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Post #41by t00fri » 09.09.2004, 21:55

I just had a look in the net: Iosif spread his "great idea" not only here but also in sci.physics with virtually identical wording, e.g.

sci.physics wrote:Iosif Karaioannoglou wrote:

I think gravity doesn't exist.. and Newton made this discovery because he was too dizzy when the apple hit him. Please prove (shortly) that gravity exists and I think I can come up with an argument that makes gravity obsolete. Please post some mathematical types in order for me to try to undo them all!

And no.. I'm not nuts.. I just had an insight that I wish to prove. (if I can :>)

Iosif Karaioannoglou wrote:
I think gravity doesn't exist..
So what? I think I am a billionaire, but my bank account says otherwise.
And no.. I'm not nuts.. I just had an insight that I wish to prove. (if I can :>)
Now its an insight, and not a thought?

Bye Fridger

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Post #42by IosifK » 09.09.2004, 22:28

Do 1kg of iron and 1kg of pure water fall to the earth at the same time from 1 meter above earth? If yes then i'll rest my case. If not i'll show to you why they aren't. But I need to do some experiments. I'll measure the time taken to reach earth using the time difference between the sound they make when they start accelerating to the sound they make when they hit earth.

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Post #43by t00fri » 09.09.2004, 22:52

IosifK wrote:Do 1kg of iron and 1kg of pure water fall to the earth at the same time from 1 meter above earth? If yes then i'll rest my case. If not i'll show to you why they aren't. But I need to do some experiments. I'll measure the time taken to reach earth using the time difference between the sound they make when they start accelerating to the sound they make when they hit earth.

You better get yourself a solid education in elementary physics before turning to your "theory". Your above question clearly shows that your contact with physics has been "vague" at best...

The answer to your question may be found in every standard respective textbook. Many people will know the answer even from high school! I would never "dare" to ask this question to any of my students;-)

Bye Fridger

Bob Hegwood
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Post #44by Bob Hegwood » 09.09.2004, 23:22

IosifK wrote:Do 1kg of iron and 1kg of pure water fall to the earth at the same time from 1 meter above earth? If yes then i'll rest my case. If not i'll show to you why they aren't. But I need to do some experiments. I'll measure the time taken to reach earth using the time difference between the sound they make when they start accelerating to the sound they make when they hit earth.

What the hell... I'll bite. :lol:

I say yes if in a vacuum, but remember that I ain't a rocket-scientist either.

If you're talking about the effects of friction caused by air molecules, then
there may be some difference. Would explain why feathers might fall more
slowly than a lead ball.

HOWEVER... Do you recall seeing this experiment being done on the
surface of the Moon? Both items hit the Moon's surface at exactly the
same time. Well, "exactly" unless there was some minimal micro-second
difference in the time that the left-hand released its object and the time
that the right-hand released its object.

Was close enough for me...

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood
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Post #45by Harry » 10.09.2004, 09:36

He is obviously trolling, so can we please ignore him? Taking him seriously will just make him write again.


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Post #46by cpotting » 13.09.2004, 15:10

Harry wrote:He is obviously trolling, so can we please ignore him? Taking him seriously will just make him write again.

I think I have to agree. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as truly unaware of basic physics, and I know I was certainly joking about the gravity thing. Then I saw Fridger's post and IosifK's subsequent gravity challenge. After that it is hard to take anything he says seriously.

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Post #47by ANDREA » 13.09.2004, 16:55

cpotting wrote:
Harry wrote:He is obviously trolling, so can we please ignore him? Taking him seriously will just make him write again.
I think I have to agree. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as truly unaware of basic physics, and I know I was certainly joking about the gravity thing. Then I saw Fridger's post and IosifK's subsequent gravity challenge. After that it is hard to take anything he says seriously.

I think this topic is ready for "Purgatory", don't you agree? :evil:

Andrea :D
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Post #48by IosifK » 15.09.2004, 00:30

This topic is not over. I just asked you for advice and you just straight flamed me without even looking at what i've told you. It might sound ridiculous but it might be true. Now it doesn't take an Einstein to see that if you throw an object to a rotating basketball it will rotate it.

