Earth lies outside its orbit

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Earth lies outside its orbit

Post #1by sagredo » 10.09.2004, 09:01

Hello everybody.

I've just noticed that unzooming Earth and enabling orbit tracks, Earth doesn't intersect its own orbit, but lies a bit apart.
You can see it especially when looking at the Earth from above/below the ecliptic.
Any hint about this?

Thanks and greeting from Italy!

Messer Sagredo

Win2000 SP4, AMD Athlon XP 2600+ 768MB RAM
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Post #2by selden » 10.09.2004, 11:08

Please read the "Preliminary User's FAQ" at the top of the Users Forum, especially Q/A #14

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Post #3by sagredo » 10.09.2004, 13:42

Ooops...! Read some but not all of it... sorry.

Messer Sagredo

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