Update! HD 28185 Photo Album and System Info Project Update!

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Don. Edwards
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Update! HD 28185 Photo Album and System Info Project Update!

Post #1by Don. Edwards » 10.04.2005, 03:02

Hi Everyone,
I have prepared a small photo album of the present state of the HD 28185 system add-on but since the Celestia Gallery has been down for some time and doesn?€™t appear to be coming back I have to do this in here. And yes it is still being worked on. More so than any of you could imagine. This add-on in its first incarnation was first released to the community back in June 2002. It has been almost three years in the making and I can promise that it is probably the single largest add-on ever undertaken by one person. Although the system contains only six planets it is the moons and other objects that truly make up the add-on. At present count there are 33+ Moons, 550+ Asteroids, and several Rouge bodies such as Comets and small Planetoids.
I am seriously thinking of breaking the Add-on into separate pieces. There would be the main system and than subset add-ons such as the asteroid belt and rouge bodies. This will let the user only use the parts they want without taxing there computer and video card. Of course those who have the computer power and good 128mb or better video card will want to go all the way I hope. So here is a little photo album to give you an idea of were things stand with the textures with some information about each world. BTW look to the bottom for an explanation of the naming scheme I came up with.
Enjoy. :wink:

HD 28185

Constellation: Eridanus
Right Ascension: 04 26 26.3205
Declination: -10 33 02.955
Distance from Sol: 129.03 Light Years
Spectral Type: G5
Apparent Magnitude: 7.8
B-V Color: 0.75
Mass: 0.9 Solar Masses
Radius: 1.05 Solar Radii
Effective Temperature: 5705 Kelvin
Metallicity: 0.24 [Fe/H] 1.73 times Solar
Rotation: 2.5 km/s
Inner Edge of Habitability Zone: 0.51 AU
Outer Edge of Habitability Zone: 1.59 AU
Estimated Stellar Lifespan 13717 million years

Askja - fictional planet
Innermost planet in the system and much like Mercury but closer in size to Mars. Some time in its not so distant past Askja was struck by a fairly large asteroid. The collision created an incredible impact basin that filled with magma and created a maria like feature. The shockwaves from the collision traveled through the planet and out to the opposite side. Here the shockwaves fractures the mantel and crust forming large cracks and dikes. These then fill with magma and were left as dark lines all over the far side of the impact.

Asteroid belt - fictional
Lays in roughly the orbit of what would be Venus in our system. It was created by Erebus?€™ migration into the inner planetary system. Several small proto-planets were in this region and as Erebus migrated they were thrown on a collision course. After they were all but totally destroyed Erebus?€™ continued to perturb there orbits keeping them from reforming into new planets.

Erebus - HD 28185 b - Known Gas Giant Planet
The first exoplanet discovered with a circular orbit within its star's habitable zone. The planet is thought to be a Water Giant. Meaning it is made up of the same material most gas giants are, hydrogen, helium, etc.. But it also is purported to have a great deal water in its atmosphere in the form of clouds of ice crystals. This would give the planet a very white appearance with the occasional outcropping of other more rich colored gases from beneath the white cloud deck.
Erebus did not form in its present day position but much farther out in the system. Possibly as far as 7 AU?€™s, it then started to migrate inward. As it did it disrupted the nice orderly system of planets that orbited HD 28185. Many of them were thrown out into space never to be seen again. Some of the lucky ones were merely put into new orbits.
When Erebus finally reached it present orbit it had all but totally remodeled the inner planetary system. As one of the consequences of this migration many of Erebus?€™ moons were totally changed by collisions and the increase in temperature. Many had gathered up enough new material available from the move into the inner planetary system and have grown to full sized planets in there own right.

Basic Data
Parent Star: HD 28185 (G5)
Discovery Status: Confirmed
Planet Type: Water Giant
Habitability: Planet at Earthlike Temperatures at Mean Orbital Distance

Physical Data
Mass ( M sin i ): 5.6 Jupiters
Periastron Distance: 0.94 AU
Mean Distance: 1 AU
Apastron Distance: 1.06 AU
Orbital Period: 385 Days
Radial Velocity of Star: 168 m/s

Inferred Properties

Average Angular Size of Star: 0.558?°
Planet Appearance: White water ice clouds
Periastron Temp: 260 Kelvin
Mean Temp: 252 Kelvin
Apastron Temp: 245 Kelvin
Hill Sphere: 0.125 AU / 18780000 km
Tidally locked if older than: Orbit too eccentric for 1:1 tidal lock
Calculated Bond Albedo: ~ 0.79

Galeras - fictional moon
A moon the size of Mars that is constantly being tidally stretched by Erebus and its outer moons. There is heavy volcanic activity and the crust is often split to allow magma to flow to the surface. A moon in constant change.

