danielj wrote:Sorry, I don?€™t know how I can get this know-how. Anyway, sooner or later, someone will get available some new textures based in CICLOP maps fixed. If Celestia starts to be a program DO IT YOURSELF, I will never update this program again, because I?€™m only a final end user. I don?€™t like the path Celestia is going...
Danielj, you CANNOT say that Celestia is a "do it yourself" program.
In Celestial Matters there are Fridger's Japetus, Titan and Tethys new textures, in Motherlode there are a lot of other Saturn moons by jeans, guest_io, Mcwgogs, and all of them are bigger and more detailed than the ones supplied with the Celestia installation pack; in the Forum there are zillions of posts that give all the needed info to substitute your Celestia textures with the new ones, so you can do it easily, obtaining a Saturn moons group much more detailed than the "standard" one.
So what is your problem?
Do you have too much to do to waste some time to search (as I did) in your Photoshop ?€?Help?€