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Post #21by jestr » 22.12.2003, 05:44

Hi Terrier,thanks it was fun making them.Yes all the moons are different,though sometimes its hard to tell.I've made the models from whatever info,images,textures,locations files I could find.I've tried to be as accurate as possible but with so little info on a lot of them and sketchy or even conflicting info on the rest,they probably arent that realistic.I guess we wont know until we get more probes taking snapshots of them.
I have now made new textures and models for the major moons of Uranus,Neptune and Pluto which can be found here
Merry $mas everyone,cheers Jestr

Bob Hegwood
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Post #22by Bob Hegwood » 22.12.2003, 06:16


Absolutely fantastic... That's all I can say. I have now gone through each and
every one of the addons, and it's taken me two whole days to get them set up
on my system. You seem to be making them faster than I can use them. :wink:

Just thought I'd add the following to let you know what I found as I went through this

I already had a real texture (i.e.-Black and White image) and model for Janus, so
I retained the real data as opposed to using the new, fictitious texture/model.

The following were also defined in Iv?n Rivera's "JupiterSmallSatellites.ssc" file:
Callirrhoe, Chaldene, Erinome, Harpalyke, Himalia, Iocaste, Kalyke, Megaclite,
Praxidike, and Taygete. If you're using this SSC, then these entries MUST be removed from the file before you try
to use a modified "MinorMoons.ssc" file for Jestr's addons. Even if you add the new
entries to MinorMoons.ssc, the definition of these same files in Iv?n's ssc will
cause your minor moons to be displayed using the asteroid mesh and texture.

Adrastea, Metis and Thebe all had prior 3DS files in my Celestia "Models" directory.
These came from the "jupiter_innermoons.zip" file which I had downloaded a while ago,
but I don't have any author information with this file. If the texture looked good
on an existing model, I just left that 3ds file alone and simply added the new texture.

Puck and Larissa were already defined with 3DS models which I downloaded some
time ago. I got these from the "puck_larissa.zip" file, but there was no author information included within this file either. The "asteroid.jpg" texture was used
to define the surfaces of these two moons, so I simply used the new textures.

Jestr's naming conventions were confusing. The "megaclite.3ds" file, for example, was
associated with the "megaclit.jpg" file. It's easy to make mistakes like this, so I
just thought I'd mention it. I also found that Desdemona, Praxidike and Prometheus had
similar reference errors. Also, some of the 3ds files were named using ".3DS' and
others were named using the ".3ds" convention. Note that not all systems can use upper
and lower case extensions interchangeably.

The resolution of the new textures varied between 1k and 2k, so I had to re-size quite
a few of the images in order to use them. Sorry, but my poor machine can only use the
1k textures under Celestia 1.3.1 Pre11... Sigh!

I now have some really spectacular displays of these small moons available on my
system now, and I just thought I'd share some of the pitfalls which await if
you try to add these features to YOUR systems. It's definitely worth the effort
though. Thanks VERY much again to Jestr for providing these excellent resources.

Those small boring asteroid representations have now become some really interesting
places to visit.

Chris? maybe this man needs to be a contributor? :wink:

Again, thanks VERY much Jestr. I absolutely love these models and textures.

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood
Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution
Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU
Intel 82815 Graphics Controller
OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build
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Post #23by TERRIER » 22.12.2003, 11:52

Hello Bob

I notice that you are using 'JupiterSmallSatellites'. I'm wondering if you know about the complete 'tinymoons' ssc file which covers all other currently known moons in our solar system that are in addition to the standard 'minormoons' ssc ? This replaces the JupiterSmallSatellites.

It's available on Jacks site;



Jestr's naming conventions were confusing. The "megaclite.3ds" file, for example, was
associated with the "megaclit.jpg" file.

Heck! I hope this was just a typo ! :lol:

Merry Christmas
1.6.0:AMDAth1.2GHz 1GbDDR266:Ge6200 256mbDDR250:WinXP-SP3:1280x1024x32FS:v196.21@AA4x:AF16x:IS=HQ:T.Buff=ON Earth16Kdds@15KkmArctic2000AD:FOV1:SPEC L5dds:NORM L5dxt5:CLOUD L5dds:

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Post #24by jestr » 22.12.2003, 13:04

The 'Typos' were caused when I exported the models from 3DSMax.I originally named the textures the same as the planet,but when I make a 3DS file with the longer named ones MAX cut the end letters off,so I renamed the texture (shorter) so as no errors could creep in.Cheers Jestr

Jeam Tag M
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Post #25by Jeam Tag » 22.12.2003, 14:58

Hello Jestr,
What a damn' stuff!
(I am adding images of your modeles for a small update as of the my pages ' solar system'...)
To take stock, already, on ' minormoons', some last small questions:
1/ I do note just of the site, or I indicate also that of your ftp page?
2/ I require that, because it seems to me that models included in the pack (I had charged most recent in .rar) are more detailed than those which one finds on the web site?
3/ In fact, I noticed in my message that two model (.3ds) require a filename of texture different from that of the moons: on the Web site the model of Isonoe functions now, but that of Thebe always links 'SSTROID.JPG'. I could change it (with Anim8tor) but everyone could'nt...

