... .0pre5.exe
The list of issues to fix for 1.5.0 final has dwindled, so this should be the last prerelease that's not a release candidate. That is, the build of Celestia after 1.5.0pre5 will become 1.5.0 final unless bugs are found in it.
Any bugs remaining in this version of Celestia should have tracker bugs filed: ... tid=121302
Here is a list of changes since 1.5.0pre4:
Code: Select all
* Added new marker shapes to popup menu
* Fixed cel URL handler to avoid opening of empty tab in Konqueror
* Fixed window being resized when URL is activated by another app
* CelestialBrowser improvements:
- Show satellites of satellites
- Don't display barycenters and invisible objects
- Added new body classifications: small body and dwarf planet
* Filtered invisible objects and barycenters from popup menu
* Fixed bug in popup menu and solar system browser with objects with empty
name strings
* Fixed bug in 'Set current time' action for Windows Set Time dialog; UTC to
TDB correction was not being applied.
* Added more info to OpenGL Info window
* Added satellites submenu to context menu
* Added Julian date setting to Set Time dialog
* Bound Shift+K and Shift+L key combinations to adjust time by factor of 2
* Enabled relative paths for InfoURLs
* Fixed pause behavior with cel URLs and bookmarks (non-Windows platforms)
* Include star system barycenters in cel URL paths
* New extrasolar planets: OGLE-TR-182 b, WASP-3 b, 55 Cnc f, Lupus-TR-3 b,
OGLE-TR-211 b, HD 156846 b, HD 4113 b, Kap CrB b, GD 66 b
* Brightened grid and constellation border colors
* Fixed incorrect assert in Windows fullscreen mode selection (caused app crash
when switching to fullscreen mode.)
* Switched to double precision arithmetic for orbits to avoid rendering
* Use cubic interpolation for orbits paths to eliminate sharp angles when
rendering them
* Removed fractional part in the display of galaxy light gain
* Fixed bug in calendar date calculation for negative Julian dates and
dates far in the past or future.
* Changed quaternion slerp so shortest path is taken when interpolating
orientations. Prevents extra spinning when using SampledOrientatin.
* Implemented SampledTrajectory, a new trajectory type similar to
SampledOrbit except with properties to control interpolation and precision.
* Fixed bug with showing labels of objects with empty name strings
* Replaced month number with name abbreviation in date display
* Fixed inconsistent operation of mouse wheel reverse flag
* Fixed some memory leaks
* Fixed depth sorting of labels for solar system objects
* Fixed broken shaders for atmospheres of planets orbiting multiple suns
* Re-enabled stellar corona effect
Added capability to set default star textures via celestia.cfg
* Switched to using different star textures for different spectral classes
* Fixed frame related bug that caused a body to be positioned incorrectly
when the star of its orbit frame didn't match the namespace root star.
* Added RA/Dec to selection information (using observer centered coordinate
* Removed hardcoded limit on max number of nearby solar systems when rendering
(fixes a crashing bug.)
* Added untranslated "Sun" name so that scripts and add-ons using that name
aren't broken on non-English versions
* Added translation for "Milky Way"
* Rearranged some galaxy rendering code to increase performance
* Added code to skip deep sky object octree traversal when all deep sky objects
are disabled.
* Added POINT, LINES, and LINE_SMOOTH OpenGL enumerants
* Added code to skip rendering when viewer isn't moving and no changes have bee
made to render state (currently disabled)
In addition, there's some test code enabled on Windows that allows you to show body axes, frame axes, sun and velocity vectors for objects via the popup menu.