I was more and more interested in Babylon 5 universe, so I desided to create my own planetary system. I've downloaded "SSC Solar System Generator v 1.2" HTML, created by Rassilon (great tool in my opinion), set-up few numbers here and there and generated system with planet, a moon and another moon around that moon. Everything looked right in Celestia so I moved into that smaller moon (named Nerinus) only to find that it is not displayed. Nerinus is there and its orbit and name are shown, but the moon is empty space.
The code is allright, I think:
# SSC Generator V1.0 © 2004 Rassilon
# Statistics for Alikana System, Stellar Class: G2V
# Stellar Habitable Zone: Venusian: 0.8200AU Terrain: 1.0000AU Martian: 1.2001AU
"Numidi" "Alikana"
Texture "numidi.*"
BumpMap "numidibump.*"
BumpHeight 5
Color [ 0.11 0.34 0.12 ]
Radius 6054.14
HazeColor [ 0.19 0.42 0.32 ]
HazeDensity 0.5
Atmosphere {
Height 60.54
Lower [ 0.34 0.67 0.43 ]
Upper [ 0.96 0.68 0.87 ]
Sky [ 0.96 0.18 0.07 ]
CloudHeight 6.05
CloudSpeed 59.90
CloudMap "numidiclouds.*"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 4.0671
SemiMajorAxis 2.5648
Eccentricity 0.0320
Inclination 0.1300
MeanAnomaly 200.9824
Rings {
Inner 9081.21
Outer 18189.49
Texture "numidirings.*"
Color [ 1.0 1.0 1.0 ]
RotationPeriod 35.8000
Obliquity 12.00
Albedo 0.5
"Azidi" "Alikana/Numidi"
Texture "azidi.*"
BumpMap "azidibump.*"
BumpHeight 5
Color [ 0.37 0.03 0.48 ]
Radius 845.6
HazeColor [ 0.40 0.36 0.85 ]
HazeDensity 0.5
Atmosphere {
Height 8.46
Lower [ 0.84 0.32 0.95 ]
Upper [ 0.10 0.32 0.31 ]
Sky [ 0.14 0.70 0.63 ]
CloudHeight 0.85
CloudSpeed 10.70
CloudMap "azidiclouds.*"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 8.3290
SemiMajorAxis 125400.0000
Eccentricity 0.0254
Inclination 5.1500
MeanAnomaly 354.6253
RotationPeriod 50.0000
Obliquity 0.0
Albedo 0.5
"Nerinus" "Alikana/Numidi/Azidi"
Texture "nerinus.*"
BumpMap "nerinusbump.*"
BumpHeight 5
Color [ 0.70 0.10 0.19 ]
Radius 120.3
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 2.4435
SemiMajorAxis 3102.5000
Eccentricity 0.0000
Inclination 156.2000
MeanAnomaly 220.3365
RotationPeriod 0.0000
Obliquity 0.0
Albedo 0.5
Oh, and star is:
521655 "Alikana"
RA 13.2886
Dec -26.72314306
Distance 2
SpectralType "G"
AppMag -1
I don't think this problem have something to do with fact that there are no such textures that are asigned to objects, or does it?
Similar problem with missing moons occured to me earlier in unrealistic system like:
# Star
521654 "Ankelor"
RA 19.2886
Dec -36.72314306
Distance 2
SpectralType "M"
AppMag -1
# Planets
"Base" "Ankelor"
Class "planet"
Texture "uranus.*"
Radius 6000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 5.2
SemiMajorAxis 3
RotationPeriod 15
Obliquity 0.05
Albedo 1.00
"Static" "Ankelor/Base"
Radius 1
Class "invisible"
Radius 1
Color [ 0 0 0 ]
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 9e200
SemiMajorAxis 10000
Inclination 90
MeanAnomaly 90
"Displace" "Ankelor/Base/Static"
Class "planet"
Texture "titan.*"
Radius 2000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.5
SemiMajorAxis 40000
RotationPeriod 10.00
Obliquity 0.05
Albedo 1.00
"Displace 1" "Ankelor/Base/Static"
Class "planet"
Texture "titan.*"
Radius 2000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.5
SemiMajorAxis 40000
MeanAnomaly 180
RotationPeriod 10.00
Obliquity 0.05
Albedo 1.00
"Static 1" "Ankelor/Base"
Radius 1
Class "invisible"
Radius 1
Color [ 0 0 0 ]
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 9e200
SemiMajorAxis 10000
Inclination 90
MeanAnomaly 270
"Displace 2" "Ankelor/Base/Static 1"
Class "planet"
Texture "titan.*"
Radius 2000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.5
SemiMajorAxis 40000
Inclination 180
RotationPeriod 10.00
Obliquity 0.05
Albedo 1.00
"Displace 3" "Ankelor/Base/Static 1"
Class "planet"
Texture "titan.*"
Radius 2000
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.5
SemiMajorAxis 40000
MeanAnomaly 180
Inclination 180
RotationPeriod 10.00
Obliquity 0.05
Albedo 1.00
When I move to "Base" and look towards main star the moons "Displace X" dissapear.
Any sugestions?
Celestia 1.3.2pre8
NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 64Mb Detonator, Celeron 2GHz, WinXP, Mother - VIA Shuttle.