Pavant - fictional moon
Larger than Galeras, Pavant is also tidaly pulled by Erebus and the outer moons but to a much less degree. It is large enough to maintain its own internal heat through radioactive decay. Its surface is largely vast outpourings of basaltic magma and very mountainous regions. There is a substantial atmosphere that is chemically similar to Venus'. It even looks a little like Venus except that its cloud cover isn't nearly as thick.

Kell - fictional moon
Kell is nearly 3/4 the diameter Earth. It has a very dynamic surface that has the earliest signs of true plate tectonics. It has a substantial atmosphere made up of mostly CO2, Methane, and other trace gases. It has large bodies of water on its surface that seem to have very primitive forms life in them. Kell orbits at the edge of Erebus' intense radiation field and this is the only reason life seems to gotten a foothold here. Higher forms of life such as humans would be fried by the amount of radiation on Kell's surface.

Yantarni - fictional moon
Yantarni is the size of Earth. Its surface is wrapped by shallow oceans that cover 85% of its surface. The oceans as well as the landmasses contain a great variety of life forms. Many have parallels to the life forms on Earth. Because Erebus' obliquity is only 10 degrees It and its moons do not have much in the way of seasons. Because of this and its slower rotation than Earth of 32 hours Yantarni receives more solar radiation across its surface and equator. It tends to have a more tropical climate across most of its surface changing to more temperate the farther north or south you go or the higher up in elevation. Most of the continents girdle the equatorial zone. There are only small islands it the arctic regions. Because the surface is covered by more water in area than the Earth, Yantarni atmosphere generates cyclonic storms that can move across the vast oceans for great distances before reaching landfall. And because Yantarni's oceans are warmer than Earths the storms tend to be more powerful. There are areas on several of the landmasses were these storms regularly come ashore and cause damage. The largest continent is actually two continents that have collided to form one. Most of the western continent has subducted under the eastern one. This has given rise the moons highest mountain range. Composed of fold and volcanic peaks it stretches from one end of the continent to the other. On the east side of this mountain range is Yantarni's only desert. Yantarni's similarities to Earth are many but there are also many differences.

Methana - fictional moon
At nearly the size of Yantarni, Methana is also a living breathing world. Methana is almost an opposite to its sister moon. Its surface is nearly 75% covered by landmass. The small oceans and seas on its surface are barely large enough to help keep any plate tectonics active. Methana's surface is covered by vast tropical forests and large open grassland savannas in the inner portions of its continents. The weather while always warm and humid is tempered by the fact that very seldom do severe storms ever form in its seas or oceans. The life forms here are mostly of land living types. The seas and oceans also hold a great variety of life forms which some are very similar to those found on Yantarni. Because of the low level of plate tectonics on Methana there are no very high mountains here. The highest peaks are almost all volcanic in origin. Methena's day is 26 hours long.

Hekla - fictional moon
Hekla is a dry dying world. Because its orbit around Erebus takes it closer to its sun than the other inner moons its temperature swings to the hot side. Then on its swing back around Erebus it reaches farther from its sun that it inner sister moons. Always caught between fire and freeze no life seems to ever have gotten a foothold here. the surface is rough and eroded. But at one time in its past there must have been a much wetter climate. There seems to be evidence that there were vast seas and possibly oceans here at one time, but they have long since disappeared. Most likely evaporating into the atmosphere and then leaking into space. There are signs of some recent volcanic activity but not anything major on this slightly larger than Mars world. This moon appears to be headed in the same direction that Mars took. Although unlike Mars Hekla still has a substantial atmosphere of CO2 and other trace gases, there is really no weather here to speak of. On a very rare occasion the clouds many thicken enough for some rain or snow to fall on the dry surface, it soon evaporates back into the atmosphere.

