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"Kamp" "Gliese 699"
Texture "earth.*"
NightTexture "earthnight.*"
# SpecularTexture "earth-spec.*"
Color [ 0.85 0.85 1.0 ]
SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
SpecularPower 25.0
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.3
Mass 0.8
Radius 7160
# BumpMap "Earth-NorMap-16k.*"
# BumpHeight 4.5
Atmosphere {
Height 60
Lower [ 0.43 0.52 0.65 ]
Upper [ 0.26 0.47 0.84 ]
Sky [ 0.40 0.6 1.0 ]
CloudHeight 7
CloudSpeed 65
CloudMap "cloudvt.*"
EllipticalOrbit {
Period 0.0700
SemiMajorAxis 0.0700
Eccentricity 0.0013
Inclination 0.0002
RotationPeriod 383.71104
Albedo 0.30
My question; what will be the temperature and albedo of that planet if it has a primordeal atmosphere rich in sulfur gases (life present, but not aerobic), water content 1.267x that of Earth insolation 84.739 percent that of Earth's and mass 0.8x that of Earth, it is about 0.8x as massive and 10 byr old?
And the dominant life form is sulfur reducing bacteria.
Also, I used Earth's texture only bacause I cannot fing any good texture for this type of world, only Earth-like.Any good texture?
Any help is appreciated.