According to: :
Stars Aa and Ab have a combined luminosity of over 34 times that of Sol's. They are separated on average by only 0.022 AUs (of a semi-major axis). Their highly eccentric orbit (e= 0.499) takes only 9.21 days to complete....Currently, the circumbinary orbit of an Earth-like planet (with liquid water) around Stars Aab may be centered just beyond 6.0 AU -- just outside the orbital distance of Jupiter in the Solar System.
I wonder what the sunrise would look like if an Earthlike planet with a moon actually did exist?
From left to right: 1. The A and M class stars of the BaBb binary appear as a single bright sun; 2. slightly higher in the sky is the moon; 3. The 2 suns of the AaAb system are clearly visible as 2 separate suns; 4. The distant CaCb flare stars appear as a single star at the far right: