SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #81by jogad » 13.08.2010, 16:54


Joe, maybe I have a solution (or at least a good workaround) to your problem.
The downloading problem seems to have something to do with this article from the Microsoft support.

I have changed the file extension from ".zip" to ".zi" and this way the file is not subject to hazardous recoding during its travel on Internet.

Joe, please try again from the initial link at the beginning of this thread
The only extra work for you is to right-click on the link and save the file with a "zip" extension. :!:
Last edited by jogad on 13.08.2010, 16:58, edited 1 time in total.

Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #82by Marco Klunder » 13.08.2010, 16:57

I'm trying ... wait a few minutes ...
Both links still have the .zip extension here ... probably I'm to quick here... I'll try in half an hour again
Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #83by jogad » 13.08.2010, 17:14

Marco Klunder wrote:I'm trying ... wait a few minutes ...
Both links still have the .zip extension here ... probably I'm to quick here... I'll try in half an hour again

Thank you for testing.

And yes you are to quick :wink:

Only the first link in the "installation" post is updated.

You can check that by moving the cursor on the link and see the caption info at the bottom of your browser's windows

Anyway clear the cache of your browser before trying again :!:

It is possible that the save as... dialog shows the name with a "zip" extension. Don't care :wink:

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #84by Marco Klunder » 13.08.2010, 17:26

All works fine for me now here :D
Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #85by jogad » 13.08.2010, 17:35

Marco Klunder wrote:All works fine for me now here :D
And now as a bonus you have the very last version 8)

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #86by Marco Klunder » 13.08.2010, 19:49

2.1 :?: :wink:
Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #87by Joe » 14.08.2010, 01:12


A big smile :D I want to show to you. Everything works fine and excellent work!!!


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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #88by Adirondack » 31.08.2010, 22:30

This add-on (revised V2) is now available at the Lua Edu Tools section on the CML: ... ities.html (Slideshow 2.0).

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #89by jogad » 01.09.2010, 18:12


Adirondack wrote:This add-on (revised V2) is now available at the Lua Edu Tools section on the CML: ... ities.html (Slideshow 2.0).
Thank you very much

Marco Klunder wrote:2.1 :?: :wink:
Actually the version on the CML is not 2.0 but just version 2 :mrgreen:
The .0 was for a remaining bug (incorrect recording of the size when using the automatic resizing tool of the palette).
This bug is fixed on the CML version. 8)

The logo of this new version (and the last :wink: ) has been updated on the first page of this thread as well as the links for its installation.

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #90by jldoreste » 08.11.2012, 20:24

Hello Jogad, Fenerit, Marco Klunder, etc.

Thank you very much for SLIDESHOW-DIAPORAMA. It's very useful for me.

I've added a few lines of code to adapt SLIDESHOW-DIAPORAMA to GNU/Linux OS. It works now for me and I think it may be of your interest.

I wrote two Bash scripts, "" and "", that must have the same functionality in GNU/Linux as "launchfile.bat" and "launchHtml.bat" in Windows.

"" opens plain text files, images, html, php, audios, videos, pdf, and oasis open documents. It plays mp3 with "mpg123" and "ogg" audio files with "ogg123" which must be installed in the computer. Both are command-line audio players, so no window is opened over our Celestia "landscape" when an audio file is played. Anyway, they may be changed by the user simply editing the file.

"" main function is to open a web page when the link begins with the 7 characters "http://".

Jogad, you can find and check the code searching "running_OS" (line 1750) of "slideshow.lua" in the attached "". Those are the unique changes I made to "slideshow.lua" lines from 1750 to 1756. I hope it could be useful for other GNU/Linux users. The strings testings "://" and ":[/\\]" are not present in the Linux running_OS section because I don't know if they are relevant in this OS. If you think the new codes are good enough you can add them to your official release, if you wish.

For SLIDESHOW-DIAPORAMA to work correctly in GNU/Linux some changes must be made in "config_slideshow.lua":

Code: Select all

running_OS = "Linux"
play_file_command = '"PLAYFILE"' -- Same as Windows
slide_edit_command = [["kwrite" "TEXTFILE"]] -- running_OS = "Linux"

"KWrite" is my favorite text editor, but it can be easily changed.

A last note for GNU/Linux users:
Unless mistake, I think SLIDESHOW-DIAPORAMA reads the catalog file "_slideCatalog.txt" when it is started, but later changes are saved in the "_slidecatalog.txt" (Do you find the difference?). They are two different files in GNU/Linux, so if you edit "_slidecatalog.txt" before starting Celestia it is recommended to make a copy:

cp -p _slidecatalog.txt _slideCatalog.txt

before starting Celestia.

