Large rings are not rendered when far away

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Large rings are not rendered when far away

Post #1by selden » 24.11.2002, 21:12

In Celestia 1.2.5pre7, if one has a very large ring system around an object, the rings are not rendered when one is far enough away for the central object not to be rendered.

Please consider the outer diameter of the ring, if any, when deciding whether to render an object.

This would make it possible to define ring systems around stars by defining a fake planet (inside the star) with an extensive ring system.

Of course, one could also create such a ring system by defining a gazillion asteroids with varying albedos, but that'd be a bit much :)

Alternatively, being able to directly define rings around stars would be good, too.


Alredy been don

Post #2by Auscreely » 26.11.2002, 01:13

that is wat I use for an astorid belt.

I put a planit inside the sun, and gave it rings with a picture of the astorid belt on them.

P.S. it is actuly more than one ring so it dosent reapeat, I did this by makeing one section of the rings a picture and the rest transperent, then another ring to fill in the gaps.

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Post #3by selden » 26.11.2002, 01:31


What you describe sounds like it should look quite good.
How big is your asteroid belt, though?

The problem I'm having is when I want the asteroid belt to be as large as our solar system -- or even just out to the orbit of the Earth. When I back off about 4AU to admire it, any ring system I define gets turned off. :(

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Large rings are not rendered when far away

Post #4by chris » 26.11.2002, 01:49

selden wrote:In Celestia 1.2.5pre7, if one has a very large ring system around an object, the rings are not rendered when one is far enough away for the central object not to be rendered.

Please consider the outer diameter of the ring, if any, when deciding whether to render an object.

Yes, this is an oversight and needs to be fixed . . . It's an easy change to make. I'd suggest using a .3ds model for a dust ring around a star, however. There's quite a bit more flexibility with this method.



Try this

Post #5by auscreely » 26.11.2002, 02:57

Just try putting a ring orbiting the sun not with a planit :D


I ment

Post #6by auscreely » 27.11.2002, 05:54

I ment remoov the planit from the .ssc and only leav the rings.

this actuly works :D

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