Loading of Russian fonts appears to fail

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Loading of Russian fonts appears to fail

Post #1by Chuft-Captain » 01.11.2012, 12:13

I just changed my locale to Russian (in windows control panel) in order to make Celestia start up in Russian language, and found that all the special characters required for displaying the Russian alphabet are displayed as "???????"'s.
[[ Celestia version 1.6.1 with Lua_Edu_Tools installed and using a customized celestia.cfg for extras loading. ]]

I recently found a similar issue with the Lua_Edu_tools, but this was resolved by a patch provided by Jogad.
Now, the Lua_Edu_Tools have no problem with the Russian alphabet, but standard Celestia does, although the problem seems to be limited to the Menus and popup dialog boxes.

I wonder if the native C++ code has the same or similar fault that the Lua_Edu_Tools had, or is there something else I need to do to ensure perfect simulatation of the Russian version?

Jogad's patch for this issue in the Lua_Edu_Tools may give some insight.
It can be found here: http://shatters.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=13618&start=45#p131850
Compare these files with their equivalents in the published version of Lua Edu Tools.
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John Van Vliet
Posts: 2949
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Re: Loading of Russian fonts appears to fail

Post #2by John Van Vliet » 01.11.2012, 21:02

--- edit ---

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