Babylon 5 Ships

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Post #21by Psykotik » 07.05.2004, 14:38

bcelestia wrote:Changing the directory name to get one of the addons to appear does have a certain justification from my own experience. Celestia obviously reads addons in a particular order and then tries to create the addon. If the addon is dependent on another addon then I assume Celestia would have to have created the Master addon first before it will create the dependent.

The weird thing, is that I've created a directory with the same name, at the same place.

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Post #22by bcelestia » 10.05.2004, 14:19

I had a look at the Console output with respect to my Ganymede addon and my conclusion is that Celestia processes addon Folders in Alphabetical order. It throws up errors if Dependent addons occur (Alphebetically) prior to the Master which they depend on.

This does'nt explain why the station addon misbehaves on some machines however??

The Ganymede Research Base addon is now available for download from my site. The Textures are not that great (as admitted by the original Author). If anyone wants to have a crack at producing improved textures for the base I can update the addon with same.
B. Lambe

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Post #23by Jeam Tag » 10.05.2004, 17:26

bcelestia wrote:The Ganymede Research Base addon is now available for download from my site. The Textures are not that great (as admitted by the original Author). If anyone wants to have a crack at producing improved textures for the base I can update the addon with same.

Brendan, you're killing me: I've just improved the B5 pages for your 46packs and you are adding 2 new ones! Terrific :lol: Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #24by bcelestia » 17.05.2004, 12:57

I've added 4 new ships today - 3 Minbari & 1 First Ones
B. Lambe

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Post #25by bcelestia » 09.06.2004, 10:02

I've added 8 new ships - 2 today.
B. Lambe



Post #26by Dan2310 » 12.06.2004, 07:55

Thanks for a great work!!!

I like them all :wink:

Just need more time too be whit the ships



Post #27by Dan2310 » 18.06.2004, 08:35

Look on this link:

It be great to fly those ships in Orbiter!!!


Keep up the work, it great!!!

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Post #28by bcelestia » 18.06.2004, 10:22

Hi Dan 2310,

Thanks for the Link

The station looks pretty good in Orbiter.

I have'nt used Orbiter myself. I might have a look at it soon though if I get time. There is still a fairly big bunch of B5 ships left to convert for Celestia and what time I have goes on doing them.
B. Lambe

Jeam Tag M
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Post #29by Jeam Tag » 15.08.2004, 08:55

Hi BCelestia,
Just a little question: seems to me that in your #83 pack 'Uranus+Omega X-Class Destroyer' Uranus is missing, so crafts linked to the planet do not appear in Celestia :-( Jeam
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #30by bcelestia » 16.08.2004, 13:09

Hi Jeam,

You're correct - I'll upload a new version of #83 tomorrow and post a notice here.

Thanks for the noticfication
B. Lambe

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Post #31by bcelestia » 17.08.2004, 13:11

I've added a Fix download for the #83 addon & also corrected the #83 addon to include the fix.

B. Lambe

Jeam Tag M
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Post #32by Jeam Tag » 17.08.2004, 16:26

bcelestia wrote:I've added a Fix download for the #83 addon & also corrected the #83 addon to include the fix.
Hello Brendan, great, but I've 2 problems:
1/It is maybe my install, but for some of the recent addons, Celestia did not dispach the linked models: for this instance, wessels referenced around 'Uranus' did not appear??? I've the same pb, now (I haven't that bug when i've install and see the first ones, many months ago) with some modls depending on another: some of mods around Centauri Station, for example: certain appear, but other did not. Is it someone have encountered a similar problem? Can't see difference in the .ssc files between those that are drawned and other are not ..curious.
2/ Sorry Brendan, but it seems that the #89pack is similar to the #88 in dowloading link, so can't dwd this particular Starfury :-(
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

Jeam Tag M
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Post #33by Jeam Tag » 17.08.2004, 16:32

Jeam Tag wrote:2/ Sorry Brendan, but it seems that the #89pack is similar to the #88 in dowloading link, so can't dwd this particular Starfury :-( Jeam
Yes, I know, I am irritating, but as I like very much this addon collection, I want to see it functioning as well as possible!Cheers, Jeam.
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

Jeam Tag M
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Post #34by Jeam Tag » 17.08.2004, 17:00

Hrmmm All this because I've updated the B5 pages (we are on page 8, now) on my cat, and I don't want to provide to much errors in the links :-) So, just another detail: i've do not find the credits for the Narn Gorith Interceptor (pack #78 ).
So, as i shooted some of your models for my cat', I'll send some picts for the Celestia Motherlode too, ok? Don't remenber to add your addons on this server too, Brendan, with a little description! Jeam
Last edited by Jeam Tag on 18.08.2004, 17:31, edited 1 time in total.
Catalogue des ajouts /Catalog for the Add-Ons in French

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Post #35by bcelestia » 18.08.2004, 13:29

Oops, I've fixed the #89 link.
I'll fix the missing Narn Credit note tomorrow

Sorry to hear you're having problems with some of the ships not-appearing. I can only suggest that you rename the folders of these ships so that the 1st letter of the folder name is greater alphabetically than the ship it is orbiting.

I'll probably upload the models to the Motherlode site some time in the future in zip form as I'll run out of space soon enough with the remaining ships.
B. Lambe

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Post #36by maxim » 18.08.2004, 15:05

Had a problem with a nebula that didn't show up, but a font set instead. It seems that the texture file is hardcoded inside the model - including the complete path 'C:\Programs\... ' - so no chance for a different location here.


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Post #37by unclefungus » 04.09.2006, 06:30

Try opening the scc file with either adobe or wordpad and changing the line"Eps Eri / Uranus....." to Sol / Uranus...." For the X-class warship ,Earth Force one ,and their respective starfury escorts,then,Voila.

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