Here is a
link to a page at my site that contains full res images of the above image and the second mosaic I created last night of the Proposed MSL Site in Melas Chasma. I'm planning to create a model with 128 points per degree of this area to use with the color portion of this mosaic.
EDIT: I ran into a problem which is going to delay my plans. The CCD IR10_1 is not working right on the HiRise camera. This means that every image sent down so far has ony one area out of 10 that has data for color images. There were supposed to be two but the near infra red filtered CCD is returning data that is either corrupted or too noisy to create aa quality image. I'm working on a way to fool the software into using the data from the BG12_1 CCD as the IR10_1. Hopefully I'll come up with something.
There are some color images at my site that are unprojected camera and a few projected to simple cylindrical.
Bottom line is it may take years before enough images were sent to earth to accumilate enough data to create mosaics, ( color or greyscale ). That is if the spaceship survives that long in it's hostile environment.
From orbit 4052-2045 it looks like the IR10_1 CCD is running a little better. Here are a couple of thumbs of CCD's RED4 and 5, BG12 and 13, and IR10 and 11. Other tiles are at my site.
The grey image with all RED CCD's can be seen here.
EDIT:The link above is a link to a different page which has been recently updated. It dose not contain the "Face on Mars" or files from orbits 002551_1700 and 004052_2045.
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