REMOVE: ijgjpeg.lib
Hope it helps! Have a nice day.

I think that you are supposed to have the correct winlib package to compile from the command line or GUI. I found that each method requires different packages. Check out this thread from sourceforge. Doing what you did may cause different issues. I'm not sure. The earth renders because it is a png file.Epimetheus wrote:I discovered that the celestia.mak file is currently linking to the ijgjpeg.lib library in the LINK32_FLAGS setting. You'll need to change the link from ijgjpeg.lib to libjpeg.lib at line ~146, and the link at line line ~336 to libjpegd.lib (debug) before you compile from the commandline. I had a lot of trouble building the app for the first time due to this issue. JPEG textures will not render, only the earth will have texture applied when using the ijgjpeg.lib library.
DT wrote:It looks like ijgjpeg.lib could be causing this kind of problem since most if not all Celestia's textures are *.jpg.
Firstly, thanks for your help guys.
Cartrite gets the gold medal though. It was indeed ijgjpeg.lib. Adding this file will result in Earth having textures but no other planet. I'll update the primer again.
Case closed.
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Yes. This is correct. I had this problem too a while back. But I think the ijgjpeg.lib file was updated in one of the winlibs packages and I can't remember which one it was. The winlib2 did give me the same problem compiling with the command line.The current celestia.mak file from SVN contains links to ijgjpeg.lib. I could not see jpeg textures using the lib.
chris wrote:The Windows build environment is still sort of a mess because we don't have one makefile that works with all compilers, and a certain stubborn Celestia developer won't upgrade his compilers to a modern version so that we can check in the Makefiles that work with VS 2005 and 2008.
t00fri wrote:chris wrote:The Windows build environment is still sort of a mess because we don't have one makefile that works with all compilers, and a certain stubborn Celestia developer won't upgrade his compilers to a modern version so that we can check in the Makefiles that work with VS 2005 and 2008.
No idea who that stubborn Celestia developer might be, but I am sure he does not depend on the Makefiles that work with VS2005 and 2008.So why don't you do what you would like to do?
Incidentally, what's so "modern" with VS2005 wrto the commercial If I correctly remember you switched, because one day you could not find your commercial anymore
t00fri wrote:What is quite remarkable is that on the SAME Desktop machine, the code compiled with VS.2003.Net is MUCH faster than the one compiled with gcc under Linux!
In both OS, I have tried the very best optimizations. The final result with my old FX 5900Ultra card and my single core, 3.2 GHz/3 GB RAM Desktop machine is
-- Linux-Kde: 27.7 fps
--Windows: 43.0 fps (!)
with the identical 64k VT textures of Earth and right after starting Celestia. With the identical texture setup, my Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz/2 GB RAM laptop produces 60 fps under Win 32
Under Windows I used multi-threading mode (also of my custom libpng) as much as possible.
So, that VS2003 code is not at all bad...
chris wrote:What version of g++ are you using? I think I've heard that recent versions generate much better x86 code. Certainly Apple must have a big interest in tuning g++ code generation now that all shipping Macs are Intel based.
chris wrote:The Windows build environment is still sort of a mess because we don't have one makefile that works with all compilers, and a certain stubborn Celestia developer won't upgrade his compilers to a modern version so that we can check in the Makefiles that work with VS 2005 and 2008.
I strongly recommend using the Visual C++ project file in SVN if you've got MS Visual Studio 2005. It's kept up to date and works without modification if you have the right libraries, specifically cspice.lib and from And, the IntelliSense feature of MS Visual Studio is really well done: it shows popup menus with function parameters and class members appropriate from whatever code you're working on.
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Select Configuration Properties > Manifest Tool > Input and Output > Embed Manifest = no
cartrite wrote:Yes. This is correct. I had this problem too a while back. But I think the ijgjpeg.lib file was updated in one of the winlibs packages and I can't remember which one it was. The winlib2 did give me the same problem compiling with the command line.The current celestia.mak file from SVN contains links to ijgjpeg.lib. I could not see jpeg textures using the lib.
I have about 5 different winlib folders, each one works with a different compiler and method (GUI or command line). I don't change celestia.mak.
The winlibs3 was an attempt by Chris to have a unified winlib package for all compilers but it doesn't work with the 2003 compiler. This is about all I can remember about this subject. It gave me quite a large headache and I had to purge my memory with a large number of shots of JD. That stands for Jack Daniels. Good ol rot gut whiskey.![]()
The race is about to start. Time for some more shots!!!!!!!!!![]()
Anyhow, if what you did works for you. Cool!!!!!
I don't have to change celestia.mak to have it work for me so............
I'm not really sure why that lib (ijgjpeg.lib) is present or what code is linking to it so Good Luck down the road.
Not sure about the png files list you posted.. Where did you come up with that list? The files are not in the SVN medres folder. They are in the lores folder.