Kos - fictional moon
Kos is one of the lucky planetesimals that was captured by Erebus instead of being thrown out of the system . It is a rocky cratered barren world without and atmosphere. There is evidence of an active past but no sign of any recent surface activity.

Spurr - fictional moon
The outermost of Erebus' natural moons. Since the migration into the inner planetary system Spurr has lost all of its ices to space through sublimation. What is left is left is the rocky core that has been battered many times by impacts.

Opala - fictional planet
Opala is the next planet out from Erebus but started out in a much different orbit. Opala was another of the lucky planets to survive the migration of Erebus. Erebus threw Opala into a new but fairly eccentric resonate orbit. Most of its small moons were lost as a result of the orbital shift. Opala is a Panthalassic planet. That is that it is a rocky world twice the size of the Earth with a subsurface of water ice and then above that a vast world wide ocean hundreds of kilometer deep. In all this makes the planet about half the diameter of Neptune. There are immense cyclonic storms that girdle both sides of the planets equatorial zone. These storms tend to last for months on end and then they are replaced by new ones as the cycle goes on. Could there be life on such a world?

Elbrus- fictional moon
Elbrus is about the size of our moon and is Opala?€™s sole surviving natural moon. It orbits Opala much closer than our moon does to Earth and as such receives tidal flexing between its parent and the larger outer captured moon. Elbrus surface is constantly be resurfaced every couple of million years. The surface is a dark basalt with areas stained by high concentrations of sulfur. The moon would have a low reflectively point if it were not for its clouds of frozen water crystals.

Arenal - fictional moon
Arenal is almost a twin to Mars in many ways and in fact was a planet unto its own right until Erebus came along. It was yet another casualty do to the migration of Erebus. It was also thrown out of the inner planetary system were it originally had a much warmer orbit. Lucky for Arenal on its outward journey it past close enough to Opala for it to be captured and go into a stable but eccentric orbit. It is a cold arid planet that at one time in its past shows signs everywhere that it was warmer and wetter. Arenal is where Mars was several billion years ago. Most of its water has leeched into space or gone underground. The atmosphere is still thick enough for liquid water to exist on it surface. It is composed mainly of CO2 but there is a oxygen, nitrogen and other trace gases. The atmospheric pressure in the lowest areas of Arenal would be equal to Earth at the 14,000 ft elevation. Humans could walk its surface if properly attired in warn clothes and a small supply of oxygen. There are still some small seas of very saline water on the surface. They lay in at one time were the deepest depths of ancient Arenal's oceans. Arenal was much more advanced than Mars was when it came to geologic activity. There are signs of tectonic activity here. There are the outlines of continental shelves as well as sea floors. Most of these geologic features are buried under large sand dunes that girdle the moon. Some of these dunes tower several kilometers high. There are also vast areas that are covered by a layer of water ice deposited there by the clouds that still swirl in its atmosphere. Snow still falls from time to time on the highest mountains on Arenal. They have started to form glaciers on many of the peaks. In few billion years Areanl will probably look even more like Mars as the last of its water and atmosphere leech away into space. By this time even the ice covered mountains will be bare and the only water will be frozen in to polar caps.

Mayon - fictional planet
Mayon is a gas ball slightly larger than Saturn but about 3/4 it?€™s mass. Its coloring is a striking mix of Jupiter and Saturn put together. It has a very large ring system made up of very reflective ice particles that range in size from pebble to the kilometer range. Mayons one distinct feature is a white storm that seems to always circulate in the same region much like Jupiter great red spot. Mayon has a retinue of 11 major moons.

Progromni - fictional moon
Progromni is slightly smaller than Mars and is covered with a subsurface ocean. Most of the water is frozen into a thick crust but tidal forces have broken the surface up letting fresh water come to the surface. The ice crust moves around much as the continents do on Earth. Some of these ice plates slide under one another and others collide and push up to form rises, scarps, and mountains. This moon is king of water based geologic activity. It also has a substantial atmosphere of CO2, Methane, with some O2 and other trace gases.

Cima - fictional moon
Cima is the outermost major moon of Mayon. It is made up of mostly ice. Its surface is vary bright except were impacts have occurred. The impacts bring up dark carbon rich ice which is darker than the sun bleached ice of the surface. There are signs of very large impacts on its surface.

Danau - fictional planet
Danau is a Neptune size sub-jovian world. Its makeup is very similar to Uranus in many ways. It has five major moons.

