I've finished converting my Mercury textures into DDS format and made them available for download:
http://www.skullcave.com/celestia/mercury-dds.zip The zip file contains 2k, 4k & 8k resolution texture maps for the planet Mercury and is a 17MB download. If anyone knows how to create a bumpmap from a texture map, please let me know.
i downloaded it, it looks okay, but it's a bit too grey for me. I'd like some color. Even if it were the color of a scorched planet, but plain grey is a bit too dull. I'm not visiting it very often.
For modem users you can better separate(is this correct english?) the package, so that it is possible to download the individual files, so that ppl who intend to use the 2k version because they have a crappy videocard dont have to download 17mb.
hey Ortolan!
usuing your texture, I was able to create a bump map.
I have two, one a 2k image(jpg) and another at 4k(dds)
For some reason the 4k dds doesnt work; guess you can't have two dds files overlapping.... anyway, im sending the jpg to bruckner at his site, and if any and all who wish write me and i'll send it through email
WARNING! it is 1.3 mg, so check if your email client will support that large a transfer.
"Which way do we go?" "Bear left." "Right Frog." ~ The Muppet Movie