How to use scripted orientation

All about writing scripts for Celestia in Lua and the .cel system
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How to use scripted orientation

Post #1by Pierral » 17.01.2008, 08:28

Hi all !

I'm a "new newbie" on celestia, and first of all, i'd like to congratulate you for all the work you're doing, it's a really great program !

I'm working on a project that consists in scripting a orientation and orbit of a sattelite from a file, generated by a simulator.
I started 2 weeks ago, with the Celestia 1.5.0pre5, because of the new features.
I'm a C++ developer, but i'd like to make the script with lua. I downloaded the script of pointing hubble here but i don't understand one thing. How the interface between a lua code/class and the celx script works ?
I put celx files in the file directory, ssc in data, 3ds in model, and celxx directory in the script one. When I launch the celx script, I think that it does not use the lua file in the celxx subdirectory. And I don't undestand how the celx script can use object in the lua file (in celxx subdirectory).
Can someone explain me how it works please ?

I'm searching for 1 weeks in all topics and I did not find an answer, that's why I post this tread.

Thanks all for your help.


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Post #2by Pierral » 17.01.2008, 09:51

Ok so i was just told about this url, at the end, the section "Customizing Celestia", where there is all explanation i need ! The documentation i'm searching for 3 days !!

I was sure there were a documentation... and now i know where it is !!


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Post #3by selden » 17.01.2008, 12:54


It's good to know it helps.

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Location: Cannes, FR

Post #4by Pierral » 17.01.2008, 13:01

Yes that's why I gave the link. For a newbie like me who just want to make script to custom orbits and attitude of a spacecraft, this documentation is very helpful ! Thanks for that !
(Even if i am also a newbie in understing all parameters of an orbit, but this is another problem :wink: , i'm learning)


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