf in a wide orbit around the main pair which is the nearest star to Sol.
Proxima is orbited by at least two known planets - Proxima b, a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone, and Proxima d, an inner sub-Earth. The existence of Proxima c, an outer mini-Neptune, is currently disputed. Alpha Centauri A may also host a candidate Neptune-to-Saturn size planet in its habitable zone.
Authors: SevenSpheres, fyr02, Gurren Lagann, ChelseaZ, Daly, LukeCEL, Runar Thorvaldsen, MrSpace43
Other addons (some incorporated into this version): fyr02, Gurren Lagann, ChelseaZ, MrSpace43
Download | - Last updated 2023-04-03
Barnard's Star
6.0 ly | 1 star
Barnard's Star is a red dwarf star that is the second-nearest star system to Sol, and has the highest proper motion of any star. It has had claims of planet detections by both astrometry (in 1963) and radial velocity (in 2018) that were later disproven. This addon adds a texture for the star itself.
Authors: Gurren Lagann (original release)
Download - Last updated 2023-10-08
Luhman 16
6.5 ly | 2 brown dwarfs
Luhman 16 is a binary brown dwarf system, containing the nearest brown dwarfs to Sol. The system seems to be fairly young, with an age of about 510 million years. Observations using the Very Large Telescope have allowed the creation of a map of Luhman 16 B.
Authors: Steve Bowers
Download | - Last updated 2023-05-20
WISE J0855-0714
7.4 ly | 1 brown dwarf
WISE 0855-0714 is a very cool, planetary mass, free-floating Y-dwarf, which could be considered a rogue planet. It is the closest celestial object to the Sirius system. (Moon in image not included.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, cubicApoc
Download | - Last updated 2023-05-20
Wolf 359
7.9 ly | 1 star
Wolf 359 is a red dwarf star, which is likely orbited by a planet found by a preliminary survey in 2019, with a second candidate planet having been refuted in 2021. (Trolligi's textures set as default; image using alternate surface.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, Trolligi (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Lalande 21185
8.3 ly | 1 star | 2 planets
Lalande 21185 (also known as Gliese 411) is a red dwarf star which hosts two known planets, a super-Earth and one of the few known Neptune analogues, discovered in 2019 & 2021.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-05
Ran / Epsilon Eridani
10.5 ly | 1 star | 1 planet
Epsilon Eridani (also named Ran) is a fairly young star system with multiple debris disks. It has one confirmed planet, the Jupiter analogue Epsilon Eridani b (also named Ægir), with one or two additional planet candidates having been proposed based on disk morphology.
Authors: SevenSpheres | Other addon: Chara (
Download | - Last updated 2024-02-06
Gliese 887 / Lacaille 9352
10.7 ly | 1 star | 2 planets
Gliese 887, also known as Lacaille 9352, is a red dwarf star which hosts two known planets, both super-Earths or mini-Neptunes in relatively close orbits, confirmed in 2020.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-06
Ross 128
11.0 ly | 1 star | 1 planet
Ross 128 is a red dwarf star orbited by a single known planet, which is likely terrestrial and orbits near the inner edge of the habitable zone.
Authors: Gurren Lagann (original release), trappistplanets (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Gliese 725 / Struve 2398
11.5 ly | 2 stars
Gliese 725, also known as Struve 2398, is a binary star system consisting of two red dwarfs. The secondary star is likely orbited by two planets, found by a preliminary survey in 2019. (Trolligi's textures set as default; image using alternate surfaces.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, Trolligi (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-09
Gliese 15 / Groombridge 34
11.6 ly | 2 stars | 2 planets
Gliese 15, also known as Groombridge 34, is a binary star system consisting of two red dwarfs. The secondary star hosts two known planets, discovered in 2014 & 2018.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-09
Epsilon Indi
11.9 ly | 1 star | 2 brown dwarfs | 1 planet
Epsilon Indi is a K-type star with a pair of brown dwarfs orbiting it at a wide distance. The primary star hosts one known planet, the super-Jupiter Epsilon Indi Ab, confirmed in 2018. This planet was directly imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope in 2023 and is currently the nearest imaged exoplanet.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Tau Ceti
11.9 ly | 1 star | 4 planets
Tau Ceti is the nearest single G-type star to Sol. It is known to have a debris disk, and likely at least four planets, including two super-Earths or mini-Neptunes orbiting near the habitable zone. This addon textures the four strong planet candidates and two additional candidates.
Authors: fyr02 (original release), SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2023-07-23
GJ 1061
12.0 ly | 1 star | 3 planets
GJ 1061 is a red dwarf star which hosts three known planets, all of which are likely terrestrial. The outer planet (d) orbits within the habitable zone, while the middle planet (c) is near the inner edge.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2023-07-29
YZ Ceti
12.1 ly | 1 star | 3 planets
YZ Ceti is a red dwarf star which hosts three known hot terrestrial planets, one potentially smaller than Earth, discovered in 2017. The system is only about 1.6 light-years from Tau Ceti. Radio emissions have been observed from the star, caused by magnetic interaction with the innermost planet, YZ Ceti b.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-11-25
Many of these addons require an up-to-date, which you can get from GitHub. However, no specific exoplanet catalog is required. While links to are provided, keep in mind that the addons available there aren't always identical to the "Download" links. This is always a work in progress, and some systems may be listed but not have download links yet.
Some systems aren't (yet) listed here since reshuffling images between posts is annoying: Sirius, SCR J1845-6357, Gliese 440, Gliese 300, and GJ 1289.
See also: pedro_jg's brown dwarf catalog, which includes 39 brown dwarfs within 10 parsecs. Currently, addons for two of these objects are also available here: 2MASS J0348-6022 and WISE J1828+2650, which are compatible with the catalog since they use Replace statements.
