Jestr's UK map

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Jestr's UK map

Post #1by littleredman » 22.11.2005, 23:27

Does anyone know if Jestr is going to continue with his mapping of the UK? So far it's got a lot of the South and is brilliant! I live up North though :(

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Post #2by jestr » 23.11.2005, 00:46

Actually,I have started again,in more detail.I realised when I got to the Isle of Wight that it was getting horibly inaccurate,I now have the tools to make 2k level12 tiles totally accurately positioned (well to within a couple of 10,000ths of a degree),however I have also been painting by hand a specular map of the UK (which slows the process considerably).So far I have completed about as much as I did before and it takes up about 7Gb on my hard drive,so I'm a little dubious about being able to send it on to the Motherlode (and about whether it infringes anyones copyright).
Here's a picture of Weymouth harbour
Of course I would like to do all the UK,but it is very time consuming and I lose interest after a while,Cheers Jestr

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Post #3by rthorvald » 23.11.2005, 02:16

jestr wrote:it takes up about 7Gb on my hard drive,so I'm a little dubious about being able to send it on to the Motherlode (and about whether it infringes anyones copyright)

Well, sharing such huge files would be impractical via http, but you could consider using bittorrent or something similar... As for the copyright, resolve it simply by asking any interested parties.

No matter what you do, do post more screenshots!


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Post #4by Cham » 23.11.2005, 02:18

Yeah! Show us where you live ! :lol:
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Post #5by medusa » 23.11.2005, 09:04


I love that hires map, especially if including your Stonehenge addon. I use it as "Stonehenge Starflight Base", and it's really fine to start into space and to see the fields of South England slowly disappear.
I live in Germany, but a couple of years ago I visited Stonehenge. :wink:

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Post #6by littleredman » 23.11.2005, 11:23

Jestr that's awesome.

I understand that the chances are you won't finish, because of the time it takes. Is there any chance at all I could request you complete East Yorkshire in that amount of detail? I would download it in a second and I'm sure others would even if they're not familiar with the area!


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Post #7by jestr » 24.11.2005, 01:32

Hi everyone,tried to upload some more screenshots,but geocities and image shack were being uncooperative today.Littleredman,if I did your neck of the woods,in isolation it would not match with the surrounding area assuming I get that far in the future.Some of the new files are already available (thanks to Psykotik) via Emule.If you do a search for 'jmii' you should find the Devon and Cornwall files,they are each about 600Mb zipped up if I remember correctly and in dds format.I will try to make the rest of what I have done so far available this way in the near future,
ps thanks to Neil F for helping me to put the image files together,cheers Jestr

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Post #8by maxim » 24.11.2005, 18:09

Boy, you are crazy :D

Did you ask Runar to make the ships moving?

maxim :wink:
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Post #9by jestr » 27.11.2005, 04:50

Yes,I admit it-totally crazy,moving ships sounds like a great idea,and what about low and high tides while I'm at it!
Anyhow,I've re-arranged my hires textures into more manageable chunks,naming them after the level8 tiles for that region of UK,like so

So if you search for JMII (or jmii) on Emule you should find the zip files named ,for example
In these zips you will find the level8 tile and all the subsequent level9,level10,level11,and 2k level12 tiles for that region.The levels 11 and 12 tiles will only work in Celestia v.1.4.0 pre6 (and maybe7?).I will try to have Emule running on my computer as often as possible,and if a few people download them and keep them shared it should be a bit quicker download.Obviously some of these files will overlap with the zip files named Devon and Cornwall-so if you have already downloaded these you may have some sorting to do.I will keep you updated on my progress as and when I finish more tiles.Hope you like them,Jestr

EDIT:Just finished the tx_254_55 tile (Southampton area)-available as above

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Post #10by Psykotik » 09.12.2005, 13:57

Hi Jestr,

Could you send me the "officials" links to your british addons :lol: Emule files have already began to spread, and so duplications have. It would be better to keep a unique emule links listing.

BTW, have I to stop sharing Devon and Cornwall ? Is everything included in your new addons ?

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Post #11by jestr » 09.12.2005, 16:44

Hi Psykotik,I will send all of the Emule links later tonight in an Email,it would be better if you stopped sharing the Devon and Cornwall packs as they are all covered by the new addons and will just cause confusion.I will also see how big the files are if I only go to level10 and then maybe upload these to the motherlode,cheers Jestr

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Post #12by jestr » 15.12.2005, 21:14

I have now uploaded levels8-10 of the above mentioned maps in one zip file to the Motherlode.You can find it here

This file is much more accurate than the previous version and as it is in DDS format also has a specular map for each tile in the alpha channel.Obviously they are not as detailed as the level12 tiles above ,but much smaller download.Here is a screenshot of Portsmouth harbour


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