Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #721by Reiko » 09.08.2010, 04:05

john Van Vliet wrote:
I know there are a few AVATAR add-ons out there but none of them are close to the information I have gleaned from both the book and the game
what i have been seeing are rehashing and recoloring of the default Celestia maps
a file list of one example
the "medres" folder

Code: Select all

I admit I severely rehashed a Jupiter map for Polyphemus. I did this for two reasons, 1 - the planet looks like a blue Jupiter in the movie and 2 - making gas giants are not easy. Since this world looks like a blue Jupiter then why not use Jupiter as the template?

As for my Pandora, that was a random generated texture created by LunarCell.



Don. Edwards
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #722by Don. Edwards » 09.08.2010, 04:44

Hey Reiko,

My Polyphemus is a heavily modified Jupiter texture, lets face the facts, its what they certainly did for allot of the scenes in the movie. My Pandora is as close as I can come from the one image we see of it. The rest of the surface and water is guess work. If i could extract the textures used in the game as a template I would. But I have not found a working tool to crack the .pak files open. The rest of the planets and moons will be original works and some textures from around the Celestia collection out there. I might borrow a few from HD28185.

As for size, Polyphemus is as stated in the book, about Saturn size but more massive. Pandora in the book and game is just under the size of the Earth. Earth being 12,715 km in diameter and Pandora being 11,447 km in diameter. There is little information about moon 6, the next one out from Pandora except that is too is habitable and heavily oceaned and forested, but no intelligent life, there. There is mention in the game of a planet in the system called Oceanus, but where it is may be a problem. I think in the game its in the leading Lagrange planet of Polyphemus, making it Earth size. But again the information is vague at best. I will have to go back into the game and get the info.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

John Van Vliet
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #723by John Van Vliet » 10.08.2010, 06:24

don this dose not open them?

supposedly winzip & stuffit do, so i would expect 7-zip to also
and a MS file format check
http://www.file-extensions.org/filetype ... game-files
and now for something different
I have been playing with Titian while my new com. is in transit ( one state ( OH ) away )

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #724by Don. Edwards » 10.08.2010, 06:54

Hey John,

That is a no, on all three apps. There are dedicated .pak file openers, but none of them work. My understanding
is the the .pak files for AVATAR, were compressed and encrypted with a new format that has them locked down, at least for now.
It may be possible someone will break the encryption, but for now nothing opens them.

Thank for the info though.

I am officially a retired member.
I might answer a PM or a post if its relevant to something.

Ah, never say never!!
Past texture releases, Hmm let me think about it

Thanks for your understanding.

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #725by PlutonianEmpire » 14.08.2010, 02:46

I decided my old Ringed Earth addon needed updating, so I added some detail to the rings.

Here's the view from northern Minnesota:

The updated version should be available on the Motherlode eventually.
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #726by chris » 17.08.2010, 01:48

The skies were clear, but my drive motor broke just after sunset...



John Van Vliet
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #727by John Van Vliet » 18.08.2010, 03:13

some shots on my new computer
ya finally 200 to 500 frames per sec.
mars in gl2 and nvidia and mostly the same area of Titan as above
GL2 Image nvidia Image

nvidia Image GL2 Image
i still need to edit the gl2 haze - wrong color

I am still installing programs on OpenSUSE so ...

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #728by CAP-Team » 18.08.2010, 11:36

Nice pics, Chris and John!
Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Intel Core i7 2600K 3.4 Ghz, 4 GB RAM, 120 GB SSD + 1 TB hdd, nVidia GTX460 1 GB, Celestia 1.6.0.xxxx
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #729by chris » 18.08.2010, 17:51

Stereographic projection with a 180 degree diagonal field of view.

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #730by t00fri » 18.08.2010, 18:51



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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #731by PlutonianEmpire » 20.08.2010, 22:19

As if my addons aren't insane and unrealistic enough, here's something new to shake things up:

Earth as a moon of Jupiter:


What I did was apply new CustomOrbit definitions using the Modify feature in SSC text.

As for Jupiter being blue, I simply chose to apply new colors and a BlendTexture command in the Modify declaration, instead of editing Jupiter's texture file.

Avatar was not the inspiration. Something else was.
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #732by Reiko » 23.08.2010, 08:22

PlutonianEmpire wrote:Avatar was not the inspiration. Something else was.

2010? :)

John Van Vliet
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #733by John Van Vliet » 23.08.2010, 18:51

2010 ? what about 2061 and 3001

and the epilogs 20010 and 30001? ( i need to look the names up )

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #734by PlutonianEmpire » 27.08.2010, 23:25

I loved the movie version of 2010. :D

Have yet to read the books though.

Good answer, but the inspiration was actually from a dream I had, where the gas giants were the inner planets, and Earth was first on a collision course with Jupiter, and then was a moon of it. That's why if you look at the background of the pic I posted, you can see Saturn replacing Venus.

My apologies for taking so long to reply. :oops:
Terraformed Pluto: Now with New Horizons maps! :D

John Van Vliet
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #735by John Van Vliet » 28.08.2010, 00:03

Have yet to read the books though.

I have them all in hard cover on the bookshelf

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #736by Reiko » 28.08.2010, 06:16

PlutonianEmpire wrote:I loved the movie version of 2010. :D

Have yet to read the books though.

Good answer, but the inspiration was actually from a dream I had, where the gas giants were the inner planets, and Earth was first on a collision course with Jupiter, and then was a moon of it. That's why if you look at the background of the pic I posted, you can see Saturn replacing Venus.

My apologies for taking so long to reply. :oops:

john Van Vliet wrote:Have yet to read the books though.

I have them all in hard cover on the bookshelf

Read them they are very good! I enjoyed 3001 the most. :)

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #737by Reiko » 07.09.2010, 21:32

UFO spotted over Bob's pyramids!!!




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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #738by Reiko » 28.09.2010, 16:06

64k Earth and 32k clouds make a beautiful background. :D




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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #739by loki » 05.10.2010, 18:58

Here are a few screenies of my rehash of the klingon planet Q'onos done with lunarcell i basically wanted to make the planet alot greener than seen in fungens excellent klingon mod so i tinted the clouds and atmosphere and added a nightmap too

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #740by fungun » 05.10.2010, 20:53

Very nice. :)
But i think you have alittle too much land mass there :wink:



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