danielj wrote:IT WASN??T TO REDOWLOAD vtgen.bat.
Now it??s not working anymore...
Relax Daniel. I'll have it out in a few minutes..
edit: vtgen.bat is updated.
Download here:
danielj wrote:Some images are good.Others are strange.
http://img409.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... mapel0.jpg
http://img403.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... ngehi8.jpg
danielj wrote:The code in BMNG.ssc:
AltSurface "64K Blue Marble Next Generation" "Sol/Earth"
Texture "BMNG.ctx"
NormalMap "Earth Normal.ctx
SpecularTexture "BMNG_spec.ctx"
HazeColor [ 1 1 1 ]
HazeDensity 0.25
SpecularColor [ 0.5 0.5 0.55 ]
SpecularPower 20.0
I forgot the code(solarsys.ssc):
"Earth" "Sol"
Texture "BMNG.ctx"
NightTexture "earthnight.*"
danielj wrote:I am using Celestia the new normal map in Celestia 1.4.1.
This is clearly YOUR problem and is NOT related to my code or Anders' script. I guess you also found your mistake, meanwhile.danielj wrote:But about the images;it got dissapointing:
http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?imag ... lemyz6.jpg
danielj wrote:What computer do you have ,Fridger.The only thing I remember is that ou have 3 GB.This make a huge difference to work with very big textures.
danielj wrote:After 2h40,I finnaly get all the levels and ctx generated.
t00fri wrote:3) When using the NVIDIA command-line tools, one has to be very careful. DXt5nm format involves a mapping of the red OR the green nm channel to the alpha channel. There is some confusion going on here, however:
-- Chris originally mapped the green channel to alpha, at a time when the old nvdxt tool still used red->alpha mapping. Meanwhile, the new NVIDIA DXT tools also use green->alpha mapping. However, these tools have a different set of parameters and a different name (nvcompress!). Hence using the wrong dxt5nm convention in the dxt5nm compression will give bad results, of course.
Code: Select all
nvdxt -quality_highest -file *.ppm -nomipmap -dxt5nm
steffens wrote:What is the mapping currently used in CVS Celestia? I thought it was matching the old nvdxt tools, but I couldn't find a definitive message about this.t00fri wrote:3) When using the NVIDIA command-line tools, one has to be very careful. DXt5nm format involves a mapping of the red OR the green nm channel to the alpha channel. There is some confusion going on here, however:
-- Chris originally mapped the green channel to alpha, at a time when the old nvdxt tool still used red->alpha mapping. Meanwhile, the new NVIDIA DXT tools also use green->alpha mapping. However, these tools have a different set of parameters and a different name (nvcompress!). Hence using the wrong dxt5nm convention in the dxt5nm compression will give bad results, of course.
t00fri wrote:Here is the definite CVS message, concerning a very small change in shadermanager.cpp
-------------------------Revision 1.45--------Oct 21, 2006------
Chris: "Changed mapping of compressed normal map components to match convention: x -> alpha, y -> green"
so it's now r->alpha corresponding to the OLD NV commandline tools. This would be in conflict with the new, much better quality compression tool nvcompress. Since the latter is OpenSource, I always adapt my mapping to Chris' momentary code. I suppose Chris would want to return to his original g->alpha scheme, since also the quality becomes somewhat better (since green gets an extra bit of precision in the DXT5 compression = 5(r)6 (g)5 (b) )
Bye Fridger
t00fri wrote:danielj wrote:Another thing.Maybe the normal map matches the BMNG better than the Blue Marble DDS.What do you think?
The base texture MUST be 64k BMNG (VT's).
Bye Fridger
steffens wrote:
Now that we have this great normal map (thanks again to t00fri for his tools!), it's time to create a corresponding surface and spec texture. I can't wait to get my hands on txtools
Absolutelyt00fri wrote:Would you be interested to test my txtools?? It's all ready, waiting for the MAC part. But there won't be much of an instruction. There is also a much improved specmap generation...steffens wrote:...
I can't wait to get my hands on txtools
t00fri wrote:Of course, it is to be understood that the tools remain PRIVATE for the time being!
What OS do you use? Win32?