Proxima & Alpha Centauri
4.3 ly | 3 stars | 2 planets
Alpha Centauri is the nearest star system to the Solar System. It consists of three stars - Alpha Centauri A (Rigil Kentaurus), Alpha Centauri B (Toliman), and Proxima Centauri, a red dwarf in a wide orbit around the main pair which is the nearest star to Sol.
Proxima is orbited by at least two known planets - Proxima b, a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone, and Proxima d, an inner sub-Earth. The existence of Proxima c, an outer mini-Neptune, is currently disputed. Alpha Centauri A may also host a candidate Neptune-to-Saturn size planet in its habitable zone.
Authors: SevenSpheres, fyr02, Gurren Lagann, ChelseaZ, Daly, LukeCEL, Runar Thorvaldsen, MrSpace43
Other addons (some incorporated into this version): fyr02, Gurren Lagann, ChelseaZ, MrSpace43
Download | - Last updated 2023-04-03
Barnard's Star
6.0 ly | 1 star
Barnard's Star is a red dwarf star that is the second-nearest star system to Sol, and has the highest proper motion of any star. It has had claims of planet detections by both astrometry (in 1963) and radial velocity (in 2018) that were later disproven. This addon adds a texture for the star itself.
Authors: Gurren Lagann (original release)
Download - Last updated 2023-10-08
Luhman 16
6.5 ly | 2 brown dwarfs
Luhman 16 is a binary brown dwarf system, containing the nearest brown dwarfs to Sol. The system seems to be fairly young, with an age of about 510 million years. Observations using the Very Large Telescope have allowed the creation of a map of Luhman 16 B.
Authors: Steve Bowers
Download | - Last updated 2023-05-20
WISE J0855-0714
7.4 ly | 1 brown dwarf
WISE 0855-0714 is a very cool, planetary mass, free-floating Y-dwarf, which could be considered a rogue planet. It is the closest celestial object to the Sirius system. (Moon in image not included.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, cubicApoc
Download | - Last updated 2023-05-20
Wolf 359
7.9 ly | 1 star
Wolf 359 is a red dwarf star, which is likely orbited by a planet found by a preliminary survey in 2019, with a second candidate planet having been refuted in 2021. (Trolligi's textures set as default; image using alternate surface.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, Trolligi (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Lalande 21185
8.3 ly | 1 star | 2 planets
Lalande 21185 (also known as Gliese 411) is a red dwarf star which hosts two known planets, a super-Earth and one of the few known Neptune analogues, discovered in 2019 & 2021.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-05
Ran / Epsilon Eridani
10.5 ly | 1 star | 1 planet
Epsilon Eridani (also named Ran) is a fairly young star system with multiple debris disks. It has one confirmed planet, the Jupiter analogue Epsilon Eridani b (also named Ægir), with one or two additional planet candidates having been proposed based on disk morphology.
Authors: SevenSpheres | Other addon: Chara (
Download | - Last updated 2024-02-06
Gliese 887 / Lacaille 9352
10.7 ly | 1 star | 2 planets
Gliese 887, also known as Lacaille 9352, is a red dwarf star which hosts two known planets, both super-Earths or mini-Neptunes in relatively close orbits, confirmed in 2020.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-06
Ross 128
11.0 ly | 1 star | 1 planet
Ross 128 is a red dwarf star orbited by a single known planet, which is likely terrestrial and orbits near the inner edge of the habitable zone.
Authors: Gurren Lagann (original release), trappistplanets (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Gliese 725 / Struve 2398
11.5 ly | 2 stars
Gliese 725, also known as Struve 2398, is a binary star system consisting of two red dwarfs. The secondary star is likely orbited by two planets, found by a preliminary survey in 2019. (Trolligi's textures set as default; image using alternate surfaces.)
Authors: SevenSpheres, Trolligi (original release)
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-09
Gliese 15 / Groombridge 34
11.6 ly | 2 stars | 2 planets
Gliese 15, also known as Groombridge 34, is a binary star system consisting of two red dwarfs. The secondary star hosts two known planets, discovered in 2014 & 2018.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-08-09
Epsilon Indi
11.9 ly | 1 star | 2 brown dwarfs | 1 planet
Epsilon Indi is a K-type star with a pair of brown dwarfs orbiting it at a wide distance. The primary star hosts one known planet, the super-Jupiter Epsilon Indi Ab, confirmed in 2018. This planet was directly imaged by the James Webb Space Telescope in 2023 and is currently the nearest imaged exoplanet.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2024-09-08
Tau Ceti
11.9 ly | 1 star | 4 planets
Tau Ceti is the nearest single G-type star to Sol. It is known to have a debris disk, and likely at least four planets, including two super-Earths or mini-Neptunes orbiting near the habitable zone. This addon textures the four strong planet candidates and two additional candidates.
Authors: fyr02 (original release), SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2023-07-23
GJ 1061
12.0 ly | 1 star | 3 planets
GJ 1061 is a red dwarf star which hosts three known planets, all of which are likely terrestrial. The outer planet (d) orbits within the habitable zone, while the middle planet (c) is near the inner edge.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2023-07-29
YZ Ceti
12.1 ly | 1 star | 3 planets
YZ Ceti is a red dwarf star which hosts three known hot terrestrial planets, one potentially smaller than Earth, discovered in 2017. The system is only about 1.6 light-years from Tau Ceti. Radio emissions have been observed from the star, caused by magnetic interaction with the innermost planet, YZ Ceti b.
Authors: SevenSpheres
Download | - Last updated 2022-11-25