Old Pictures from Celestia (locked)

General discussion about Celestia that doesn't fit into other forums.
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #441by Royofsaltfleet » 20.02.2009, 13:22

bdm wrote:A few notes regarding secular changes of such a planet are in order here.

Well you have to learn these things.
ill try adjustung the Obliquity of Deimos to see if i can replicate the same effect (putting Tranquillitys inclination to near 0)
otherwise i suppose it will just have to have more than 2 eclipses
Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold?
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #442by Royofsaltfleet » 20.02.2009, 17:33

Royofsaltfleet wrote:ill try adjustung the Obliquity of Deimos to see if i can replicate the same effect (putting Tranquillitys inclination to near 0)

Well i did it Set tranquilities inclination to near enough 0, set Deimos's obliquitiy to 30 degrees and made tranquility tide locked, not i get eclipses once every 8 earth months or so
Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold?
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #443by chris » 20.02.2009, 19:49

ajtribick wrote:I'd say yes units are necessary. The semimajor axis and orbital periods of these systems are more naturally expressed in solar radii and days/hours than AU and years, which are the default units in .stc files. I get round this in the add-on by using radius (which is in km) and rotation period (hours), but these aren't really the best names for the properties (and because of all the fun of the automatic mesh centring the radius value isn't a particularly obvious quantity for the end-user). I would also be unwilling to see another context in Celestia catalogue files with its own set of defaults for the units.

Also is it just me, or is it the case that the rotation axis is the z-axis for models in .ssc files, and the y-axis for .stc models?

The rotation axis is always the y-axis. This unfortunately is not the convention in astrodynamics and celestial mechanics, but we're stuck with it for reasons of backward compatibility. Same with mesh centering. There are a few annoyances like this that would be nice to solve in an update to Celestia's catalog file format.


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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #444by Royofsaltfleet » 23.02.2009, 18:47

MayFlower - Tau Ceti
August 8th 2335

The Orion Colony ship entered the system after following in the wake of the tragic pioneers that set out to here 35 years previously and never made it. The Mayflower, launched in 2300 dissapeared without a trace 8 years into her journey. The world that would later be known as Capitol was named in its honor. Mayflower shows a conspicuous absence of many high-level fauna species; also plant life is nowhere near as diverse as it should’ve been for a planet of its warmth and age. This initial mystery was solved when a 40Km wide impact crater was discovered in the south ocean. Its age was estimated at between 100 and 150 thousand years old. The impact had devastated the ecosystem. Fossil finds show the evolutionary past to be quite diverse. The star is in the late stages of its main sequence however and the heating effects are having a catastrophic effect on the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Compounded with the impact event, there is not expected to be much increase in the number and complexity of species in the foreseeable future. The world is thought to have been visited by an alien species in the recent past, the evidence for this being a huge floating facility of unknown purpose in the deep clouds of the nearby Gas Giant planet Zeus. No evidence of settlement however exists on the surface of Mayflower.


Zeus and Hera.jpg

The empire mercilessly pillaged this system during the early stages of colonisation, especially after the outbreak of war in the 25th century, so much so that 200 years later the planet was declared devoid of indigenous life. efforts to preserve native life were Spartan at best. It is arguably one of the biggest failings of mankind to date and was a major driving factor in the formation of the Garden political movement in the 29th century, despite initially falling on deaf ears (at the time post war restoration was priority for most of human kind) it became a major dominant force of Federation Politics in the 33rd century and it lead to the final abandonment of Earth in 3341

Planet New London started out as a Wet Mars like world that was brought to habitability by the Empire in the 2660's by a combination of pelting the world with many of the systems abundant comets and setting up the heavy industry that killed Mayflower onto New London. soon the world was ready for Species transplant. What remains of the Indigenous life of Capitol exists in specially constructed biodomes, isolated from the earthlike environment outside. these reservations increased somewhat after the failed attempts to revive Mayflower rescued DNA of extinct species

New London.jpg
Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold?
Its Very Cold in Space

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #445by zhar2 » 23.02.2009, 22:44

I swear ive seen new londons texture before somewhere else (archbuilders alpha centauri maybe?)

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #446by Royofsaltfleet » 24.02.2009, 11:12

Royofsaltfleet wrote:Probably not, i havent got the skill to create my own textures yet (working on it) so i just mish mash ones ive found together.

