First of all, this week Saturn has apparent magnitude
+0.5 while the nearby
Spica (alpha VIR) has
+0.98. Thus, Saturn is indeed somewhat brighter than Spica but for the unaided eye it's not all that much.
Next, the star display in Celestia STRONGLY depends on the star style chosen (select with CTRL+S).
You apparently used the "scaled disks" style, which may give a reasonable global star display, but is unsuited for quantitative comparisons. Notably brighter stars (Spica!) will appear too bright (disk getting too large)
The underlying problem is clearly that the narrow dynamic range of computer monitors is generally unable to properly render the LARGE actual brightness differences of celestial objects. Hence one has to use various graphical tricks that are unavoidably more or less bad compromises.
One of the best possibilities is to map the apparent magnitude of a star to the rendered star size in pixel. In order to avoid huge discs (and slow rendering speed) one adds a Gaussian glare beyond a certain threshold brightness. The corresponding star view again depends on several parameters that one needs to adjust carefully etc.
Here is how things look with my shader stars (Celestia.Sci) and with apparent magnitude limit adjusted to 7.0 for naked eye observation:
The more reddish and somewhat brighter object left of Spica is Saturn. I think it's not all that bad.
This more modern star style is not officially incorporated in Celestia (I use such type of stars in Celestia.Sci though and ChrisL uses it in his new Cosmographia project through the VESTA@ASTOS library). There exists a patch by ChrisL for the Celestia source code, which requires recompilation.
Analogously, planets are inspected under a number of different conditions in Celestia: in the far-away "pointlike" limit, in some kind of telescope mode (-> automag) and from close distance. In the far-away "pointlike" limit one needs to use a similar rendering style as for the stars, in order to be able to compare magnitudes quantitatively. This has not been implemented in the official Celestia version.