It looks like this is not an issue as these satellites are all far enough apart that Celestia's culling takes care of any possible performance issues. ie. There's never more than one satellite in the FOV large enough to require rendering (when they're far enough away, they're just rendered as dots).CC wrote:.... if you're generating definitions for 1100 spacecraft, the default mesh should have as few polygons as possible. Celestia *generally* tries to render every polygon in the field-of-view. (with some culling I think)
There is one issue with this ... Invisible's don't get labelled (which was a fairly recent change made by Chris to avoid screen clutter). Unfortunately, a spacecraft which is a child of an Invisible location (eg. "GLOBALSTAR M001 Body", etc) also doesn't get labeled.CC wrote:1. Modified your noradsatellites.ssc as follows:Code: Select all
""GLOBALSTAR M001" "Sol/Earth" {
Class "Invisible"
Radius 0.010 #0.004999999888241291
I consider this to be a bug in Celestia. If spacecraft labeling is switched on, imo ALL spacecraft should be labeled, whether they are children of an Invisible, or not.