venus 32k/64k

Tips for creating and manipulating planet textures for Celestia.
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Post #81by ANDREA » 24.12.2006, 16:40

Johaen wrote:
ANDREA wrote:Hello, I'm happy to inform that finally you can find in Motherlode my new 4K Venus textures, in dds (4 MB), jpg (5.8 MB) and png (12.3 MB). :wink:
Hi Andrea. I really like the quality of the new texture. Unfortunately it seems there's a small issue with it. There's a small black line when it's displayed on the planet.
Examining the texture, it seems that there's a small (1 pixel wide) line on the left side of the texture.

Sorry for this Johaen, I'll correct it. :oops:
Can you tell me if it's present in all the textures, or in one only?
If so, what one?
Thank you for the help. :wink:

Andrea :D
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Post #82by Johaen » 24.12.2006, 16:52

ANDREA wrote:Sorry for this Johaen, I'll correct it. :oops:
Can you tell me if it's present in all the textures, or in one only?
If so, what one?
Thank you for the help. :wink:

Andrea :D

My apologies. I should have mentioned this in my original post. I originally noticed it in the png texture, but looking into it further, it's actually in all 3 textures.
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Post #83by ANDREA » 24.12.2006, 18:24

Johaen wrote:
ANDREA wrote:Sorry for this Johaen, I'll correct it. :oops: Can you tell me if it's present in all the textures, or in one only? If so, what one? Thank you for the help. :wink:
Andrea :D
My apologies. I should have mentioned this in my original post. I originally noticed it in the png texture, but looking into it further, it's actually in all 3 textures.

Don't worry, I already checked, noted and corrected all three files.
I'm going just now to upload them to MotherLode, and I'll inform in this post when they will be available. :wink:
Merry Xmas!

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
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Post #84by John Van Vliet » 25.12.2006, 05:26

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Post #85by Malenfant » 28.12.2006, 22:54

For some reason I find myself able to post here again. All I am going to say before departing these boards forever is that this Venus texture that you're all so enamoured with (and which appears to have Fridger's approval) is completely, uttterly wrong. It is as unrealistic as any of the former orange-tinted textures.

Just changing it to greyscale does not make it remotely realistic. The point you seem to be missing is that the texture is derived from radar imagery. That means that dark locations are either smooth-textured or radar-absorbent, and that bright locations are rough-textured or radar-reflective. All you've got here is a greyscale radar image.

As I said before: the surface of Venus is made largely of grey/black/brown basalt and other volcanic material - the radar-bright regions are likely to be the same sort of colour (perhaps tinted by a grey metallic frost that could be responsible on the highlands for some of the radar-brightness). They are NOT going to be white in colour as shown on your supposedly "now-realistic" texture here. Again, any real differences in actual surface colour between most of the radar-bright and radar-dark terrain is not shown in the radar textures - all that shows is the variation in surface roughness... the surface is still the same basalt or volcanic material either way.

So for all the arguments and surliness and stubbornness from Fridger here about insisting on realism and scientific references and so on (and all the trouble that caused), I find it very ironic that what you all (including Fridger) end up approving of is a texture that is at best as unrealistic as what came before, and certainly isn't realistic at all. So all of this argument about the realism of the surface colour was evidently a completely pointless waste of time for everyone involved.

Again, I want to emphasise that Fridger's ignorance of the subject is quite clear here:

t00fri wrote:GREAT! Indeed I now remember your work. It's virtually perfect in color.

Fridger is completely wrong here - it is NOT even remotely "perfect in colour". If Fridger had any understanding at all about how SAR imagery worked, he would not have said it was. Andrea's texture does not remotely match the visual appearance of Venus' surface at all since the "whiteness and blackness" of all the bright and dark areas are determined solely by radar reflectivity, not by visual colour. So for all his much-vaunted "scientific knowledge" Fridger is quite clearly completely unqualified to make determinations about what is or isn't realistic for planetary surface textures, and once again I am completely vindicated in declaring that I know a lot more about planetary surfaces than Fridger does (despite his implication that he alone is any authority on the science here).

At the very least I expect an apology from Fridger over this as well as a retraction of his inaccurate and incorrect statements about surface colour. But I know they will not be forthcoming. And unless the environment here becomes less hostile toward me I will not be contributing any further to any discussions about planetary realism, so I guess this community will have to find someone else qualified (and Fridger has demonstrated here that he is not) to discuss this topic.
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Post #86by t00fri » 28.12.2006, 23:10

Since one never can be sure whether you actually read what other people wrote before going on with your familiar "original sound", I quote the image below. It seems to be the best available info from the Venus surface. It is NOT radar based and the color gauges look perfectly natural in color. ... c&start=63

It is on the basis of this image that one may conclude with some admitted amount of boldness that after subtraction of the orange diffuse sky illumination, the ground color is rocky gray.

