1)How is this nebula oriented in the sky ?
2)Wath is his exact RA, Dec & Distance?
I use :
RA 22.4933333
Dec -20.8
Distance 45
but don't think they are very precise.
Heres some shots of it...

Anonymous wrote:I'm not 100% certain (because you don't have enough stars visible in the sky) ... but it looks as if the nebula is upside down. Or rather flipped, around an axis of about 45 degrees through that picture.
Anonymous wrote:I'm not 100% certain (because you don't have enough stars visible in the sky) ... but it looks as if the nebula is upside down. Or rather flipped, around an axis of about 45 degrees through that picture.
I'm not 100% certain (because you don't have enough stars visible in the sky) ... but it looks as if the nebula is upside down. Or rather flipped, around an axis of about 45 degrees through that picture.
Astroboy... keep going with this..it looks fantastic. One thing...when it's finished, can you put in a star cluster? I just think it looks great when you can orbit a star (with a system) and see the animation.
NGC7293, The Helix Nebula
The Helix Nebula is the largest and probably the closest planetary nebula. Although the Helix Nebula has a magnitude of 6.3, it is a massive 12x16 arcmins - that is half the apparent diameter of the Moon! The nebula is a spherical shell surrounding extremely hot dwarf star of magnitude 13. The true diameter of the Helix Nebula is about 1.75 light years, at a distance of 450 light years from us. The Helix Nebula reaches a maximum altitude of just over 16°, and is best observed at around 10pm on a clear night in October.
Map, RA=22h29.6m, Dec=-20°48'
Code: Select all
# HIP 9000001
# TCY 1-900-0
9000001 {
RA 337.412
Dec -20.807
Distance 450
SpectralType "B3V" #"G0"
AppMag 13.3
Code: Select all
Nebula "Helix"
Mesh "ngc7293.3ds"
Radius 0.875
RA 22.4933333
Dec -20.8
Distance 450.0
# Axis [ 0.934827 0.136466 0.327838 ]
# Angle 90