Some bugs still in v1.3.0

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Some bugs still in v1.3.0

Post #1by jim » 27.02.2003, 19:58

Some bugs still in v1.3.0

Hi all

I'd found several bugs in Celestia 1.3.0 (and 1.2.5).

1. Bumpmaping dosn't work correct in all shadder adjustments (CTRL+V). I'd build a test bump map with round holes which can be downloaded here. Please try my test bump map. The round holes are showing if the shadows and light are correct orientated. It seams that at the aquator most times all works fine but the poles have some problems. For the screen shot i'd used the OpenGL vertex progam/NVIDEA combiners in Celestia 1.3.


The bumped line was a bug of my test bump map. I removed this from my current map.

2. GoTo bug: If you visit a small object and use the goto function to travel to a large object you get to close to this.

3. The key CTRL+A dosn't only switch on/off the atmosphere the starship accelerate too.

My system: Win98SE, duron900, 512mb, geforce2 (driver 4072)

Chris, i hope that my test bump map helps. For me is the bump mapping bug the most important.

Bye Jens

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Post #2by chris » 05.03.2003, 09:26

There was indeed a problem with bump mapping, and with the help of your test bump map, they're now fixed. I'll have 1.3.0pre3 ready for you to try out very soon. Thanks for pointing out the issue so clearly and providing a test case, Jens!



RE: Some bugs still in V1.3.0

Post #3by Stanzman » 05.03.2003, 19:02

Using WinXP and S3 Graphics Trio3D for video, now at least the program will start up(no go with the earlier version because of OpenGL?) but noticed when I try to go to Saturn or Titan, the program crashes. I can go to Neptune and Pluto. There are probably other planets/moons where it would also crash but these are the ones I noticed right away. Just wanted to report this.


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Celestia v1.3.0pre3 multitexture (?) bug

Post #4by selden » 05.03.2003, 20:13

This probably should be in a separate thread.. but, oh, well...

Perhaps related:

In Multitexture mode, with ring shadows enabled, when watching Saturn and changing the viewpoint using the mouse, sometimes some of the parts of the rings that are supposed to be hidden behind the planet are drawn in front of the planet.

As soon as I stop moving the mouse, the incorrectly drawn ring fragments go away. I dunno if this is a bug in Celestia's Multitexture mode or a bug in ATI's graphics drivers.

Obviously related to the ring problem: when watching Earth in "realtime", some of the nightside lights blink off and on. (Like planet shadows on rings, nightlights are only visible when Multitexture mode is enabled.)

These problems are not seen when running previous versions of Celestia, prior to 1.3.0pre1.

The rings are fine and don't show this problem when using Celestia's Basic rendering mode.

Basic rendering mode also is much faster than Multitexture mode. Presumably Multitexture is handled in the software drivers and not in the hardware. Control-V only selects Basic and Multitexture rendering modes on this system.

This is under WinNT4, SP6a, with an ATI Rage Pro 128 using "product version 6.60-010926m-1476C-ATI, Driver 4.3.3276", reported by Celestia as "OpenGL Version: 1.2.1652 WinNT Release". I had been using newer "beta" drivers (aka 4.3.4019), but they seemed to be causing the system to lock up after I ran Celestia v1.2.5 several times.

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Post #5by jim » 05.03.2003, 21:54

Hi Chris,

i'm so happy. You did a great job. Bumpmapping works now perfect. I have also tested normal maps with PNG-, JPG- and DDS-format. All work fine. Thanks!

Now i think it's time to jump from v1.2.5 to the new version.


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Post #6by Buzz » 05.03.2003, 22:12

I noticed strange behaviour of celestia 1.3.0 pre 1. I ran it on WinME with a GeForce 2 GTS 32MB using the standard texture set.

OpenGL info: Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Renderer: GeForce2 GTS/AGP/SSE
Version: 1.4.0
Max simultaneous textures: 2
Max texture size: 2048 etc, etc

ctrl-p or choosing its menu option doesn't do anything
ctrl-ins does not copy a cel url to the clipboard :cry:
Saturn shows no ring shadows on the planet surface yet, but I am not sure if it is already supposed to do so

ctrl-v in the menu does not do anything
typing ctrl-v cycles through 5 modes?!
1 city lights also during the day
3 reflection on water, no lights during the day
4 lighter surface than 3
5 darker than 4, no specular reflection

1 shadow on ring, saturn texture a bit purple, ring lighting direction dependant
2 no shadow on ring
3 shadow on ring
4 shadow on ring, border between dark and light shifts a bit
5 ring lighting direction dependant

3 bump mapping enabled
4 still bumps
5 lighter

Well, that's it for now... I'll start testing pre 3!

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Post #7by selden » 05.03.2003, 22:35


You're already two revisions behind! 1.3.0pre3 was made available this morning, which fixes some Multitexture rendering bugs.

As best I can tell, Nvidia "pixel shaders" and "vertex shaders" are irrelevant now. I suspect Chris just hasn't had the time to fix the menus yet.

The Cel:// URL generated by Ctrl-Insert was missing the final letter in pre1. Maybe that's the problem you're seeing? That was fixed in pre2. (Also check to make sure you're using the right keyboard map for the keyboard model that you have.)

Control-V steps through the new rendering modes. There's a flash message for each one as it's selected. On a Ti4200, here's what got added each time I typed a Control-V while running pre2 watching Earth:

1st time: Render path: Basic: surface plus clouds
2nd time: Render path: Multitexture: nightlights
3rd time: Render path: NVIDIA combiners: bumpmap
4th time: Render path: OpenGL vertex program: bumpmap + specular reflection highlights (this bumpmap view looks slightly more exaggerated then the previous one)
5th time: Render path: OpenGL vertex program/NVIDIA combiners: haze
6th time: back to Render path: Basic: surface plus clouds

Here's what I noticed with pre2 while watching Saturn:

Render path: Basic: surface plus rings
Render path: Multitexture: adds shadow on rings by planet
Render path: NVIDIA combiners: more graduated terminator
Render path: OpenGL vertex program: ring shadows on planet
Render path: OpenGL vertex program/NVIDIA combiners: haze

I'll try pre3 this evening to see if there are any obvious differences. I know there were some fixes to Multitexture mode.

Does this help at all?

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Post #8by Buzz » 05.03.2003, 22:52

Thanks Selden! I guess I didn't read enough :( And I prefer running Celestia without any info text so I didn't see the mode changes announced... CTRL-ins didn't produce anything at all.
I will check if pre 3 is different!

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Post #9by Buzz » 07.03.2003, 09:42

Still no cel-ulrs with ctrl-ins on win ME :(
It does work on the same machine under SuSE and on a different machine under win 2k... I will check my keyboard settings.

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