Use the rightmost mouse button:
Put cursor on Celestia icon
Hold down right mouse button
Drag icon to new location
Release right mouse button
A new popup menu appears
Select "Create shortcuts here"
A new icon appears at the new location (The old icon is unchanged)
Put cursor on new Celestia icon
Click right mouse button (do not hold down)
A new popup menu appears
Select Properties (at the bottom of the new menu)
In the Target field, enter
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\Celestia\celestia.exe" --url "extras\Control key of Celestia\Control key of Celestia.cel"
1. The "extras" directory name is not capitalized: it is spelled "extras" not "Extras"
2. the .cel filetype is required at the end.
3. Separate quotes are needed around the "url" name because of the spaces.
Suggestion: Rename the folder and the file. Replace the spaces (" ") by underscore ("_") so no quotes are needed.
Code: Select all
"C:\Program Files\Celestia\celestia.exe" --url extras\Control_key_of_Celestia\Control_key_of_Celestia.cel