Sorry guys, all this is interesting, but....
I don't understand why there is this continue tendency in drifting the subject of the threads that wastes time and adds noise.
This is: ...\Forums\Developer talk\CVS bugs (stars, atmospheres, ...)
If something interesting related to the thread pops-up but is definitely OT, the discussion <b>HAS</b> to continue in another thread. Its a basic rule ! Please post a short initial message with a link to another thread and continue the discussion there.
Chris in another thread has already requested to follow this rule and Selden has already split the compressed normalmaps topic.
I don't want to sound harsh or be offensive against someone but don't go OT, if not we will fall again in the problems discussed some time ago related to the other forums.
Selden if you think that should be useful please post a sticky and then delete this message.
Thank you all.
Kind regards