Rassilon wrote:After a bit of star tweaking Ive come up with some changes to the way the stars look including a few extras...
from top left to bottom right:
K star, Wolf-Rayet, O Star, R star...
This is all great stuff, Rass .
One thing - what you label as a Wolf-Rayet star in this picture actually looks a lot more like a very fine rendition of an old, fading Brown Dwarf
(see http://spider.ipac.caltech.edu/staff/da ... rison.html ) for a picture. The BD is the one next to Jupiter, your one is a deeper purple colour which means it's mostly emitting in the infrared. That'd make a nice alternative texture for the BDs currently in Celestia.
Since you're tinkering with Binary stars, are you going to tweak this so that you get planets illuminated by multiple light sources?