Fayal - fictional planet
Fayal is a sub-Neptune size sub-jovian. Its makeup is very similar to Neptune in many ways including looking a great deal like Neptune.
It has four major moons.

Well that takes care of the abbreviated version of the photo album.
Now as to how I came up with the naming convention. There were several forum readers that mentioned to me that I should use names instead of the more strictly scientific method I was using to name the worlds of this system. So I started to think of a naming convention that would work. At first I wanted to use the names of ancient Egyptians cities. But I just wasn?€™t finding enough of them. Than I thought of a mix of ancient Egyptian gods and cities. But several of the names of the Egyptian gods have been used and I wanted something different. So I came up with names of volcanoes on the Earth.
So each planet in the HD 28185 system is named after a volcano here on Earth. Some of the names may sound familiar. Erebus id name of the biggest volcano in Antarctica.
So that is were the names come from. As I get ready to release the add-on there might be a few changes in the names but not on the planets and moons seen here. As far as I am concerned these are written in stone. I hope everyone has enjoyed this peek at HD 28185.
As always any comments are welcome and if there is a world any of you want a better look at just ask and I will post a couple of pictures to give a better idea of what they look like.

Don. Edwards
Last edited by Don. Edwards on 08.08.2005, 00:15, edited 6 times in total.
I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #2by selden » 26.07.2005, 10:26

I've moved all discussion but this original announcement into purgatory. Please don't make me have to do this again.

Michael Kilderry
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Post #3by Michael Kilderry » 26.07.2005, 11:08

selden wrote:I've moved all discussion but this original announcement into purgatory. Please don't make me have to do this again.

Oh well, looks like we're just going to have to refill this topic with new posts, here comes the first...

Great work Don,

Very detailed, colourful and realistic textures. All of them look original, except for Cima which appears to be using a modified Callisto texture.

With the release of this addon, I'm sure the Celestia community will be very happy. :D

Michael :)
My shatters.net posting milestones:

First post - 11th October 2004
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- Michael

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Post #4by Cormoran » 26.07.2005, 11:45


Wonderful work! I look forward to flying around this system when it is completed. A nicely done 'fictional' solar system is one of my great joys, and this looks to be the pinnacle of all of them.

In fact, I think calling the system fictional does it an injustice, given all the thought you've put into it. I think I would use the term 'speculative' in future...

Lovely job, as we say on Magrathea :lol:

'...Gold planets, Platinum Planets, Soft rubber planets with lots of earthquakes....' The HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy, Page 634784, Section 5a. Entry: Magrathea

terristrail finder
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Re: Update! HD 28185 Photo Album and System Info Project Upd

Post #5by terristrail finder » 26.07.2005, 22:36

yo, man where did you get those textures. 8O

those are really the most accurate description of plantary solar system somewhere else in the galaxy. :!:

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Don. Edwards
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Post #6by Don. Edwards » 27.07.2005, 00:44

Thank you. I made most of them but a few are from jestr and I believe one is from diablanco's 3D Duckboy Productions site.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #7by diabloblanco17 » 27.07.2005, 07:15

Never saw this before it popped back up a little while ago, but now that I have, I'm absolutely astounded at the scale and quality of it all. And gratified to hear that one of the planets is my own creation, of course. Which one is it? Offhand, I don't recognize any of the pictures, though it's possible that one of the gas giants could be a color-altered version of one of mine.
Visit my website for planet maps and textures: http://s92198053.onlinehome.us

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Don. Edwards
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Post #8by Don. Edwards » 27.07.2005, 07:46

Actualy I believe it is Hekla. I believe it is your Stygia texture color inverted in photoshop.
It made a nice basaltic covered planetary surface. Unfortunatly most of it is hidden under clouds.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Don. Edwards
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Post #9by Don. Edwards » 27.07.2005, 08:02

Here is a closer shot of it without the clouds.


It might look a little more familiar this way. Of course credit will be given to those texture artists that I have use textures from.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #10by ElChristou » 27.07.2005, 12:26

8O 8O ...really I cannot wait to travel through this system!!

BTW, Don, if you need some new models of asteroids for your belt, just ask :wink:


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Don. Edwards
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Post #11by Don. Edwards » 07.08.2005, 05:47


There are some big changes going on in the background for this add-on. I will be adding to the upper photo-album entry with the updated information. Most of it is new textures for most of the moons of the outer planets and one of the planets proper. Sorry jestr, but I have replaced a few more of your textures here and there and some of them have been blended with others to make totally new ones.

