It's about Venus

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
John Van Vliet
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #41by John Van Vliet » 11.02.2011, 11:21

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #42by MiR » 11.02.2011, 22:50


BobHegwood wrote:I have added your picture (still not a screen shot though) to the add-on.
Oh, it is an "extended" screen-picture; Or should it be a simple screen shot? There are so many add-ons available now, therefore I include a "meaningful" image into the .zips. To avoid to start Celestia everytime new, only to know what the add-on is showing.

BobHegwood wrote:My apologies for the trouble. I really did not know that my images were
not accurate. Will take a good hard look at my settings again.
Yes, it's true; I don't like the picture (though the picture is better than my english)...

but if that's the only way to hear more from you, then you have my permission to make such a screen shot for every new add-on I'll make. :!:
My only fear is; Ulrich will not be very pleased because of the continuous improvements...

Thanks again

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #43by BobHegwood » 11.02.2011, 22:58

john Van Vliet wrote:hi bob
first one is Jupiter in the testing SVN build with a higher res map
and the second is Jupiter in celestia 1.6 branch everything default

Well then I guess I don't have my Nvidia software set up correctly.
I *do* get my downloads directly from Nvidia though.

By the way, my AntialiasingSamples = 4, and I'm using the highest resolutions
I can for things like ring samples, etc. What else can I do except just leave the
screen shots OFF of the uploads?

I'll look some more, but Jupiter looks way better on my system than your
screen shots. Maybe it's just the way in which my screen shots are generated.

I'll play with it some more...

Thanks, Brain-Dead
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #44by BobHegwood » 11.02.2011, 23:04

MiR wrote:Bob,
Oh, it is an "extended" screen-picture; Or should it be a simple screen shot?Michael

Ulrich would prefer only screen shots so that people can get a real? look at the add-ons in
action. As I wrote to John above, I'll try to see what the problem is here at my end. :wink:

Thanks very much for your understanding.

Take care, Brain-Dead
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #45by MiR » 13.02.2011, 05:27

Very good screen-shots, guys. :)

Now I also understand what widescreen monitors are good for; to illustrate ringed planets in all their glory. :idea:
Yes, otherwise I do not like widescreen monitors very much, because there is a lack of height and depth. Just the right format for that with stupid advertisements overloaded television. But I fear someday I have to buy some of these widescreens, 'cause others won't be available... (at least until everyone throughout the world will own a widescreen monitor: then comes the advertising industry again and will tell us the "highscreen" monitors are the better ones 8) )
But that's only just my insignificant opinion. Or, to say it with the title of a book by Aldous Huxley: (beautiful) brave new world... :roll:

Your image, Bob, looks a bit too "colourful" for my taste, John's more "realistic". But I wasn't there... :wink:

BobHegwood wrote:Ulrich would prefer only screen shots so that people can get a real? look at the add-ons in
action. As I wrote to John above, I'll try to see what the problem is here at my end.

sounds sad. We need you here.
I (we) like your comments very much...

Best regards

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #46by BobHegwood » 13.02.2011, 14:22

MiR wrote:Bob...
sounds sad. We need you here.
I (we) like your comments very much...

Best regards

Sorry, but I really *am* Brain-Dead. :wink:
Don't know anything about Celestial mechanics or graphics...
I really just like the ability to investigate our Universe on my PC.

I'll be around for another 7 years or so. :D

Thanks, Brain-Dead
Brain-Dead Geezer Bob is now using...
Windows Vista Home Premium, 64-bit on a
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #47by MiR » 13.02.2011, 22:29

There must be something wrong with the cloud texture. You can see the mistake here (new motherlode image):


What is this...?! I've never seen this effekt before on my computer.
Better I should take the cloud map away from the server and go on working on it 'til the problems are solved.

What I can't understand; why don't you people post this here at That's the reason why I am here...? :?:

:arrow: :idea: It's "our" add-on. I'm only the guy, who is working on it. Therefore I need your help...