I have attached a translation file to Spanish, too: "locale_slideshow_es.lua".

Thank you for your attention.
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John Van Vliet
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #91by John Van Vliet » 08.11.2012, 21:30

--- edit ---
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #92by jogad » 09.11.2012, 18:24


jldoreste, thank you very much for your work. :D
Giving the possibility to have the full functionnalities of the plugin even with Linux is unvaluable.

And thank you also for the spanish translation.

jldoreste wrote:Unless mistake, I think SLIDESHOW-DIAPORAMA reads the catalog file "_slideCatalog.txt" when it is started, but later changes are saved in the "_slidecatalog.txt" (Do you find the difference?).
This is a BUG :evil:
There is only one file whose name shoul be "_slidecatalog.txt".
For Windows, it is the same file but not for Linux. Some changes are not taken in account if you use the wrong name)
(For the Windows' users, you can safely ignore this).

Also I didn't know what was this line for (line 3547) and I have inclosed it in an if running_OS == "Linux" statement

Code: Select all

os.execute("echo slideEditCommand= "..slideEditCommand.." > extras/slideshow/vvv2/variables.txt")

I have absolutely no skill to test the Linux related code so I reley entirely on you for this. :mrgreen:
If nobody has complains to make, I will add the new code and the spanish translation to the released version.
I'll have also some modifications to make to the documentation... (I send you a PM for that)
Last edited by jogad on 24.03.2013, 08:32, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #93by jldoreste » 09.11.2012, 21:14

Hello, John Van Vliet: I'm pleased to meet you.

Hello, Jogad

jogad wrote:Also I didn't know what was this line for (line 3547) and I have inclosed it in an if running_OS == "Linux" statement

Ups, I apologize for that :oops: . It's a sentence I added when I was trying to understand how the code works. It writes the value of the variable "slideEditCommand" into the file "variables.txt". It is an unnecessary code that can be deleted.

I have absolutely no skill to test the Linux related code so I reley entirely on you for this.
I'll be proud of doing that.

More details in the PMs.
Best wishes.
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #94by jogad » 10.11.2012, 17:51


The modified version is almost ready to upload on the Celestia Motherlode

Two files are added:

These files are modified:
- slideshow.lua (the main program)
- readme_slideshow.txt
- lisez-moi_diaporama.txt
- slideshow_en_2.0.pdf
- diaporama_fr_2.0.pdf
- And the locale files. (one more entry to translate and sometimes more...)

If somebody wants to help for the translation (s)he is very welcome. 8)

I plan to upload the new version within the next few days.

Thank you!
Last edited by jogad on 24.03.2013, 08:30, edited 1 time in total.

Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #95by Marco Klunder » 11.11.2012, 13:05

jogad wrote:I post them here, except the pdf files that are too big.
If somebody wants to help for the translation (s)he is very welcome. 8)

Well, here below you'll find the Dutch translation of the readme:

I'm also looking after the PDF file translation, but that's a lot of extra work :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: :mrgreen:
Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #96by jogad » 11.11.2012, 16:05

Thank you Marco for the Dutch readme.
Could you have a look please, at the locale_slideshow_nl.lua which is badly incomplete?

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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #97by Marco Klunder » 11.11.2012, 20:49

jogad wrote:Thank you Marco for the Dutch readme.

You're welcome.

jogad wrote:Could you have a look please, at the locale_slideshow_nl.lua which is badly incomplete?


See attached file.
Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #98by jldoreste » 12.11.2012, 11:16

Spanish translations of "Linux-install" and "locale_slideshow_es.lua".

Best wishes.
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #99by jogad » 12.11.2012, 15:51

Thank you very much :)

Marco Klunder
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Re: SLIDESHOW–DIAPORAMA presentations without scripting

Post #100by Marco Klunder » 17.11.2012, 00:04


I still call it a kind of v2.1 :wink:

Attached link, the Dutch translation of the manual.
Also the Dutch Local file extended according the French local file (so a few additional translations added) :!:
A slightly modified readme and a Debug comment concerning the actual Manual document.

Unfortunately, PDF manual failed in proces, so it still is a Word document.
Feel free to make it a PDF yourself

On to the new LP translations of CC :wink:

Marco Klunder
Windows10 PD 3.0 GHz, 2 GB of RAM, Nvidia GeForce 6700 XL
Celestia161 / SVN + Lua Edu Tools v1.2 Beta9, Celestia160-ED and Celestia1621

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