When i get the neccercary artist skills (or find enough money to pay my tallented brother:) )
i may redo the textures and release. They are however all part of a Sci Fi universe i am developing to accompany several books i'm writing/written

im trying to get a couple of stories together to release Galactic North Style

Im working on my photoshop skills but im basicly trying to flesh out what i want my universe to looklike, names and such
Do you know the Klingon proverb that tells us revenge is a dish that is best served cold?
Its Very Cold in Space

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #447by eburacum45 » 12.03.2009, 07:57

By coincidence, the main gas giant in the Tau Ceti system in the Orion's Arm scenario is called Zeus too.
Here is a short animation;


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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #448by Reiko » 12.03.2009, 22:05




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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #449by jogad » 14.03.2009, 07:16

Hi Reiko,

Very nice as usual. :D

As I did not find this spacecraft, I took another one of yours for this picture.

Click to enlarge. Attention: big file!

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #450by ajtribick » 14.03.2009, 20:22

The Earth, transplanted into orbit around RW Doradus.

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #451by Reiko » 20.03.2009, 23:03

jogad wrote:Hi Reiko,

Very nice as usual. :D

As I did not find this spacecraft, I took another one of yours for this picture.

Click to enlarge. Attention: big file!
Nice! :D

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #452by Reiko » 21.03.2009, 22:07

They finally reach Earth...


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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #453by Reiko » 25.03.2009, 23:25

A friend of mine took this shot.


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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #454by PlutonianEmpire » 28.03.2009, 17:04

Belle Hades finally ready to be uploaded to the Motherlode!
Terraformed Pluto: Now with New Horizons maps! :D

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #455by ajtribick » 01.04.2009, 22:32

Gliese 876, 3-body Runge-Kutta integration. The outer two planets have been detected astrometrically and the planet-planet interactions are easily detectable in the radial velocities. The outer two planets have orbits that can therefore be specified in full 3D. The effect of the innermost super-Earth planet (Gliese 876 d) is ignored since its orbit has not been detected astrometrically. Orbits are rendered in the astrocentric frame.

The image depicts a 10-year integration, which illustrates just how rapidly the orbits of this system evolve (so much for using EllipticalOrbit!).

Not sure how interested people would be in such an add-on, and it might be possible to represent the orbits with periodic functions in a ScriptedOrbit instead of using large .xyzv files.
Last edited by ajtribick on 04.04.2009, 22:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #456by ajtribick » 02.04.2009, 19:01

Another one to highlight just how rapidly the orbital precession is in the Gliese 876 system: the timespan is 1 year, this covers just over 12 orbits of Gliese 876 c (or roughly 6 orbits of Gliese 876 b).

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #457by Hungry4info » 02.04.2009, 23:48

Wow. That's really awesome. And yes, indeed, I would be very interested in such an add-on. Is it available for download? :D
Current Setup:
Windows 7 64 bit. Celestia 1.6.0.
AMD Athlon Processor, 1.6 Ghz, 3 Gb RAM
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #458by ajtribick » 03.04.2009, 17:38

Thanks! :) It's not available yet, still need to do more testing to make sure the integrator is actually working, and various other adjustments... still not entirely sure how this add-on is going to end up.

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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #459by Cham » 03.04.2009, 18:52

ajtribick wrote:still not entirely sure how this add-on is going to end up.

Easy ! Just make the trajectories invisible by default, and make them switchable with a "multi-layer" script. There are lots of possibilities, using this technique, under Celestia 1.6.0.

In my view, all older versions of Celestia are now TOTALLY obsolete because of this feature.
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Re: Post your Celestia pictures!

Post #460by bdm » 08.04.2009, 12:04


Bluster and Tempest are a fictional double planet orbiting Alpha Mensae. Bluster is an uninhabitable waterworld and Tempest is habitable and life-bearing (although there is little life on the land).

The Tempest texture is a proof of concept for a new technique that I am working on. It is a 16K vt.

The Bluster cloudmap is a slightly reworked cloudmap for Panthalassa from Orion's Arm, and the Tempest cloudmap is (I think) one of Don's creations.

Here is a closeup of one of the smaller landmasses of Tempest.

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