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Hrm (in French, sorry) Cela ne semble fonctionner que pour les capitales ou les grandes villes hors du champs Anglo-saxon : ce n'est pas tr??s pratique. Une solution ? la GE serait plus viable, lorsqu'une concentration de personne dans une m??me r?©gion risque de rendre la carte illisible. AMHA(IMHO) JeamElChristou wrote:Hey, funny, I'm in...
Crude ISS is a part of Celestia package, isn't it??. Nice locations. There's an ISS following in GE, IIRC, but I don't know if we can link a private location with it. So, a Celestian location would be a better system for numberous Extra-Terrestrial Celestians, of courseChuft-Captain wrote:EDIT: Don't bother if you haven't got the ISS.
Jeam Tag wrote:Crude ISS is a part of Celestia package, isn't it??. Nice locations. There's an ISS following in GE, IIRC, but I don't know if we can link a private location with it. So, a Celestian location would be a better system for numberous Extra-Terrestrial Celestians, of courseChuft-Captain wrote:EDIT: Don't bother if you haven't got the ISS.
Jeam Tag wrote:Hrm (in French, sorry) Cela ne semble fonctionner que pour les capitales ou les grandes villes hors du champs Anglo-saxon : ce n'est pas tr??s pratique. Une solution ? la GE serait plus viable, lorsqu'une concentration de personne dans une m??me r?©gion risque de rendre la carte illisible. AMHA(IMHO) JeamElChristou wrote:Hey, funny, I'm in...
No problem...Hrm (in French, sorry) Cela ne semble fonctionner que pour les capitales ou les grandes villes hors du champs Anglo-saxon : ce n'est pas tr??s pratique. Une solution ? la GE serait plus viable, lorsqu'une concentration de personne dans une m??me r?©gion risque de rendre la carte illisible wrote:The GE problem is that it is not accessible to all the Mad world (for example under osX it is for minimum 1.4.0)
Oops, sorry. Je ne me souvenais plus que ce foutu Google est surtout affili?© windows. Mais vu son projet grand public avec Google Earth, cela devrait s'?©tendre compl??tement aux autres plateformes, non??? Jeam, perplexe.ElChristou wrote:Le probl??me de GE est qu'il n'est pas accessible ? tous le monde(par exemple sous osX c'est pour minimum 1.4.0)
That seems to function only for the capitals or the large cities out of the fields Anglo-Saxon: it is not very practical. A solution with GE would be more viable, when a concentration of anybody in the same area is likely to make the chart illegible
Hello, be careful of Babelfish, you don't find your proper words if you translate twice, in any languageChuft-Captain wrote:[Excusez mon ignorance mais que fait le moyen de la GE IIRC ?
Hello Andrea, don't you provide, sometimes ago a Google Earth location? Or just a GE pic, I don't remenber. But in this case, you can provide a GE or, more interesting, a Celestia location.ANDREA wrote:Nice, this will allow a better understanding of Celestia users distribution.
Jeam Tag wrote:Hello Andrea, don't you provide, sometimes ago a Google Earth location? Or just a GE pic, I don't remenber. But in this case, you can provide a GE or, more interesting, a Celestia location.ANDREA wrote:Nice, this will allow a better understanding of Celestia users distribution.
We can try to edit a Celestian community.kml (GE) or aCelestians_loc.ssc (Celestia)![]()
Yeah, I'm aware of Babelfish limitations (can be quite funny sometimes), however.... my french is worse than Babelfish's !!!Jeam Tag wrote:Hello, be careful of Babelfish, you don't find your proper words if you translate twice, in any languageThis is because, when my poor english speaking can't help me, I write in French
Name congestion would also be an issue for Celestia, if everyone in Paris for example gave the same Lat/Long without refining it down to the nearest arcsec. (And you'd probably have to zoom in very close on congested locations to resolve individual names).Jeam Tag wrote:So: What I try to explain with the Google Earth example, is that you can provide a more exact location, with some search, zooming in -for the better covered cities, even onto your bloc, house, etc. (and this is usefull for guys -like me- who don't know how to edit there own lat/long references, to create a Celestia location: GE provides a good approx.
I speaking about this stuff, because of the other mapping systems like frappr seem to me very, very limited: I've added my tag (curious word!) on Paris, because i can't register my real location. No references out of English areas, Just capitals. And even on English areas, what about of this stuff if 2.001 Celestians tag on London or Seattle, etc.
Jeam Tag wrote:We can try to edit a Celestian community.kml (GE) or aCelestians_loc.ssc (Celestia)
With the Help of Google Earth, I can provide a location, like your 2 IIS 'nauts ones.Chuft-Captain wrote:I would consider editing and/or hosting a Celestians_loc.ssc on my website which would mean "quys who don't know how to edit there own lat/long references, to create a Celestia location" could just provide the lat/long and then the SSC would be updated periodically for download.
Code: Select all
Location "Jeam Tag" "Sol/Earth"
LongLat [2.303500548989796 48.65804996823399 0]
Importance 100.00
Type "Other"
Translators are absolutely funny robots, if we can spare time to play with... Babel* is curious: for my first messages on thes forums, It help me, a little, to correct some words, but it seems to me that this years, his many changes are awful: a single sentence is absolutely misunderstanded(!Chuft-Captain wrote:Yeah, I'm aware of Babelfish limitations (can be quite funny sometimes), however.... my french is worse than Babelfish's !!!![]()