Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

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Matt McIrvin
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Post #21by Matt McIrvin » 08.12.2004, 04:28

Matt McIrvin wrote:The more interesting question is whether there would be a noticeable cast to the resulting illumination during "half-night" as opposed to during the day. A lightbulb filament looks white to me, too, but the illumination from a regular incandescent has a noticeable yellow cast compared to the illumination from sunlight.

Hmm... given the smallness of the temperature differences involved here, I'd guess not. You need a fairly big difference to get that cast: normal incandescents are way down below 3000K, the sun above 5000K.

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Post #22by chornedsnorkack » 28.03.2013, 07:47

granthutchison wrote:Well, if we assume an Earth-like atmosphere, then light is going to scatter in exactly the same way, and so blue light will be spread over the whole vault of the sky, but at 1/500th of its intensity in Earth's daytime sky.
To be visible during the day on Earth, a star or planet needs to have a magnitude of -2.7, in order to stand out against the luminance of the daytime sky (we're talking about overhead, BTW, not at the horizon). Since the luminance of the sky in our Centauri system is being reduced 500-fold, we can reduce the visibility threshold by the same amount: equivalent to 6.75 magnitudes. So at night, when the companion star is visible, we'd be able to pick out magnitude 4 stars if there were no haze, and assuming we could block the light of the companion star and the reflected light from the landscape. That's a pretty black sky, if you consider how long after sunset you get this level of seeing.
Of course, in practice, the illumination from the companion star would constrict our pupils very dramatically: we'd be walking through a landscape as well illuminated as bright indoor lighting, and I doubt if we'd be able to pick out any but the brightest stars (like looking out the window at night with the room lights on).
So we're talking a black sky above a brightly illuminated landscape, I think.
To the contrary - this demonstrates the error in your calculations.

The total illumination of twilight, at horizontal surface, with the top of Sun disc just under horizon, is estimated at 400 lux. Which is 300 times less than full illumination with Sun at zenith.

These 400 lux contain no direct rays of Sun. Much of it comes from the glow just above Sun, but significant parts come from the sky overhead as well as on the other sides of horizon.

The sky overhead with Sun just under horizon is conspicuously blue - not colourless gray, like sky of moonlit night. It also is bright enough to conceal almost all stars.

It is also perceivably darker than the blue sky with Sun high in the sky (about 20 000 lux from blue sky and 110 000 from disc at zenith).

So - the sky with Alpha Centauri in sky should be blue and conceal the stars.

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Re: Re:

Post #23by granthutchison » 28.03.2013, 23:56

chornedsnorkack wrote:To the contrary - this demonstrates the error in your calculations.
Seriously? You resuscitate a decade-old thread for this?
My "calculation" involved nothing more complex than dividing by 500, and you haven't demonstrated an error. In fact, you have the logic completely reversed - you should look for the flaws in your own argument if it comes into conflict with such a simple bit of arithmetic.

Here are the flaws:
1) You quote a value for illuminance, but the visibility of stars is a matter of luminance.
2) This is important because the light path in your example is completely different from the scenario under discussion - and the specific distribution of sky luminance strongly affects the resulting illuminance.
3) The difference between zenith luminance at sunset and daytime zenith luminance is not as large as the difference between sunset illuminance and daytime illuminance (see 2 above).
4) The zenith sky at sunset would indeed be grey (specifically, it would have the same spectral distribution as the sun) if it were not for the enhanced absorptive effect of ozone because of the long horizontal light path at sunset. The blue zenith at sunset is the colour of ozone, not the result of Rayleigh scattering.

In summary: wrong photometric quantity, wrong light path, wrong kind of blue sky.


