Here are some screenshots
other screenshots on the french forum: ... wtopic=243
Comme sur le forum francophone : pense ? interligner tes images, Linuxman, sinon cel? donne un message tr??s ?©tendu en largeur, moins ais?©ment lisible que l'habituel d?©filement haut/bas. Jeamlinuxm@n wrote:Thanks, more some screnshots of the firt Soyouz model, saliout6 and the russian lunar module.Linuxman
bh wrote:Very nice looking models...well done!
You're absolutely right Selden, Linuxman based this model upon the Lunniy Korabl (Lunar wessel, IIRC) project. And, yes, the N1 explosions (just after the launches ( 2/21/ 69 ; 7/3/69; 7/27/71 and 11/23/72 ) stopped the lunar program... Jeam.selden wrote:It certainly resembles the LK lander design.
There are quite a few articles on Astronautix about the Soviet manned Lunar landing program. Apparently it didn't happen because their N1 launch vehicle never got off the ground.
linuxm@n wrote:Very nice looking models...well done!
The soyouz tma2 is flying in the 1988 1991 period.
Code: Select all
"Soyouz-TMA2" "Sol/Earth" # Mission "Agate"
Class "spacecraft"
Mesh "soyuztma2.3ds"
Radius 0.0046
Beginning "2003 04 26" # D?©collage de Ba??konour le 26 avril 2003 ? 03:53:52 TU
Ending "2003 10 28" # Rentr?©e le 28 octobre 2003 ? 02:40:20 TU pr??s de Arkalyk
Code: Select all
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You can see little pics of this nice stuffs (remember, it is a beta for this moment) in my cat' where I try to comment them ( for example, and other pages about spacecrafts...) And yes, later, I would also use thumbnails, with more great pics linked, but I have no time to refressh dozains of pics now, sorryTelepath wrote:One more suggestion Linux@man,
Very nice images in this thread but they are very large. Can I suggest you replace them with thumb-nailed images which will make the thread faster and easier to read.
(For dial-up users it takes so long to load them all, you get sick of waiting.
For broadband users, speed's obviously not an issue, but still could be a couple of megabytes out of your quota every time you re-visit the thread.)
Just a little one, Linuxman: don't hesitate to ask here some help for the .ssc commands of the numerous vessels you provided. The net references are various, and some provide numerous errors (yes, really!)... so, the little notes I have send to you last hour were a little test to correct/add your first ones, but for perfect accuracy, honestly, you can ask here for completion. Jeamlinuxm@n wrote:thanks for all suggestions