How do i use bumpmaps?

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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How do i use bumpmaps?

Post #1by CheNiz » 21.12.2002, 22:18

I have some bumpmaps downloaded but i dont know how to use them. What should i write in solarsys.ssc? I couldnt find it anywhere. please help!



Post #2by mark02 » 21.12.2002, 23:37

Well, it's actually fairly simple. You just type in the name of your planet, and then the word "bump" directly succeeding your planet name. Afterwards, you type in the type of bumpmap image, where most, if not all, bumpmaps are .jpg images. This is all typed on one line, I believe just below the texture line determining the planet's texture, in the ssc file. Here's a hypothetical example:

"Gyshentray" "Rigel Kentaurus A"
Texture "Gyshentray.jpg"
Bumpmap "Gyshentraybump.jpg"
(other succeeding information...)

And that's all there pretty much is to it. I hope this helps a little :) .

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Post #3by CheNiz » 22.12.2002, 04:10

Thanks for the help. I got some bumpmaps working. But there is this bumpmap for Earth, which i downloaded from this link: ... thbump.jpg ,doesnt seem to be working. There is a preview of that bumpmap here ... thbump.jpg , but mine doesnt look this good. and even though i wrote the correct lines in solarsys.ssc, i cant get a 3d feeling from the look. it still looks flat. i dont know if i'm doing something wrong. And which value should i give to the BumpHeight for Earth?
Please write any advices.

John Van Vliet
Posts: 2947
Joined: 28.08.2002
With us: 22 years 5 months

flate image

Post #4by John Van Vliet » 24.12.2002, 05:21

using that image it will look flat . If you have the GIMP use it to increase the contrast a little bit

Also ajust the bump hight

BumpMap "EarthBump.png"
BumpHeight 9.5 #7 to 12 very bumpy#

Atmosphere {
Height 60
Lower [ 0.5 0.5 0.65 ]
Upper [ 0.3 0.3 0.6 ]
Sky [ 0.3 0.6 0.9 ]
CloudHeight 25
CloudSpeed 165
CloudMap ""

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