I kave tried tu kopy saturns rings and use a diffirent textur but thay turn wight

If anyone kan do this pleas post it!
The shadowed side of the rings is rendered the same as the unshadowed side.selden wrote:Actually, I have to think it needs to be considered a "bug" -- or at least a limitiation in the way rings are currently implemented.
To clarify for Chris:
The brightness of the shadowed sides of Saturn's rings varies with one's viewpoint, but, as best I can tell, not in any physical way. The brightness of the ring surface which is turned away from the sun seems to depend on what fraction of the lighted face of te planet is visible from the observer's viewpoint. I don't think this is right.
With a programmable pixel pipeline, it's actually shouldn't be too bad . . . I think I could use a more sophisticated model without noticeably impacting performance. It's mostly just a bunch of dot products . . .On the other hand, doing it "correctly" is going to be rather difficult, i suspect.
But a Google searh did turn up one person's description of what has to be done. See http://www.mmedia.is/~bjj/data/saturn/rings.html