He claims that cel:url links embedded in MS Word documents no longer work in Windows Vista. Here is the text of his message:
Dear Mr Gregorio,
first of all my best compliments for the work you did with Celestia.
I introduce myself, my name is Jader Monari and I'm a researcher in a
Northern Cross Italian radiotelescope (http://www.ira.inaf.it)
In the last year we realize a Visitor Center for the school (http://www.ira
Celestia and the educational Activities are very attractive for teaching the
basis astronomy issues to the young people. So many thanks for this very important free-teaching tools.
Unfortunately the last month we upgrade the computer's SO with Microsoft
Vista and the links "cel:// ......." of educational activities don't work anymore. The version of Office is 2003.
Do you have any suggestion to fix this problem?
Regards and please let me know
Jader Monari
Can anyone help shed some light on this? Could this be true? Has anyone else experienced the problem? If so, that would be a major disaster. Any suggestions for fixing it would be most welcome.