URLs which work with V1.6.0 and later are available in Jogad's post at
...Selden ]
Hello Everyone,
This is a topic where you can share your favorite cel://URLs with everyone else. It's real easy to do...
To capture a cel://URL:
* Adjust the Celestia scene to where you want it.
* Press Ctrl+Ins to capture the cel://URL to the clipboard.
To save the captured cel://URL text:
* Paste the text to a plain text file or into a new message here in this topic. Remember to describe what the link shows, and if any add-ons are required.
To post a cel://URL in this topic:
* Enter a description of what the URL shows
* Note if any add-ons are required.
* Paste the text into the editor box.
* Select/Highlight the cel://URL text.
* Click the URL button above the editor box
When you click the Preview button, your post should look something like the following:
Sync Orbit Earth at North Pole looking up:
(WARNING: Clicking a cel://URL link runs Celestia on your computer!)
If your cel://URL is not "clickable", then you forgot to highlight the text and click the URL button.
Here is what the above cel://URL entry looks like in the message editor box:
Code: Select all
Sync Orbit Earth at North Pole looking up:
So ... go ahead and post your favorite cel://URLs in this topic for everyone else to enjoy...