I hope to put on line some pages updated -with also your 'majormoons'- for Christmas.
Again, thanks for your work, Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #26by granthutchison » 22.12.2003, 15:08

TERRIER wrote:I do appear to have some recent add-ons for the following minor moons, that I think have been created by Jack and Jens(Jim);
Puck, Larissa, Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Janus.
Janus, Epimetheus and Prometheus are now part of the Celestia basic package - they're shape models by Phil Stooke which have been prepared mathematically from each body's silhouette in a variety of images, so they're pretty accurate and really the best available.
To my recollection, Puck, Larissa, Metis, Adrastea and Thebe are all Jack's, but I may be wrong (apologies to Jens if I am!) - I think they were prepared by visually trying to match the small number of images available for these bodies (in each case there isn't enough information for an accurate shape model; for instance, we only know what about one-and-a-half sides of Thebe look like).


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Post #27by jestr » 22.12.2003, 16:13

Jeam I have just downloaded my Thebe model from web site and it links to my 'Thebe2' jpg.Maybe try downloading again.
Grant I tried to make all my models as close to Phil Stookes or any of the other models that come with Celestia ,but to get rid of as many seams as I could and also to add a few more little bumps and features so the surfaces were not so smooth.If there were textures available of these moons I've tried to match these up as well and then checked them against (your?) locations.sscs to try to align with these also.However with some of these locations it was not always clear what kind of feature they are labelling,cheers Jestr

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Post #28by granthutchison » 22.12.2003, 16:38

jestr wrote:Grant I tried to make all my models as close to Phil Stookes or any of the other models that come with Celestia ,but to get rid of as many seams as I could and also to add a few more little bumps and features so the surfaces were not so smooth.
Yeah, we could really do with getting rid of the seams in the Celestia 3ds base package. :cry: But we try to keep the distribution version "pure" - that is, we try to avoid adding imaginary and interpretive features like your extra bumps (though I think such stuff is perfect for add-ons :)).
Anyway, if you (or anyone else!) can smooth the horrible seam that currently besets 3ds objects in Celestia, without disturbing the rest of the object in any way, I for one would be massively grateful and would undertake to make the replacement for future Celestia releases. (Between us, Praesepe and I have so far been able to produce objects without seams or textures, or objects with seams and textures, but no objects without seams and with textures!)

jestr wrote:However with some of these locations it was not always clear what kind of feature they are labelling
Hmmm, not sure why that should be - the nomenclature is IAU standard: so craters are named without any further clarification, but all other features like dorsa, fluctus and regiones are labelled as such. Was there a specific problem you can recall off the top of your head?


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Post #29by FXS » 22.12.2003, 16:43


I think some files are broken on the server, i can only download 68% of this files (with 0,4 kB/s to 1,2kB/s = very slow connection). Is it possible that your server/provider have timout after 4 hour downloading (every download will stoped after 4 hours)?

Here are the files, that i tryed 5 times to download (every download is broken <68%) :

ftp://celestia:addons@ ... rMoons.zip
ftp://celestia:addons@ ... rMoons.rar

I think the best way is split the archieve in 4 or 8 parts.


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Post #30by jestr » 22.12.2003, 16:45

You just cleared it up -anything with just a name is a crater ?
On a totally different subject ,what sort of colour should the surface of Titan be -any ideas,on the Hubble site it has artist impressions showing it
red/orange,but in an article in 'New Scientist' earlier in the year it had it as light blue /green ,what would rivers of ethane (Hubble site) look like?
Cheers Jestr
PS I'll try to get rid of the seams only on the models in the download pack,I think they are introduced when they are converted to 3ds format,but they are really difficult to spot in Max,but glaringly obvious in Celestia

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Post #31by jestr » 22.12.2003, 17:08

FXS ,I have just put my 'Minor Moons' folder on my server so you can download a few files at a time or however you want to do it,zipping them up makes little difference in file size.Or you can go to the website
and download them from there,Hope this helps,Jestr

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Post #32by granthutchison » 22.12.2003, 19:24

jestr wrote:You just cleared it up -anything with just a name is a crater ?
That's right.
jestr wrote:On a totally different subject ,what sort of colour should the surface of Titan be
No-one knows - you'll need to wait for Cassini. But I think the orange-red interpretation is based on the idea that whatever is colouring the clouds must also be deposited on the surface.


