Hi all
I'd found several bugs in Celestia 1.3.0 (and 1.2.5).
1. Bumpmaping dosn't work correct in all shadder adjustments (CTRL+V). I'd build a test bump map with round holes which can be downloaded here. Please try my test bump map. The round holes are showing if the shadows and light are correct orientated. It seams that at the aquator most times all works fine but the poles have some problems. For the screen shot i'd used the OpenGL vertex progam/NVIDEA combiners in Celestia 1.3.
The bumped line was a bug of my test bump map. I removed this from my current map.
2. GoTo bug: If you visit a small object and use the goto function to travel to a large object you get to close to this.
3. The key CTRL+A dosn't only switch on/off the atmosphere the starship accelerate too.
My system: Win98SE, duron900, 512mb, geforce2 (driver 4072)
Chris, i hope that my test bump map helps. For me is the bump mapping bug the most important.
Bye Jens