Your biggest star system.

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PlutonianEmpire M
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Your biggest star system.

Post #1by PlutonianEmpire » 25.07.2009, 02:03

Which star system in your "extras" folder has the greatest number of planets orbiting a single star? It can be any system, one you made yourself, one downloaded from the internet, or one generated by a planet or star generating program (such as the Globular Cluster Generator).

Counting: Planets (terrestrial and gas), moons, and dwarf planets.

Not Counting: "substellar objects" , brown dwarfs, asteroids, comets, stars, and everything else.

The biggest system on my computer that I know of is Pisces Centauri, one I created over the course of five to six years, containing twenty four planets and one dwarf planet, all within a 1000 AU radius, making for a crowded (and unrealistic) system indeed. And not enough moons, numbering thirty three. It's not suitable for upload to the internet though, because most of these worlds use other people's textures.
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Re: Your biggest star system.

Post #2by eburacum45 » 26.07.2009, 21:27

I've got 360 planets in the Ecotopia system; they are all artificial planets, created to test out experimental biospheres ... ca9d97f6c5

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Re: Your biggest star system.

Post #3by Hungry4info » 27.07.2009, 23:45

Five -> 55 Cancri.

Isn't that unoriginal? Haha.
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Re: Your biggest star system.

Post #4by Mneme » 01.06.2010, 18:16

Completed? None yet.

Otherwise, Tarazed. 19 planets, 39 moons. :)

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Re: Your biggest star system.

Post #5by fungun » 01.06.2010, 19:59

My Beta Antares system addon.
Counting just the planets and moons = 30


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Re: Your biggest star system.

Post #6by InconspicuousBarrel » 01.06.2010, 22:11

The Aeon system in my Dinari Galaxy Cluster addon. It contains 13 planets, 5 dwarf planets and a lot of moons and minor moons.

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Post #7by Joey P. » 09.12.2017, 23:07

I don't have fictional solar systems, sorry.
Joey P.

Gurren Lagann
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Post #8by Gurren Lagann » 31.01.2018, 17:13

I have no completed systems, but my system with the most planets is Trillin. It has 24 planets and 1 moon, but i will add the other moons later.
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Post #9by roninwolf1981 » 05.05.2018, 02:40

I think the star system with the most planets in my extras folder is the Star Trek Alpha Centauri A addon I downloaded from the Celestia Motherlode.
The one with the widest orbit around its parent star would have to be the Lylat System I've been working on for a few years.
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Post #10by Pluto » 28.09.2020, 15:58

Maybe TRAPPIST-1 or My paradise system

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Post #11by TheLostProbe » 29.09.2020, 07:51

idk but I reckon it's definitely some CelWP star
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Post #12by SpaceStalker » 30.10.2020, 07:40

HD 10180. 9 planets ( including 2 unconfirmed). I made this system by myself about 2 weeks ago, but it is still work in progress.

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