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Post #33by granthutchison » 22.12.2003, 20:01

Oh. And the blue-green colours will be intended to portray liquid methane, which absorbs strongly at the red end of the spectrum. Maybe you could have red-orange "land" dotted with blue-green lakes?


Bob Hegwood
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Post #34by Bob Hegwood » 22.12.2003, 21:44

TERRIER wrote:Hello Bob

I notice that you are using 'JupiterSmallSatellites'. I'm wondering if you know about the complete 'tinymoons' ssc file which covers all other currently known moons in our solar system that are in addition to the standard 'minormoons' ssc ?

Had no idea Terrier, thanks VERY much for the information.

TERRIER wrote:
Bob wrote:Jestr's naming conventions were confusing. The "megaclite.3ds" file, for example, was associated with the "megaclit.jpg" file.

Heck! I hope this was just a typo ! :lol:

I'm sure that it was... I *did* wonder that meself though, since "Praxidik" was also a problem. :wink:

At any rate, thanks for the information Terrier.

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

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Bob Hegwood
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Post #35by Bob Hegwood » 22.12.2003, 21:55

granthutchison wrote:
TERRIER wrote:I do appear to have some recent add-ons for the following minor moons, that I think have been created by Jack and Jens(Jim);
Puck, Larissa, Metis, Adrastea, Thebe, Prometheus, Epimetheus and Janus.
Janus, Epimetheus and Prometheus are now part of the Celestia basic package - they're shape models by Phil Stooke which have been prepared mathematically from each body's silhouette in a variety of images, so they're pretty accurate and really the best available.
To my recollection, Puck, Larissa, Metis, Adrastea and Thebe are all Jack's, but I may be wrong (apologies to Jens if I am!) - I think they were prepared by visually trying to match the small number of images available for these bodies (in each case there isn't enough information for an accurate shape model; for instance, we only know what about one-and-a-half sides of Thebe look like).


Just a note to Jack, Grant, Phil and Jens... I would have been MORE than happy to have given credit where credit is due, but NONE of the zip files which I downloaded long ago included ANY kind of text which said "These textures/models made by - insert name here."

Just a thought for you... You guys ought to include a credit reference in your readme.txt files.

At any rate, thanks VERY much for the textures/models I'm using, whoever you are. :)

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU

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Post #36by jim » 22.12.2003, 22:34

Bob Hegwood wrote:Just a note to Jack, Grant, Phil and Jens... I would have been MORE than happy to have given credit where credit is due, but NONE of the zip files which I downloaded long ago included ANY kind of text which said "These textures/models made by - insert name here."

Hi Bob,

I add allways a text file to my zips that includes all this informations. :?

Bye Jens

Bob Hegwood
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Post #37by Bob Hegwood » 22.12.2003, 22:44

jim wrote: Hi Bob,

I add allways a text file to my zips that includes all this informations. :?

Well then I'm not using YOUR textures Jim. :wink:

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU

Intel 82815 Graphics Controller

OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build

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Jeam Tag M
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Post #38by Jeam Tag » 22.12.2003, 23:19

As far as I can do it (it is not always obvious), I systematically indicate in my catalogue the authors of the addons. And even, when I have time, I propose (links named 'notule VF') in French a 'readme' with coordinates(the download site) of the creators in more than one small explanation on the addon (it is especially the case for spacecrafts... hope to make it for other addons)
Even if it is wrote in French, picture, name and internet address are perfectly comprehensible in all the languages!
If that can help, Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

Bob Hegwood
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Post #39by Bob Hegwood » 23.12.2003, 01:36


Thanks for the tip... I guess I should do that also. Makes sense as there are a LOT of places to get textures and models now.

That's a GOOD thing though. :D

Take care, Bob
Bob Hegwood

Windows XP-SP2, 256Meg 1024x768 Resolution

Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU

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OpenGL Version: 1.1.2 - Build

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Post #40by danielj » 01.01.2004, 21:51

Everyone have your opinion,but I don?t like very much this textures.To me,are only artistic rendentions.It was supposed to be based in albedo maps,but these are truly unrealistic.Even the colour of the moons have been changed.For example,Larissa and other soother moons of Neptune are dark,and the textures don?t reflect it.The strange thing is that the Amalthea texture is not new,and based in real maps.Why don?t follow the same procedure for other moons?Creating craters,valleys,rilles,where there isn?t is not nice.This textures will be better in hypothetical solar systems.I don?t like if someone incorporate it in Celestia releases,puting in the place of the present ones.I think this is a experiment,and has your value.But the moons aren?t like that...

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