Project "Celestia Origin", release dated August 30, 2019

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Post #61by Joey P. » 30.09.2019, 04:59

I know. I myself don't want to believe in it.
Joey P.

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Post #62by Janus » 30.09.2019, 18:38

Unlikely, but unable to be ruled out.

However, it isn't the black hole that bothers me.
It is that at that size, it has to be decaying.
Even black holes leak, or so the theories go, and this one has gone billions of years with nothing to eat.
What happens when it loses enough mass to go from a singularity to a neutron star?
Could that expansion be fast enough to blow off chunks of still expanding matter?
What about the shockwave?


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Art Blos M
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Post #63by Art Blos » 01.10.2019, 18:26

Full-scale preparation for the new release has begun!
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Post #64by pedro_jg » 01.10.2019, 23:23

Since development of the new version is already starting, I guess it's already time to make my own suggestions about what I would like to see in the next release(s). Here are five of them.

1. Not sure if you are interested in adding a few new nebulae, or if these fit to your standards, but I could suggest the following addons by jll, that apparently were only published on this forum. They are as following:
- Barnard's Loop: viewtopic.php?p=76259#p76259
- M27 (Dumbbell Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=64797#p64797
- M1 (Crab Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=64953#p64953
- MyCn18 (Hourglass Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=51909#p51909
Also, this addon by Edasich contains some real nebulae:

2. Perhaps you should add LukeCEL's (viewtopic.php?p=141568#p141568) and cross index files (viewtopic.php?p=142221#p142221)

3. Texture maps for comets imaged by spacecraft. Some of them are available through the 3D Asteroid Catalogue.

4. I suggest including a shape model for 2008 TC3 ( and updating the models of Thebe and Kleopatra with the ones at the asteroid catalogue.

5. Lastly but not least, update the location files, especially for asteroids. I know this might take time and be not so easy.

Feel free to consider my suggestions as you want, but before everything, thanks in advance for your attention! :hi:

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Post #65by LukeCEL » 02.10.2019, 01:07

Hi pedro_jg, thanks for providing the links to the nebulae! I thought I had found all the nebulae add-ons on the Internet, but I guess I hadn't.

Out of the ones by jll, I think Barnard's Loop is the best-looking. Sure, it doesn't look right when viewed from the side, but the hazy look is well-depicted. However, I think all of them need to be realigned. When I visited them in Celestia, they weren't oriented the right way.

It might be possible to recreate MyCn 18 out of overlapping sprites.


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Post #66by Lafuente_Astronomy » 02.10.2019, 04:48

pedro_jg wrote:1. Not sure if you are interested in adding a few new nebulae, or if these fit to your standards, but I could suggest the following addons by jll, that apparently were only published on this forum. They are as following:
- Barnard's Loop: viewtopic.php?p=76259#p76259
- M27 (Dumbbell Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=64797#p64797
- M1 (Crab Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=64953#p64953
- MyCn18 (Hourglass Nebula): viewtopic.php?p=51909#p51909
Also, this addon by Edasich contains some real nebulae:

Don't forget the Carina Nebula, The Veil Nebula/Cygnus Loop, the Tarantula Nebula, the Running Chicken Nebula, some additional planetary nebulae, and HH objects

pedro_jg wrote:Feel free to consider my suggestions as you want, but before everything, thanks in advance for your attention!

Additional galaxies could be considered, however, we must also suggest making more accurate galaxy models, since some of them don't do their respective galaxies justice.
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Art Blos M
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Post #67by Art Blos » 02.10.2019, 05:35

I appeal to everyone. I am certainly pleased that you want to see more interesting objects in Origin, but please restrain your appetites this time. The tenth release is assigned concrete global and very important tasks that require urgent execution. Maybe I’ll do some of the above, but I can’t promise.
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Post #68by Lafuente_Astronomy » 02.10.2019, 05:55

Art Blos wrote:I appeal to everyone. I am certainly pleased that you want to see more interesting objects in Origin, but please restrain your appetites this time. The tenth release is assigned concrete global and very important tasks that require urgent execution. Maybe I’ll do some of the above, but I can’t promise.
Founder and head of the project "Celestia Origin"

It's alright. You can do the rest in the 11th release, or if ever Celestia Origin will eventually be released for Celestia 1.7.0 and made compatible with it.
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Post #69by pedro_jg » 02.10.2019, 19:32

Lafuente_Astronomy wrote:Don't forget the Carina Nebula, The Veil Nebula/Cygnus Loop, the Tarantula Nebula, the Running Chicken Nebula, some additional planetary nebulae, and HH objects
The problem is that we don't have suitable addons for those objects, as far as I know.

Art Blos wrote:I appeal to everyone. I am certainly pleased that you want to see more interesting objects in Origin, but please restrain your appetites this time. The tenth release is assigned concrete global and very important tasks that require urgent execution. Maybe I’ll do some of the above, but I can’t promise.
Okay, not the least problem with that :wink:. I perfectly understand that you have your own priorities. I wish that all goes well with the development, though :smile:!

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Post #70by fyr02 » 04.10.2019, 03:19
2006 Jupiter Map by Damian Peach that could be used.
note that it is in planetographic projection

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Post #71by Lafuente_Astronomy » 04.10.2019, 12:06

This is not related to the topic but today is the anniversary of Sputnik 1's launch. So, Happy Sputnik Day everyone! :smile:
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Art Blos M
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Post #72by Art Blos » 05.10.2019, 17:34

fyr02 wrote:4. Prometheus topographic map:
5. Hyperion Topographic Map
6. Proteus Topographic map:
Sorry, but this request is rejected. It turned out that these topo do not coincide with the current 3D-models (it is the result of differences between data from Voyagers and Cassini). Already added maps of Janus and Epimetheus will be deleted. :sad:
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Post #73by Askaniy » 05.10.2019, 18:56

Art Blos wrote:Sorry, but this request is rejected. It turned out that these topo do not coincide with the current 3D-models (it is the result of differences between data from Voyagers and Cassini).
But if you want, you can download processed versions here:
1. Prometheus
2. Hyperion
3. Proteus
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Post #74by fyr02 » 06.10.2019, 02:45

ah. no problem, yeah they were from voyager data, I don't know how accurate they are with Cassini, i know that proteus is probably completely misaligned.

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Post #75by SevenSpheres » 08.10.2019, 02:50

20 new moons have been discovered around Saturn! (Source)

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Art Blos M
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Post #76by Art Blos » 08.10.2019, 06:46

SevenSpheres wrote:20 new moons have been discovered around Saturn! (Source)
HOLY sh!t! :eek: :eek:
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Post #77by Lafuente_Astronomy » 08.10.2019, 08:36

Art Blos wrote:HOLY sh!t!

The Curse that revealed a thousand moons
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Post #78by SpaceFanatic64 » 08.10.2019, 13:40

20 new moons have been discovered around Saturn!
Move over, Jupiter, Saturn's the moon king now! :biggrin:
If you see that I made a dumb or nonsensical post years ago, please forgive me in advance.

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Post #79by Anthony_B_Russo10 » 08.10.2019, 15:42

Art Blos wrote:HOLY sh!t!
That response.
Anthony B. Russo, I like Pluto. Mod of the Celestia subreddit:
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Post #80by Janus » 08.10.2019, 16:13

Now we need a way to highlight moons in a grouping.

Since the new moons are part of three different groupings, it would be nice to be able to show those.

Or mark things things that are prograde vs retrograde, just for fun.


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