Here's the final release of the overlay image/text functions. This version allow the user to display :
- any overlay image during a script => ScriptImage function
- any overlay image during navigation => InfoImage Function
- any overlay text during navigation => InfoText Function
> You can find information about how to use the ScriptImage function here :
> To display InfoImage and InfoText on screen, you only have to press the [V] key several times to choose the 'Ultra Verbose' mode, or to check the 'Ultra verbose' button in the "Render > View options" Menu.
Based on the same use as the InfoURL function, any object can have specific InfoImage and InfoText that will be displayed when the object is selected and the 'Ultra Verbose' mode activated.
For example, if you want to add InfoText and InfoImage for Saturn's moon Titan, just add these lines in the .ssc definition of Titan in solarsys.ssc :
Code: Select all
InfoImage "infoimage_Titan.jpg"
InfoText "
Discovered by Christiaan Huygens
Date of discovery 1655
Mass (kg) 1.35e+23
Mass (Earth = 1) 2.2590e-02
Or just add this .ssc file in your extras folder :
Code: Select all
Modify "Titan" "Sol/Saturn"
InfoImage "infoimage_Titan.jpg"
InfoText "
Discovered by Christiaan Huygens
Date of discovery 1655
Mass (kg) 1.35e+23
Mass (Earth = 1) 2.2590e-02
Image files (like infoimage_Titan.jpg) must be placed in the 'images/infoimages' subfolder. Their dimensions must be power of 2 : 128, 256, 512, 1024. The 3 standard formats for Celestia are accepted : jpg, png and dds.
- The InfoText and InfoImage functions can be applied to every Celestia-object :
- Bodies (planets, moons, asteroids, comets and spacecrafts)
- Locations
- Stars (and barycenters)
- Deepsky Objects (galaxies, nebulae, open clusters)
- InfoText examples are available for Mercury, Venus, the Earth, the Moon, Mars, Titan, Apollo 11 landing site, the Sun and the Milky Way.
- InfoImage examples are available for Mars, Titan, Apollo 11 landing site, the Sun and the Milky Way.
Here are some screenshots for Titan / Apollo 11 landing site / the Sun / the Milky Way :

Here are the links to download the needed files :
- Windows (.exe): ...
> As usual, just unzip and paste the content of the celestia_win32_1.4.1_patch3 folder into your main Celestia folder. No file will be overwritten.
- Modified source files for compilation (gtk and kde files included) : ...
> If you want to check the changes, just make a search for 'Vincent'.