given that the Cyclops imaging team has released hires
maps of various Saturnian moons in December 2005, I
spent quite some time today preparing a new 4k Tethys
texture from these maps, merging in, however, the
relevant textures from the Voyager missions! They fit
very accurately and fill complementary regions in the
cylindrical Tethys map! Notably, the Voryager input
improves the region around the huge crater Odysseus
considerably, as well as the northern part of the texture.
Here are some images to provide a flavor of where I stand:
Here is a 1k texture (scaled down from the 4k size) that
you may download and try out:
Note the improved Odysseus crater region and the vastly
smoothed transitions between the various texture patches.
The slightly yellowish coloration is computer-mapped as
usual from a /natural color/ image of Tethys.
Here are 2 views from the 4k textures from Celestia:
Bye Fridger