Post #19by selden » 08.09.2002, 04:30
Why do you often say that problems "must be due to XP'?
I'm just wondering.
I'm running XP Pro and have no problem using Celestia full screen with 1600x1200x32 @60Hz. It looks relly good at that resolution, and there doesn't seem to be a significant reduction in frame rate, either.
(On the other hand, 10 f/s with stars isn't all that fast. I suspect it'll be another couple of generations of 3D graphics cards before they can get the hidden-object rate up to 60 f/s where it should be.)
Like WinMe, XP does try to use Plug-n-Play information to decide what resolutions are actually supported by a particular CRT. (Running one at too high a resolution and scanrate, beyond what it can sync to, can overheat components and has been known to cause fires.) Could this limiting feature be part of the problem some are seeing, perhaps?