How many of you have a Geforce 6 series?

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How many of you have a Geforce 6 series?

Post #1by danielj » 30.07.2005, 00:34

I am thinking in buying a Geforce 6 6600 GT or a 6800,as I told before.But aside Fightspit who has a Geforce 7800 GTX ,I didn??t see any signature with a Geforce 6.Does anyone have one?Is Celestia rendering and frame rate improved under this video cards,in comparison with a Geforce 4 Ti or Geforce FX?

Posts: 10192
Joined: 04.09.2002
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Location: NY, USA

Post #2by selden » 30.07.2005, 11:01

I have a 6600GT in my new system. Graphic benchmarks like 3DMark 2005 and AquaMark3 claim that it's about 10x as fast as my old system. While it certainly is more responsive, it doesn't "feel" that much faster -- maybe 2-3x. Remember that a better graphics card improves only part of the performance. CPU, memory and disk affect it, too.

Old system:
256MB, 2x 500MHz P3; WinXP Pro, SP2
AGP2x, 128MB FX5700LE, ForceWare v66.?? (don't recall)
18GB, 7200RPM, SCSI Seagate ST318275LC

New system:
1GB, 3.4GHz P4-550; WinXP Pro, SP2
16xPCI-e, 128MB GF6600GT, ForceWare v77.72
120GB, 7200RPM, SATA Seagate ST3120827AS

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