Cham wrote:Okay, okay, here it is, microphone included !
ElChristou wrote:Will you add the cd?
ElChristou wrote:One important point in this last doc is the axis of the articulation of the 2 arms... have you noticed?
Cham wrote:ElChristou wrote:Will you add the cd?
Yet, the CD is already represented as a simple "thick disk" (see my previous pics). I may change it, but I really like the way I made it (it looks cool).ElChristou wrote:One important point in this last doc is the axis of the articulation of the 2 arms... have you noticed?
Yes, I noticed it. It's not clear enough on that picture and I don't think it's really important. Since I'm very satisfied with the way I made it, that articulation wont change. Anyway, there's a rotation device on my model which let the arm to rotate to the "belt" position, so this isn't a problem. There is no "conflict" with the real thing.
Cham wrote:The green arrow shows the least well known part (the gray box). I didn't found enough good pictures of that piece (the three legs in the old model ?), so it's very approximate. Looks cool anyway. The shape of that box comes from some figures and diagrams I've found.
The red arrows shows the pieces I want to change. The "CD" cylinder is nice enough for my taste, but I may change it too, since it's an easy part. A CD without any protection on top of the probe doesn't make any sense to me. Why s it there, without protection ??
ElChristou wrote:Too bad you don't see the interest of an accurate model... (and I'm not talking about details)
Cham wrote:ElChristou wrote:Too bad you don't see the interest of an accurate model... (and I'm not talking about details)
ElChristou, the model IS accurate. But not to the same scale as you want, that's all. Even your models aren't accurate to some scale. All models are just approximations of the real things, with some compromises here and there. My model is WAY accurate enough to be shown in the classroom, or to do some presentation on space exploration.
Cham wrote:Who will really care about the arms mechanism, or this and that detail, as soon as we can understand what the probe is actually doing ?
ElChristou wrote:Any person really interested in this probe I guess...
Cham wrote:Well, as far as I know, I am interested in this probe, but not in the mechanism details...ElChristou wrote:Any person really interested in this probe I guess...
ElChristou wrote:Any person really interested in this probe I guess...
ElChristou wrote:By "really" I mean someone interested not only in a pretty picture...
Cham wrote:ElChristou wrote:By "really" I mean someone interested not only in a pretty picture...
Now, you are condescending, by implying that I'm only interested in pretty pictures.
Cham wrote:Do you think the old model is "accurate" ? Certainly not, it's a gross representation of the historical event. And yet, it's still a good model to show the historical event itself. Do you think the usual rendered models shown in many presentations on the web are accurate ? Of course not, but it's still better than our old model, to show some of the probe operations and instruments. Do you think my model is more accurate than any of them ? Yet, it can show more stuff than all the models found on the net. With my model, I can show the usefullness of "blades" and small "wings" under the probe to stabilize the descent, I can use it to show how engineers are putting some "useless" metallic blades, to balance the probe, I can use the model to show the two parachute boxes (and why there are two parachutes), the CD as a signature, the thermometer and pressure measuring devices, etc...
ElChristou wrote:Think about it; if something is wrong on a model which is supposed to be detailed/accurate (I merge the two terms because you seems to not get my point), in the present case the way arms are deployed, why trusting any others details?
So resuming, if nothing can be trust, only remain a pretty picture.
Cham wrote:...Now, you have me convinced to stop posting anything here, on any model I may be working on. You are so discouraging with your compulsory perfectionnism, that this is my last message ever about any models creation...
Cham wrote:I've found a physical argument against my own mechanism for the arms : Titan's atmosphere will produce a strong resistance and a mechanical torque on the arms, and may destroy the mechanism. So I don't have much choice, for the love of physics, I must change that part on the model !
ElChristou wrote:Just note that mine was also a physical argument, you couldn't pack the probe with your articulation!