John Van Vliet
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Re: Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

Post #24by John Van Vliet » 29.03.2013, 17:04

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Last edited by John Van Vliet on 29.03.2013, 18:11, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Re:

Post #25by chornedsnorkack » 29.03.2013, 17:47

granthutchison wrote:
chornedsnorkack wrote:To the contrary - this demonstrates the error in your calculations.
Seriously? You resuscitate a decade-old thread for this?
The alternative would have been post a completely new thread on Alpha Centauri, without reference to the inspiring thread.
granthutchison wrote:My "calculation" involved nothing more complex than dividing by 500, and you haven't demonstrated an error. In fact, you have the logic completely reversed - you should look for the flaws in your own argument if it comes into conflict with such a simple bit of arithmetic.
I admit that your calculation is simple. This makes it easier to search for the error in it.
granthutchison wrote:Here are the flaws:
1) You quote a value for illuminance, but the visibility of stars is a matter of luminance.
2) This is important because the light path in your example is completely different from the scenario under discussion - and the specific distribution of sky luminance strongly affects the resulting illuminance.
3) The difference between zenith luminance at sunset and daytime zenith luminance is not as large as the difference between sunset illuminance and daytime illuminance (see 2 above).
While the distribution is indeed different, it does give some hard constraints.

My calculation for comparison:
The illuminance with Sun at zenith, Sun and blue sky combined is 129 000 lux
Of which the diffuse illumination over the whole blue sky shines 20 000 lux into shades - the rest is direct rays from the disc.

The illuminance with Sun just under horizon is 400 lux.
This is 50 times less than the diffuse illumination of blue sky with Sun at zenith.
An unknown but allegedly small fraction of this 400 lux illuminance of horizontal ground with Sun just under horizon is the glow near horizon just above Sun.
It may be a small fraction, but it cannot be zero, much less negative.
We therefore get a hard upper bound on the luminance of zenith sky with Sun under horizon. Not more than 1/50 the daytime value, and can be less.
granthutchison wrote:4) The zenith sky at sunset would indeed be grey (specifically, it would have the same spectral distribution as the sun) if it were not for the enhanced absorptive effect of ozone because of the long horizontal light path at sunset. The blue zenith at sunset is the colour of ozone, not the result of Rayleigh scattering.
It would be white.
But the point is, the luminance of sky with Sun just under horizon is sufficient for colour perception. It is possible to see blue sky overhead, pink and yellow at various places near horizon.
This is not possible in moonlit sky. At full Moon, Rayleigh scattering in sky causes scattered light in sky outshining the ordinary skyglow, and hampering observation of dim stars and diffuse nebulae.

The light of Moon is nearly as white as sunlight - very slightly yellower. Rayleight scattering could be expected to scatter mainly blue light into moonlit sky with full moon at zenith.
It does. The spectrum of moonlit sky is provably blue.
Spectrum is - but the sky is not. The colour of moonlit sky is gray because it is too dim to see colour.

The sky illuminated by Alpha Centauri high in sky, however, at the estimate of 500 times dimmer than Sun, is at a minimum 10 times less bright than overhead sky with Sun just under horizon. And 800 times brighter than moonlit sky.

One argument of mine is that the luminance of sky with Alpha Centauri high in sky should suffice for colour perception - by comparison with twilit sky at similar luminances.

Now, back to your calculation.

As I argued, twilit sky is at least 50 times dimmer than daytime sky.
If stars magnitude -2,7 were visible in daytime sky then stars of at least +1,5 should be visible in twilit sky - as soon as the whole disc of Sun is under horizon. But are they?

Since the computation is clear and obvious, the only possible place for error is the value. Magnitude -2,7.

Maybe one issue is the definition of "visible". Large phase Moon is readily seen in daytime sky - noticed on casual scan of sky as a "cloud" that does not move and has its shape.
Venus, magnitude -4? Not so readily. Not unless you specifically look for it knowing where to look.

If at sunset, stars are visible to magnitude +1,5, then Jupiter is currently high in sky, far from Sun. And so is Aldebaran. Are they both visible at the immediate moment of sunset?

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Re: Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

Post #26by kristoffer » 29.03.2013, 18:57

Alpha Centauri B would be as bright about this, from a world in Alpha Centauri A in the "Goldilocks zone":

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Re: Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

Post #27by chornedsnorkack » 29.03.2013, 20:05

How do you derive this image?

What is the angular size of the gas planet on the horizon?

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Re: Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

Post #28by kristoffer » 30.03.2013, 14:25

chornedsnorkack wrote:How do you derive this image?

What is the angular size of the gas planet on the horizon?

Haven't you seen this picture before? This is from the movie Avatar, gas giant Polyphemus with it's inhabited moon Pandora. Polyphemus orbiting the "Goldilocks zone" around Alpha Centauri A.
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Re: Questions about the Alpha Centauri Star System

Post #29by chornedsnorkack » 30.03.2013, 17:01

kristoffer wrote:
chornedsnorkack wrote:How do you derive this image?

