Hello Fellow Celestians,
The long wait is almost over. I am pretty much finished with the main part of the Terraformed Mars project. I could keep going and tweaking things as I have done for over 3 long and grueling years, but there would be no end in site. The end I must start somewhere and I feel its come. Its time to let this project spread it wings a little and see what everyone out there thinks. So I will be making a, all be it small version available for anyone to try if they wish to. The main ideal here is to get some feedback from as many of you wish too as to color balance and over all appearance of the textures across a few systems. I can only judge what it looks like on my flat panel monitor so I need to hear from you as to what might need adjusting for the final tweaks. The textures are only at the 4k level .PNGs but they look very good for a mere 4k texture.
The textures come in two vegetation levels. They can be considered to be at different times. An earlier time when plant life is well adapted to the lower elevations and then the next the vegetation has migrated to higher altitudes as the planet has warmed further. You can use both or choose the one you like best. The Tharsis ice field is also slightly larger in the second one as to show that it has increased in size and mass.
Here are some beauty shots of the two textures. Each is of the same regions but show in each version. Just click a globe to see it in a larger resolution.
As can be seen there is a great deal of variation between the two textures. All the settings I use for the texture under Celestia are included in the copyright and read me document in the zip file. If anyone finds better atmospheric settings for Terraformed Mars please post them so I can give them a try. I still haven't figured out how to get the dark ring from showing around the planets rim under the upper atmosphere. So if anyone knows how to adjust that also let me know.
There are a few known issues with the cloudmap so there is no need to include any errors you find there as its going to get a full rework. I created an all new Normalmap to go along with the changes to I recently made to the main texture. Also I have integrated the specmap into the texture, so you will not need to make any entries for the specmap in your .ssc files.
I am also asking that the texture not be ported over to any other format or application at this time. These are essentially beta textures and they are copyrighted and not really ready for a major wide scale release. There is a copyright read me document included with the textures package. I have to do this because of certain movie industry parties that think they can take and use anything they want and not pay for it. At least this way I am covering myself if they try and reverse the claim of creation.
OK, to get the download just click the picture of Mars below. I will be only leaving this up for one month. Remember I need feedback on this.
Thank you everyone for your patients over the years. It seemed like this day would never come and I know it has taken a long time to get here, but I think the end product is surely worth it. Comments as always are welcome.
Don. Edwards
P.S. Below is the old first post entry. I removed the old pictures as to cut down on load times for the thread. I chose to do it this way versus opening yet another thread on the subject. Just make any posts at the back of the thread, I promise I will see them and respond.
Hello Everyone,
Yes I started a new tread on this. The other one is thirteen pages long and had started to drift a bit and because I felt that what I have decided to do warrants a fresh start.
I started this project back in December of 2005. I posted the first picture of it in February 2006. It was always a back-burner project but it started to get moved to the forefront more often. The project also went through a reset cycle last year when I discovered I was in error about what the dynamics of the weather would be like on the planet. I was fairly quick to make adjustments to fix that problem. Well like any artist that lets a piece of work set long enough and comes back to it you start to see more errors than you did when you started out. I loaded the texture up last week after not even looking at it for almost 6 months. All I could see is something that had gone very wrong. The more I looked at it the more it looked to green. Fridger had made a comment way back that it didn’t look green enough. Well now I feel its way to green. Also I had heard from a few people that felt I had put the sea level just a bit too high. I had tried to lower the water level but unfortunately the way I had built the first texture negated me lowering the water level without having large areas of bare red land to try and fill in. I did try that but it was a total disaster. So I let things go as they were. But know as I looked at this now drowned Mars in my view I just wasn’t happy. Some of Mars’ most beautiful areas were submerged. The vast and beautiful outflow channels were all underwater. Some of the most spectacular river valleys were all gone as well.
So I decided to reset the whole project again earlier this week. This time back to day one and totally start for scratch. But because I have done all this before I was able to do in a week what had taken me months to do before. What I have created I feel, is a much more realistic view of what a Terraformed Mars would look like. By lowering the water level to what would be a more realistic level I have brought back all those missing river valleys. I have kept the vegetation mainly to the equatorial and northern regions leaving the southern highlands mostly untouched for those die hard REDS out there. And the biggest thing of all is from orbit you can say without a doubt that you are looking at Mars and not some other planet.
So things are moving again. The first Terraformed Mars texture can be considered a Version 1 or I like the term Mark I better. The second incarnation is Mark II and we are now on the final Mark III version of the texture. You know what they say. The third is always the charm. Now it is far from being finished. I am importing the snow, ice, and glacier layers from the Mark II texture and going to implement them in the Mark III texture. I have already done this in Photoshop but I haven’t had the chance to save and convert the texture into a .DDS file to load into Celestia as of yet.
But I did load an early Mark III test build into Celestia to see how it would look. I like what I see so far. Here are a few pictures.
The Atmospheric effects I have set in Celestia are giving the vegetation a greener look than what is in the master texture. Also the ice field on Tharsis is simply a temporary place holder for the real one and I am stil playing with the water levels. I am going to take them back up a touch. I want Ellisium to be an island again.
So in closing I think I have made the right choice in the changes made. As always and comments are welcome.
Don. Edwards