As soon as I can I'll upload the binary file to my site. It is currently DOWN. or somewhere else?
cartrite wrote:It still needs data north of 60 degrees latitude and south of 60 degrees.
By this you mean that north and south of those lines, there will be no specularity at all? Is this different from the watermask on the BMNG server?
cartrite wrote:Within the landmasses north of 60 and south of 60 there is no specular data except for coastlines. There are oceans and coastlines from 60n to 90n and 60s to 90s.
BobHegwood wrote:Another stupid question from the Brain-Dead...
Are specular maps used with dry land masses? I know that they are
used to manipulate reflections on water and possibly ice, but do dry
land masses require some control of specularity also?
Thanks, Bob
Code: Select all
hspec[i] |= ~ (unsigned char) hwater[i];
hspec[i] |= (unsigned char) hwater[i];
PS: for people wanting to try this as well: cartrite's 84k swbd-watermap is INVERTED relative to the official BMNG watermap! So you got to recompile my 'specmap' tool in the F-TexTools package, with one trivial modification
danielj wrote:Pretty interesting!
But I don??t have the SLIGHTEST idea what SWBD stands for!Or even how to use it...
cartrite wrote:Hi Fridger,PS: for people wanting to try this as well: cartrite's 84k swbd-watermap is INVERTED relative to the official BMNG watermap! So you got to recompile my 'specmap' tool in the F-TexTools package, with one trivial modification
I'm going to have to try running one the way you did. With specmap tool. I started by running tx2rgba. I'm not sure what you mean by INVERTED though. I didn't have to do anything special to run tx2rgba. ????
I used the program png2bin for the final conversion to binary. The png map "looked" fine before I ran png2bin ??
t00fri wrote:Andrea, Please have a look at CM, there I will display truely spectacular shots with the new VT's. In about 15 minutes the post will be completed in CM.