idea for next prerelease/final

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Post #21by JackHiggins » 08.04.2003, 22:13

Another sort of "hole in the sky" type problem-

When you're on the surface of the earth during daytime, looking at the moon, when its nearly new moon, it appears as a black disc in the sky, instead of sky coloured (invisible). It only becomes a black disc near & during eclipses in real life, so could something be done about this too?

It's only small but it would make eclipses & general daytime on earth much more realistic!
- Jack Higgins
Jack's Celestia Add-ons
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Post #22by Rassilon » 08.04.2003, 22:51

You all should know theres a fix for the hole in the sky...Create a semi-transparent cloud layer 10% the height of the atmosphere...
I'm trying to teach the cavemen how to play scrabble, its uphill work. The only word they know is Uhh and they dont know how to spell it!


Post #23by GuessWhoIfYouAreNotBored » 09.04.2003, 16:06

selden wrote:GuessWho,
And how many years did how many people spend writing and now maintaining the code for the SoF distributed server software? I certainly don't want Chris to spend his time doing that!

okok, sorry... I didnt know it was THAT difficult. Everything is "multiplayer online" nowadays...

I guess i'll have to wait, then.

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Post #24by billybob884 » 09.04.2003, 19:50

8 ) I remember a while ago it was discussed how orbits were maid by a plotting of 100 points in a circle, or something to that effect, and I was thinking, how about making the # of points an option? in the options menu, make a few radio buttons:

Orbit Computation:
( ) 50 Pts.
( ) 100 Pts. (default)
( ) 250 Pts.
( ) 500 Pts.
Mike M.


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Location: People's Republic Of Cork, Ireland

Post #25by JackHiggins » 09.04.2003, 20:45

Even better than a radio button- if you could somehow specify in the ssc file how many points an orbit has (spacecraft using xyz's need far more than planets etc)
- Jack Higgins

Jack's Celestia Add-ons

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Post #26by jim » 09.04.2003, 21:30

Hi all,

I have another idea that can be improved. Since Chris included the deep sky objects we can see some nice picture about nebulas and many stars.

How about a improved star rendering in Celestia. I think about a mix of the current render methodes. Dark stars should rendered as points and bright stars as dishes. The size of the dishes should depend on the brightness off the stars. And the brightes stars should get this typical flare effect.

Now i think it's not to difficult to include this but the effect would be immense.

Bye Jens

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