I'm hoping someone can recommend some good, (simple?) reading here.
Actually first...to let me know if I'm on the right track here...(or if the thought of dimensions beyond 3D relates to another area).
Here's my starting point:
Big Bang....I really don't know any of the details yet.
Einstein's Theory of Relativity...same deal, very fuzzy on this, (for now)...

What I have read though, is how Hubble, (in the earlier part of the twentieth century), was able to more or less prove what Einstein was saying was true....with regard to the universe expanding.
Again, I haven't read in depth about this yet...(just that Hubble was successful in doing applied testing of Einstein's theory). And yes, correct me if I'm wrong on any of my assumptions.
My question is something like this....
When these scientists talk about the universe expanding like this...does this fact, (in and of itself), constitute that we actually exist in a realm that is beyond 3D?
In other words, I take it that it's now generally accepted that the universe isn't static....but if it were static, would this be life in 3D....and thus, our universe is definately a model beyond that?
Pretty hazy starting point, (I know...), but if anyone knows of some good reading, (maybe something that picks up where Hubble's analysis started), I'd appreciate it.
Also, please feel free to interject and let me know if this confirmation by Hubble, (the expanding universe), actually does relate to looking at the universe in a dimension beyond 3D...or your own version of the dimension of things.
Thanks for your consideration,
-Mike (struggling, budding astronomer...wannabe physicist)