I found the point of impact. The ring of fire.. The upper pacific plate and the philipines plate. Just check it out. You'll be amazed... You'll even find the same volcanoes on the moon!

First LOOK then flame!

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Post #49by IosifK » 15.09.2004, 00:32

This topic is not over. I just asked you for advice and you just straight flamed me without even looking at what i've told you. It might sound ridiculous but it might be true. I'm just a software programmer but it doesn't take an Einstein to see that if you throw an object to a rotating basketball it will bounce back and orbit it.

I found the point of impact. The ring of fire.. The upper pacific plate and the philipines plate. Just check it out. You'll be amazed... You'll even find the same volcanoes on the moon!

First LOOK then flame!

Oh about gravity i'm pretty serious about that too but it will take a while.. can someone answer to me how can the universe be expanding if there is gravity?

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #50by Evil Dr Ganymede » 15.09.2004, 00:37

We did look. You haven't addressed any of the points we raised, and neither have you listened to anything we said.

You offer no solid proof of any of your claims. You offer nothing to show that your "hypothesis" is better at explaining what is observed than what is currently accepted (using data derived from many fields of science). Hell, you don't even offer any evidence that you even have a clue what you're talking about - you fail to comprehend basic physical principles. And on top of that you show no interest in actually learning about how the universe really works. It is actually better for us to talk to a brick wall about this, because at least the wall doesn't retort with ridiculous ideas that aren't based on anything remotely scientific.

We're not interested in hearing you say "I know I'm right and you're all wrong". This is simply not the case. If that's all you're going to do, then kindly sod off and go pester someone else. Or better still, just shut up about it completely.

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Post #51by Dollan » 15.09.2004, 00:41

I suggest that you be a little kinder in your responses, Isofik. You've received nothing but kindness here. Granted people think your ideas are bunk, and they may have stated as much, but you have not been close to flamed.

Rather, you make statements based on vague observations, admit to no working knowledge of the subject at hand, and then expect people to take you seriously. People HAVE looked. People who have an actual working knowledge of the subject.

Indeed, even on the Great Big Group there have been responses by people who know, and you have not bothered to answer with anything but what could essentially be a "Yes, I AM right," response. Actually, you haven't responded at all on the GBGofE, have you?

Perhaps it is time for you to fade away for a bit.

"To make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe..."
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Post #52by IosifK » 15.09.2004, 06:28

Can you be more precise about where I show any sign of unkindness?

Evil Dr Ganymede
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Post #53by Evil Dr Ganymede » 16.09.2004, 00:36

As you said, you're "just a software programmer". As such, given you have shown that you lack a basic understanding of physics (which personally I find a little odd. Surely computer scientists require some scientific background?), you've come here proposing a hypothesis that in your mind is already proven by your very flawed interpretation of observations, plus you ignore existing knowledge and data that contradicts your "hypothesis".

As such, I fail to see why you should be so surprised that your ideas have been shot down on a board populated by people who do know the subject. You're really not going to convince anybody here that you're correct. And frankly, if you try to convince other people elsewhere who also don't know much about science that you're correct then as far as I'm concerned you'd be guilty of misleading people and spreading ignorance - and god knows there's already enough of that in the world without anyone else spreading it.

If you're that interested in learning how the universe works, then read some basic texts on the subject, and then see if your ideas hold up against that. If you find that they don't (and that will be the case here) then you should be prepared to admit that you're wrong. What you DON'T do is not listen to people and insist that you're correct when you're quite clearly not.

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Post #54by julesstoop » 16.09.2004, 00:47

I don't want to be insulting, but he seems to be one of the people who thinks it is possible to dig a tunnel straight down to the middle of the earth.
Lapinism matters!

Bob Hegwood
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Post #55by Bob Hegwood » 17.09.2004, 21:56


I *still* would like to hear his explanation of how the rock and the
feather were attracted to the Moon's surface at exactly the same rate
without any effects caused by an atmosphere. Iosifik? What say you
son? Convince me... :wink:

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

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