John Van Vliet
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #48by John Van Vliet » 13.02.2011, 22:40

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #49by MiR » 13.02.2011, 23:37


Thanks so much for your important explanation. I've wrote Urich a PM to remove the "VenusClouds" add-on.

I think I have to make some things new; at first I will kick off the overlay texture map, add lower resolution maps into the folder and try to reduce the brightness a bit or give the map more "colour".

Thanks again for your help. You're a friend.


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #50by Fenerit » 14.02.2011, 01:04

Michael, your Venus maps and clouds works fine for me. No seams are displayed.


If you have intention of resending the add-on on ML, whether I can suggest :oops: , please do use PNGs for all textures.
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #51by MiR » 14.02.2011, 04:38

Massimo, good guy! :)

This helps and gives me the necessary courage to continue this work.

Thank You! :!:


Adirondack M
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #52by Adirondack » 14.02.2011, 13:47

FYI: I did remove MiR's add-on from the catalog as he requested. We will await his revised upload.

MiR wrote:Oh, it is an "extended" screen-picture; Or should it be a simple screen shot?
You will find the answer when you click on [Upload new screenshot] on the add-on page:

Guidelines for screenshots:
The screenshot must show the addon. It should be a real screenshot of this addon made with Celestia (without window borders),
or in case of textures it can also be a 1024x512 pixels version of the texture itself. Screenshots should have a size of roughly
800x600 to 1024x768. You must use JPG, and you should use default compression (typically the setting is something like "75"
or "7" - screenshots made with Celestia are ok).

That does not mean that we do not accept widescreen shots (the guidlines were made in the 4:3 era).
But the screen shots should be made with Celestia and without "pictures in picture". Just upload further screen shots with various
scenes instead. But you should not exaggerate it however. Three to five shots are sufficient and more will be discarded.

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John Van Vliet
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #53by John Van Vliet » 14.02.2011, 23:03

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Re: It's about Venus

Post #54by MiR » 22.02.2011, 05:56


all the problems should be solved. Apart from the highly light-reflective cloud surface, though. (You just have to adjust the brightness controll on a lower value...)

A second point is; I'm still undecided concerning the blue haze around Venus (in opengl2).
Looks good, but I do not know whether the coloration is not too exaggerated..?
I need a few months distance from this. To find a more independent view on it.

But I won't forget it. :wink:


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #55by Hungry4info » 22.02.2011, 06:50

There aren't many true colour global images of the planet to really compare to, as far as I know. Very unfortunate, too. Rayleigh scattering should produce a blue component, I would think, but I don't know enough to make an educated guess as to whether or not it would be visible.
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #56by MiR » 23.02.2011, 04:26

Hi, Hungry4info,

I've seen you have changed your residence from Texas to Indiana, already a few months ago;
I hope it is a change for the better; I wish you good luck in your new home! (...and may all the troubles disappear.) :D

Hungry4info wrote:Rayleigh scattering should produce a blue component, I would think, but I don't know enough to make an educated guess as to whether or not it would be visible.
I agree. What you've wrote encourage me to leave my "blue hazed" Venus - for the moment - as it is. I will think about it.
You know, I respect your well-informed opinion very much, thank you. :)


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Re: It's about Venus

Post #57by Hungry4info » 23.02.2011, 18:39

MiR wrote:I've seen you have changed your residence from Texas to Indiana, already a few months ago;
I hope it is a change for the better; I wish you good luck in your new home! (...and may all the troubles disappear.) :D
Thank-you, dear.

If this image is (approximate) true colour, then it suggests that the rayleigh scattering is visible, but somewhat subdued from your image.
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Re: It's about Venus

Post #58by MiR » 27.02.2011, 15:13

I agree. Therefore I've already added an additional Mie-scattering part into the .ssc. With less density. But it's still too much, I think. Will further work on it... :)

Sorry for the late response. :oops:


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