Every active participant in this thread knows about the tricky interpretation of radar images and their crucial differences wrto visual light imaging. So we don't need your wisdom here.

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Post #87by Malenfant » 28.12.2006, 23:28

t00fri wrote:Every active participant in this thread knows about the tricky interpretation of radar images and their crucial differences wrto visual light imaging. So we don't need your wisdom here.

Apparently you do need it. The link you pointed to has no bearing whatsoever on Andrea's texture that you so gleefully and explicitly approved of, because all Andrea has done is manipulated the colour of a radar image to match that of a true colour image.

You apparently do not understand that his texture is basically a greyscaled radar image, and as such that colour (ie greyscale brightness) on this texture is not remotely related to its true colour in visual light. Therefore it is not "perfect" at all, unless used as an indicator for radar reflectivity... which was not the point of this argument at all - the point was to get a texture of Venus that is realistic in visible light, and this texture does not do that at all. It isn't even close, in fact. The terrain in Aphrodite Terra is not white in visible light as shown in the texture - it's just radar-bright. It can still be dull grey in visible colour and yet be radar bright (ie white in the texture) because of surface roughness (or a sheen of reflective metallic frost if at high altitudes).

So I really don't know how you have the gall to argue with me and put me down for five pages about how little I know and how "unscientific" I am, when you then cheerfully go on to explicitly accept and approve of a texture that is quite obviously NOT realistic in real colour at all. You've amply demonstrated your ignorance of the subject here.

Again, Fridger - you are wrong. You are not and have never been qualified in the field of planetary science and you have had no experience working with Venus SAR images, so your "authoritative opinion" on this subject matter is completely baseless.

I expect a retraction and an apology from you, Fridger. Though you undoubtedly have demonstrated time and again that you lack the sense of personal honour and humility to be capable of admitting that you are wrong about anything...

It is on the basis of this image that one may conclude with some admitted amount of boldness that after subtraction of the orange diffuse sky illumination, the ground color is rocky gray.

We already knew that it was "rocky gray"!. I pointed that out much earlier on in the thread, while you were busy throwing insults at and deriding the excellent work that Don Mitchell did. Basaltic material on Venus is going to be the same colour as basalts on earth and on Mercury and anywhere else in the universe - you don't need a picture to prove that to be the case.

I had said that the ground colour of Venus is going to be grey/black because it was made mostly of basaltic material because of geochemical analyses done by the landers - this has been known for decades. I said this because I actually know something about this subject, having done a geology degree and having worked on Venus during my PhD. Your "triumphant proclamation" that Venus' surface colour is 'rocky gray' is just reiterating what I said earlier, and really proved nothing new at all. But apparently you were just interested in was putting me down and making out that you were the only person in this community who could make authoritative statements about Venus or any aspect of science at all.
Last edited by Malenfant on 29.12.2006, 00:10, edited 1 time in total.
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Post #88by chris » 29.12.2006, 00:08

Malenfant wrote:
t00fri wrote:Every active participant in this thread knows about the tricky interpretation of radar images and their crucial differences wrto visual light imaging. So we don't need your wisdom here.

Apparently you do need it. The link you pointed to has no bearing whatsoever on Andrea's texture that you so gleefully and explicitly approved of, because all Andrea has done is manipulated the colour of a radar image to match that of a true colour image.

OK, that's it.

I agree that we shouldn't pretend that the synthetic aperture radar map is a visible light map. But you could have just said that without going on yet another tirade. I can't help feeling that your intent is less to inform than to continue this tiresome string of attacks.


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Post #89by Malenfant » 29.12.2006, 00:21

My intent all along has been to inform. However, your pet "scientist" here keeps slipping his leash and making baseless, uninformed statements about the subject.

I think I have every right to be exasperated at the way this thread has gone and about how I have been treated here. I pointed out an image and then Fridger got on his pedestal and starting insulting the person behind it without any justification (which you tacitly approved of), and then does his usual put-downs of me (which you also approved of) and then evidently demanded that I be banned from the forums because I kept showing that he was wrong (and you and Selden decided to do what he said rather than what was actually right and fair).

