since some weeks, I cannot use any render path other than basic (1)
This is using linux and the latest nvidia driver.
I didn't 'make install' yet, cause i don't want to damage my current install that have all render paths available (old cvs, some weeks after 1.3.2), so the way I use to test this is by running ./src/celestia/celestia in the sources directory.
I didn't report this earlier because I know that cvs is supposed to contain broken/early stage development stuff, but weeks have passed
Code: Select all
andyrock@killbill:~/Software/celestia/celestia> ./src/celestia/celestia
Initializing ARB vertex programs . . .
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/diffuse_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/specular_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/haze_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/bumpdiffuse_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/bumphaze_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/shadowtex_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/diffuse_texoff_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/rings_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/ringshadow_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/night_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/glossmap_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/diffuse2_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/haze2_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/diffuse_texoff2_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/specular2_arb.vp
Loading ARB vertex program: shaders/night2_arb.vp
Error loading ARB vertex program: shaders/night2_arb.vp
render path: 1