Nothing to drastic is being done to the add-on. It is for the most part intact but it has gone through some changes to make it feel more shall we say alien, but more realistic and interesting than before. I need to thank Spaceman-Spiff for his help in getting some of the orbital parameters in place and coming up with some interesting ideas along the way. I have really made some major progress the last week and I can say I finally see the end is in sight.
So keep an eye in the photo album area for new pictures.

Thanks for the offer. It might be very handy for the kuiper belt objects indeed. The asteroid belt at this time is on hold. Some of the new orbital parameters being introduced may make its existence unfeasible or just unlikely to exsist.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Don. Edwards
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Post #12by Don. Edwards » 08.08.2005, 00:19

The first update to the HD 28185 Photo Album has been made.
The information and texture for Askja has been changed as well as the textures for Progrmni and Cima. I have gone through and updated most of information to tie in with the new orbital pramenters that have been introduced. So read over the main thread post to see what has changed in the add-on.

The add-on now stands at nearly all textures finsihed. The systems physics and layout are fairly complete. Spaceman-Spiff has started the tedious task of building up the asteroid belts. I will sending him the ones I have and he will be adjusting the orbital perameters to a more realistic value. I will be finishing the last couple of textures and than converting everything over to DDS. I will probably release the DDS version first and the png/jpg version a week or so later. Additions to the add-on in the form of plug-ins for some of the other system objects will be made as they become available. Some will be ready for the initial release, while others may take a little longer. We will just have to wait and se what is ready to go and when.

I hope everyone enjoys reading over the data and looks foward to the release.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

Planet X
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Post #13by Planet X » 08.08.2005, 01:28

I've been keeing my eye on this one for quite awhile now, and I am eagerly awaiting the official release. Later!


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Post #14by Guckytos » 08.08.2005, 09:55

Please Don,

release it soon, so my mouth can finally stop drooling in anticipation :wink:

And i have already got enough pillows so that my jaw won't hit the ground too hard, when i start up your addon the first, second,... time. :wink:

With other words, i am really looking forward to it.



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Post #15by ajtribick » 08.08.2005, 11:02

This looks brilliant! I only hope I'll be able to view it, given that Runar's Ran system causes my Celestia to lock up, even in the lightest possible version!

It was one of the first versions of this add-on which made me download Celestia and join this community in the first place.

Out of interest are you texturing the star using the extended stc file syntax or using a planet to do it?

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Post #16by Brendan » 08.08.2005, 17:59

Those look great! :mrgreen:

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Don. Edwards
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Post #17by Don. Edwards » 08.08.2005, 19:41

The star texture you see is rthorvald's Portrait of the Sun add-on. I simply edited the ssc so it could be added to HD 28185 since it and Sol are so similar. I am not sure if this will be part of the official add-on. I may add the modified stellar ssc to the package but you would have to download the add-on separately and add the ssc to make it work. It all depends on if Runar will give permission and if it doesn't increase the file size dramatically. I hate the idea of breaking the wholes package down into pieces but this might be necessary.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Post #18by maxim » 08.08.2005, 20:26

chaos syndrome wrote:I only hope I'll be able to view it, given that Runar's Ran system causes my Celestia to lock up, even in the lightest possible version!


You're not the only one to whom this happens! Runar and, partly, Jestr are producing addons that are simply unusable for the average user. I'm still wondering if the modelling component of celestia is coded so badly, or if the models are simply bad optimized.


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Post #19by selden » 08.08.2005, 20:42

A lot depends on your system's performance.

Multi-megabyte addons really put stress on all of your system's components. If you don't have enough RAM, for example, your system will "page itself to death". Look to see if the "disk busy" light is illuminated.

The operating system will shuffle programs and parts of programs out of main memory to disk and back again, frantically trying to make room for things in RAM when they're referenced. Your system will seem to lock up because accessing disk is so much slower than accessing RAM directly.

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Post #20by maxim » 08.08.2005, 21:22

Ah - it's definitely a graphics card issue. Every time one of those mega huge models comes into sight the framerate drops to 0.5 to 2 fps. Sometimes even down to 0.2 fps.


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