This isn't about insults or attacks or anything like that - it's about Fridger pretending to be a persecuted victim when he's not. He's spent this entire thread trying to prove me wrong all the time and trying to make out that only he is qualified to say anything about the subject when in fact I've been completely correct in all my statements here and he's been misguided if not completely wrong. And he still will not admit that is the case and that he is wrong - not only that, but in his ignorance he actually explicitly said that he approved of a texture that was wholly and completely unrealistic, which shows how hypocritical he is when makes all of his tirades about realism.

I've pointed out how he's wrong. Either you can start actually listening to what someone who knows about the subject (i.e. me) says for once, or you can continue to pretend that Fridger knows everything and carry on creating incorrect, flawed textures for Celestia as a result. It's up to you. But since you're clearly siding with Fridger again it seems pointless for me to try to be a useful source of information here again.
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Post #90by Varian » 29.12.2006, 00:35

Mal here.

I just wanted to thank Chris for banning me (again) just for pointing out that Fridger was wrong. This shows how spineless he is, how openly biased he is, and how much control Fridger has over these boards. Evidently criticising or disagreeing with Fridger (particularly when he's actually wrong) is now a bannable offence. This sets a very dangerous precedent. If this is the way this board is going then people need to speak up to defend fair values here and rules that are applied equally to everyone. If anyone else is out there who has some sense of fairness or integrity then I would urge you to complain loudly to Chris and to Selden about this until they change things.

Fridger is and has always been the problem on this board, not me. But since the admins are so clearly biased in his favour and let him get away with everything here, there is no way that anyone else can expect fair treatment as long as this bias continues.

I'm out of here anyway. I'm quite sure this post will be deleted because the admins don't want to hear any public criticism of their actions, but to hell with this, and to hell with this community.

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Post #91by chris » 29.12.2006, 00:51

Malenfant wrote:I've pointed out how he's wrong. Either you can start actually listening to what someone who knows about the subject (i.e. me) says for once, or you can continue to pretend that Fridger knows everything and carry on creating incorrect, flawed textures for Celestia as a result. It's up to you. But since you're clearly siding with Fridger again it seems pointless for me to try to be a useful source of information here again.

I'm not siding with anyone here . . . I know full well how the Magellan radar map of Venus was made and have understood for a long time that it doesn't represent how Venus would look to a human observer if it was stripped of it's cloud layer. It's appropriate for you to step in and point that out as well, but the accompanying barrage of personal attacks are definitely *not* wanted here. So, it's off to ban-land . . .

Also, I don't think it's right to call the Venus map an "incorrect, flawed texture." Even though it's not a visible light map, it does show the forms of significant geological features that we would be able to see. It would be a lot of data to lose in the name of completely consistency . . . You could make a case for completely omitting an albedo map for Venus and using just a normal map derived from the Magellan radar altimetry data--perhaps we should do this and also include the SAR map as an alternate texture.


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Post #92by John Van Vliet » 29.12.2006, 06:30

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Post #93by fsgregs » 04.01.2007, 03:15


Don't worry, I already checked, noted and corrected all three files.
I'm going just now to upload them to MotherLode, and I'll inform in this post when they will be available. Wink
Merry Xmas!


I downloaded the add-on textures today (January 3) from Motherlode, and they still have the black lines bisecting the texture. Have you been able to get the corrected copies uploaded and active on Motherlode?


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Post #94by ANDREA » 04.01.2007, 08:02

fsgregs wrote:Andrea:
Don't worry, I already checked, noted and corrected all three files
and I'll inform in this post when they will be available. Wink Andrea

I downloaded the add-on textures today (January 3) from Motherlode, and they still have the black lines bisecting the texture. Have you been able to get the corrected copies uploaded and active on Motherlode?


Hello Frank, yes, I uploaded all of them on Dec 24 or 25, but they are not yet available. :cry:
As I wrote, I'll inform in this thread when they will be available, sorry.
Bye soon, and Happy New Year.

Andrea :D
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Post #95by ANDREA » 28.01.2007, 18:01

fsgregs wrote:Andrea:
Don't worry, I already checked, noted and corrected all three files
and I'll inform in this post when they will be available. Wink Andrea
I downloaded the add-on textures today (January 3) from Motherlode, and they still have the black lines bisecting the texture. Have you been able to get the corrected copies uploaded and active on Motherlode?

Hello Frank, happy to inform that from yesterday the dds, jpg and png 4k Venus files are available.

Andrea :)
"Something is always better than nothing!"
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Post #96by fsgregs » 01.02.2007, 01:04


Thanks from all of us :D


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Post #97by ANDREA » 01.02.2007, 01:10

fsgregs wrote:Andrea: Thanks from all of us :D Frank

You are welcome!

Andrea :D
"Something is always better than nothing!"
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