What is the angular size of the gas planet on the horizon?

Haven't you seen this picture before? This is from the movie Avatar, gas giant Polyphemus with it's inhabited moon Pandora. Polyphemus orbiting the "Goldilocks zone" around Alpha Centauri A.

Still did not answer my question.
As you see, the wiki article does not specify the angular size of Polyphemus, and the image does not contain angular size scale. So what is the angular size of Polyphemus?

From the terminator curvature of the gibbous side of Polyphemus, we can figure that A is about 30 degrees behind the viewer looking towards Polyphemus. Perhaps slightly less than 120 degrees from Polyphemus.

Do you agree with that estimate?

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Re: Re:

Post #30by granthutchison » 01.04.2013, 14:29

chornedsnorkack wrote:While the distribution is indeed different, it does give some hard constraints.
We therefore get a hard upper bound on the luminance of zenith sky with Sun under horizon. Not more than 1/50 the daytime value, and can be less.
No, there's no such bound, because of the complex nature of sky luminance.
During the course of the day, a very bright patch of sky surrounding the sun moves from high in the sky to low in the sky; during that time it changes in size, shape, luminance and illumination angle quite dramatically. The change in illuminance you describe could occur with no change at all in zenith luminance, if the bright patch surrounding the sun changed appropriately in size, shape and luminance throughout the day.

Since the rest of your argument is built on this luminance/illuminance misunderstanding, it all collapses.

(The magnitude limit of -2.7 is based on observation, by the way: the typical observed luminance of daytime zenith sky, and the brightness threshold required to distinguish a diffraction-limit point of light against an illuminated background.)

Edit: Some aspects of your posts so far make me doubt if you're interested in anything but an argument. I therefore won't return to this thread.


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Post #31by chornedsnorkack » 01.04.2013, 16:09

Evil Dr Ganymede wrote:Kooky. That'd be much more illuminated than full moon on a clear night on earth, right? So there really would be no true 'night' until the companion was below the horizon.
Approximately. Depends on what you are willing to call "true night".

1/500 sunlight is what A gives at 28 AU (near apoapse) and B at 15 AU (near periapse).

A is about 1/850 Sun at dimmest, and about 1/70 Sun at brightest. B is about 1/3000 Sun at dimmest, and about 1/220 Sun at brightest.

So some illumination levels - all on horizontal surfaces, under Earth standard atmosphere. The twilight data from
0,1 lux - moonlit night. Achieved by full Moon about 30 degrees from horizon, or gibbous Moon about 45 degrees from full and at zenith. Also achieved by twilight from Sun at 9 degrees under horizon. On Alpha Centauri Earth standard atmosphere, achieved by dimmest B 1,5 degrees under horizon, brightest B about 4 degrees under horizon, brightest A about 5 degrees under horizon
1 lux - not achieved by Moon. Sun about 7 degrees under horizon, brightest A about 3 degrees under horizon, brightest B about 2 degrees under horizon, dimmest B about 3 degrees over horizon.
10 lux - Sun about 5 degrees under horizon, brightest A at horizon, brightest B 2,5 degrees over horizon, dimmest B about 20 degrees over horizon
43 lux - Sun about 3,5 degrees under horizon, brightest A 3,5 degrees over horizon, brightest B 9 degrees over horizon, dimmest B at zenith
100 lux - Sun about 3 degrees under horizon, brightest A 7 degrees over horizon, brightest B about 20 degrees over horizon, dimmest A about 50 degrees over horizon
150 lux - Sun about 2 degrees under horizon, brightest A 9,5 degrees over horizon, brightest B about 25 degrees over horizon, dimmest A at zenith
405 lux - Sun 1 degrees under horizon geometrically - commonly quoted as sun on horizon due to refraction. Brightest A 20 degrees over horizon, brightest B 50 degrees over horizon
600 lux - Sun geometrically 0,5 degrees under horizon, largely above horizon due to refraction. Brightest A 30 degrees over horizon, brightest B at zenith
1000 lux - Sun 0,5 degrees over horizon. Brightest A 40 degrees over horizon
1800 lux - Sun 2 degrees over horizon. Brightest A at zenith.

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